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Anrovia Antékopua (Ingerish, Anrovian Patois, Atenokuo) Capital: Anrovia City
Population: TBD (2020) Motto: Wi are one Anthem: Land of Many Beauties |
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Anrovia is an island chain that includes the Ingerish Tarephian colonies, many of their population are of either indigenous Tarephian or Central Archantan descent while a small percentage are of Ulethan descent.
The name Anrovia comes from the Atenokuo tribe meaning "land of many peoples".
Pre Colonial
Many predict that the first inhabitants came over from modern day Arbutânia, many of them began to discover other islands and forming their own tribes.
By the 7th century BC there was the Matawauguo empire taking over the coasts of many islands in modern day Anrovia, often trading slaves and crops to different civilizations, this empire fell by the year 100 due to internal conflicts, the empire broke up and many began to try and control the coasts.
Colonial Period
In 1460, Valonian explorers began to explore Matrantie, forming their own colony on the island. In 1491 the Castellanese explorer Marco Cruz arrived on Anrovia, there he met the Tamapa tribe who gave the explorers food and water, eventually when the explorers returned back they brought over hundreds of explorers to the islands. Many tribes retreated to the rainforest where many still reside today, as the Castellanese took the eastern coast (Coast of Saint Thomas & Cronshire as well as of St Elizabeth Parish. The Castellanese began to import slaves from Central Archanta, and as they needed more work they would venture into the rainforest to get more and more indigenous tribes to be enslaved, after 1560 there were more slaves than Castellanese on the island. The Ingerish conquered the Castellanese territory in Anrovia by 1657, renaming it to Ingerish Tarephia while Matrantie remained a Valonian colony. By 1700 slavery was abolished after many slaves were reported missing due to them escaping for the rainforest.
Global Labourer Program
In 1710, almost ten years after slavery was abolished, Ingerish Tarephia announced the Global Labourer Program.
Modern Day/Independence
In 1945, a group of people lead by Robert Ann Roe in Port Tideswell (Anrovia City) began protesting the segregation of black citizens. By 1957 the Ingerish were forced to give Anrovia their independence, soon Robert Ann Roe was elected the Prime Minister and many colonies in Ingerish Tarephia gained independence and joined. Saint Thomas & Cronshire in 1968, and Matrantie in 1970.
Football is the second most popular, and the national sport of Anrovia. With a very good national team managed by Enrique Juarez
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The biggest league in Anrovia is the Island Sip Premier League (Anrovian Premier League) hosting 20 teams in a season running from September-May.
The biggest sport in Anrovia, with a national team managed by Arthur Jean-Baptiste.