Bonisle and San Fernando
[[File:|150px|Flag of Bonisle and San Fernando]] | Bonisle and San Fernando Bonilla y San Fernando (Ingerish/Creole, Castellanese) Capital: Puerto Ristley
Population: TBD (2021) Motto: TBD Anthem: N/A |
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Bonisle and San Fernando (Castellanese: Bonilla y San Fernando), officially Bonisle, San Fernando and the Windies (Castellanese: Bonilla, San Fernando y las Ventosas) and colloquially Bonilla or Bonisle is an island territory of Castellan in the Sea of Uthyra, located roughly halfway between Vodeo and Bonavista. Bonisle and San Fernando is made up of two main islands and 25 other islands and cayes. The capital and most populated town is Ristley (or Port Ristley).
Bonisle and San Fernando was home to indigenous peoples for many centuries prior to discovery by Ulethans, possibly the Sandrins of coastal Vodeo settled the islands. Hellanesians may have been present in the islands too but its likely that this history has been confused with that of Bonavista. The Castellanese were the first to discover the islands and attempt a settlement but there was a large period of Ingerish rule and exchanges of the islands with the Castellanese until confirmed as part of Castellan in 1807. Self rule was achieved in the 1970s and in 2006 locals defeated a referendum to become independent.
The islands of Bonisle, San Fernando and Santa Ana are mountainous, the highest point is Parrot's Hill (833 m), the other islands are flat mostly sandy cays.
The etymology of Bonisle originated with Bonny Isle (Beautiful isle) in the Westfolkian ingerish dialect. San Fernando (also known as St. Ferdinand) was probably discovered or settled on 30th May, feast day of St. Ferdinand and got the name. The Windies were probably named because they are in low lying and not highly shelted part of the sea with a lot of wind. Santa Ana was originally Sankt Anna/Saint Ann, was discovered on
Bonisle and San Fernando
Bonisle and San Fernando was home to indigenous peoples for many centuries prior to discovery by Ulethans, possibly the Sandrins of coastal Vodeo settled the islands. Hellanesians may have been present in the islands too but its likely that this history has been confused with that of Bonavista. In 1489-90 the Castellanese explored much of eastern Tarephia and eventually founded a colony in Vodeo, they discovered the main islands of San Fernando and Bonilla in that time. After the Vodean colony failed 1505 they attempted in 1506 with 15 families settling in the area between Nuevo Willhed and Sally Side. The local indigenous quickly attacked the colony and it did not survive the first winter. A second attempt came in the summer of 1507 and the colonists managed one year until forced to abandoned. For the next century the island was still claimed by Castellan but not settled.
Bonny Isle Colony and Ingerish settlement
In 1616 the Ingerish took over the colonies of the Vodean coast and began looking to expand east to counter the Castellanese threat. In 1619 Alexander MacHale led 400 colonists from northern Ingrea to Bonilla, raising funds for a Wesfolkian colony. They landed near today's Coral Town and built the Bonny Isle settlement. The colony struggled to defend itself and suffered a lot. Eventually in early 1620 the territory was placed under the administration of Cambria Colony (Vodeo). San Fernando was settled in 1626 when two families were exiled for crimes. Hundreds more settlers arrived in Bonilla and San Fernando islands. Conflicts with the indigenous were brutal and between 1620 and 1626 most of them were killed and only a few survived and married with the settlers. Because of the distance and already an increasing population the islands were separated and made the separate Bonny Isle and St. Ferdinand colony. In 1628 the city of Port Ristley was founded and a wooden fortification was built in the hill overlooking the town.
An Ingerish-Castellanese war broke out in 1658, the Castellanese lost Bonavista and attempted to take Bonisle, they bombarded the town but eventually could not take the island.
Era of Piracy
During the Ingerish civil war the Castellanese took advantage to drive out the Ingerish from Bonisle in 1719, an invasion on San Fernando failed and it stayed with the Ingerish. They improved some of the defenses and began the work on the Gun Hill castle. In this period piracy was present in the Uthyran sea. Captain James Kelly became the most famous pirate, attacking mainly the Castellanese but also Ingerish ships too. He was captured by the Castellanese in 1726 and hanged. In 1733 an invasion force of 9 Ingerish ships of the line sailed from Saviso to invade Bonisle. There were only 3 defending ships and other small gun boats and the battle was an Ingerish victory. Afterwards the Gun Hill fort was enlarged and improved and newer cannons were placed in the 1740s. In 1756 a Castellanese invasion force tried to take over the island of Bonisle but a few ships sank in a storm off the coast and the invasion was called off.
Castellanese colony
The last major conflict took place in 1807 when a conflict over trade saw several Castellanese ships and crews captured. In retaliation the Castellanese launched a large invasion of Bonilla and San Fernando and took the two main islands. In early 1808 a treaty was signed ceding "Bonisle, San Fernando, The Windy Cays and her other islands".
In 1826 there was a slave revolt that was put down in Bonisle, around 40 people died but it led to further discussions on the status of slaves on the island. In 1840 laws were passed freeing slaves above 60 years of age, women and any newborns of slaves from that date on. In 1855 slavery was fully abolished in the colony.
The Castellanese built more defenses in the Ristley area. In 1854 the Castellanese ordered construction of the San Francisco castle, a polygonal fort that was much newer than the rest of the defenses in the colony. By the time it was completed in 1863 was slightly outdated and unnecessary as the threat of war with Ingrea was reduced.
Modern period
In 1924 self government was given to Bonisle and San Fernando in limited matters. The first president of the colonial government was Antonio Roque (1924-1929). In 1935 Juan "Johnny" Pringle became the first Bonillian-born president, leading from 1935-1939, 1942-1950 and 1951-52. Since Pringle all of the presidents were born in Bonisle or San Fernando apart from one. In 1951 the Bonisle airport was inaugurated as the first airport in the islands. In 1956 it became an overseas territory instead of a colony, a process of over five years between the colonial government and the Castellanese governments in discussions and negotiations. In 1959 the first governor born in the islands was appointed, Charles McHale King. The first President since the 1956 change in status was Joseph Mac Kenzie (1955-1959).
When oil deposits were found along the coast of Bonavista in 1965, the Bonillian government moved to invite oil companies to being explorations within the EEZ of the territory. The Castellanese navy also built a raised lighthouse structure in 1970, occupied non continuously to help cement ownership and use of the island. It was also used as a base for rescue operations for stranded vessels in the Uthyran sea, and for patrolling against criminal activity in the waters. An exclusion zone 1300 m on each side of the island was insituted.
Development in San Fernando grew in the 1960s as the main roads were paved by the end of the decade and the San Fernando airport opened in 1972.
In 2006 a proposal was submitted as a referendum whether Bonisle and San Fernando should be independent or remain as an overseas territory, 86% voted in favor of remaining as a territory.
Windies and Lonely Caye
Early history
The Windy Cayes were included within the Cambria Colony but by the later 17th century were slowly settled as "free towns" outside of the Ingerish control. By 1710 the Windies were placed under the Governor of Bonisle as the islands became home to piracy.
During the Ingerish Civil War piracy became prevalent in the Uthyran sea and Gorda Town was a haven for pirates in the area. Cayan pirate Charles Griffith (brother of James Griffith) was active out of Gorda Town after the death of his brother in 1723. Four pirates were found at Lonely Caye in 1721, supposedly they had been marrooned after a mutiny. In 1726 finally Ingerish fully assumed full control of the islands. A small salt industry and some plantations were started in this period.
Bonisle, San Fernando and the Windies were ceded to Castellan but Lonely Caye∈⊾ was forgotten in the treaty text, and some years after the Ingerish rediscovered and determined that the treaty words did not include Lonely Caye since it was not an island of the Windies and sent some impressed sailors to occupy the island in 1813.
By 1845 Lonely Cay (Cayo Solo) was being patrolled by the Castellanese navy but remained in dispute between Bonilla and San Fernando and Bonavista colonies. The Ingerish navy continued to sail in thew waters of Lonely Caye and built and occupied shacks with sailors between the 1810s and at least 1912. Especially after 1880s the Castellanese would send sailors to occupy the island and when no ingerish were present. There was no active fighting but occasionally the two powers' navies may have harassed each other in the waters around the island.
Modern era
In 1920 the Castellanese navy put a lighthouse on Lonely Caye and manned it with sailors permanently. In 1968 the lighthouse was damged in a storm and due to neglect. In 1973 a new lighthouse and building on a raised platform was built. The navy continued to send sailors there. In 1985 the light house was automated.
In April 1997 the Category 1 Tropical Cyclone Laura made landfall in the area of the Windies, high winds and some damage in Big Windy and more serious flooding in Little Windy. In 2009 Lonely Caye and its waters were designated Reserva Natural del Cayo Solo, due to the unique abundance of aquatic life, sea birds and other small land animals and plants. The lighthouse was turned over from navy to civilian scientific/marine research studies.
Santa Ana
Early history
Santa Ana (historically Sankt Anna or Saint Ann/Saint Anne) was discovered on 26 July 1494, the feast day of Saint Anne by Castellanese. They tried to land but abandoned their plan since the island was too mountainous and dangerous. In 1556 the Castellanese landed on the island and took three indigenous locals by force. They likely brought diseases there as well. In 1621 Saint Ann's was placed under Cambria colony. In 1631 Ingerish slave traders came and took 45 indigenous to the slave trade, two Ingerish and a dozen indigenous were killed in fighting. In the 1640s settlement was attempted in Saint Ann island, 40 settlers and slaves were moved but didn't survive one year, as the island wasn't very hospitable. Conflict also happened with the indigenous population, maybe 100-120 were left and many were killed in clonflicts. In 1663 the Kalmish attempted to colonize Saint Ann, settling for two years. By this period there were around 25 indigenous left, many became slaves and or/intermarried with the Kalmish. In 1665 the Ingerish sent a small force to the island and exiled the settlers and the remaining indigenous but didn't attempt to settle. Between the 1670s and early 1700s escaped slaves from Bonisle, San Fernando and even as far as Bonavista came to Saint Ann and formed a maroon colony.
During the Ingerish Civil War in 1719, the Kalmish returned and took over Saint Ann and renamed it Sankt Anna, it was named a neutral and free port open to all and flourished in trade during the civil war and piracy era as the Strand settlement was built. A fort was built above the cliffs of the Strand. In April 1723 the Ingerish sent four ships toward Sankt Anna to force it to close its ports or intimidate surrender but a storm damaged several ships before arriving.
In January 1725 Sankt Anna was invaded occupied by the Ingerish to stop it from harboring pirates. Rudolf Freiherr von Hoyer, the governor put up a brief defense but was no match to the invaders. Only one Ingerish ship was damaged and the fort was hit. Ingerish sailors caused looting and damage, by the summer Ingerish army soldiers replaced them and were more orderly. In late 1726 Sankt Anna was transferred back to Kalm with the agreement the authorities on the island had to prevent its use to the few remaining pirates.
By the mid 1720s, many people were settling in an area closer to the high middle of the island, as it was safer and more secure than the Strand settlement. In this period Sankt Anna became wealthy, selling imported goods, weapons and food to anyone willing to pay in cash. The Castellanese especially benefited and the Ingerish disliked the island's open trade with their enemy.
By the 1760s there was a thriving community in Sankt Anna, with Kalmish administrators, priests, military, some landowners and mainly slaves. As most of the slaves were brought to the island from other Ingerish speaking tarephian colonies and not directly from Central Archanta, this influenced the Ingerish language being the most common language with Kalmish for the elites.
In August 1766 the Ingerish invaded Sankt Anna for the second time to end its open commerce status. Commander Sir Thomas Brownie was made the military governor. In 1770 the islands returned to Kalmish control as the Kalmish threatened war over the island. Its unlikely if there would have actually been any fighting over the small island.
In 1807 there was a brief Ingerish-Castellanese war leading to invasion of Bonisle and San Fernando. The Castellanese made a preemptive invasion of Sankt Anna in May 1807 to stop the Ingerish from using it as a base. Four ships approached Strand bay and after four shots were fired from the St. Anna fort the governor surrendered as the situation was hopeless. Just over a year later Sankt Anna was ceded back to the Kalmish with a condition of a treatyy of neutrality and special trade benefits to the Castellanese.
Sankt Anna experienced three slave revolts, a brief one in 1836 and a more serious one that was put down harshly in 1845. In the 1860s there were many more issues over slavery, eventually on 1 January 1866 the slaves were emancipated.
After 1870 the economy of Sankt Anna struggled as some former slaves left the island, the climate led to crop shortages and the costs to run the island went up significantly.
1900s and 2000s
In 1905 agreement was made between Kalm and Castellan to sell the island to the Castellanese. On June 1 1906 the island switched possession for the last time and was renamed Santa Ana.
In Santa Ana the main roads were paved in 1973, electricity was added in 1974-1976 and a modern port was constructed from 1975-1979. The regional airline of GO Islas was established in 1978.
Bonisle and San Fernando consists of three mountainous islands and over 20 islets and cayes. The largest island, Bonisle is 243.34 km² (93.95 sq mi) in size and has a range for tall mountains and hills, Parrot Hill (833 m) is the highest. San Fernando is a long and narrow island with a range of hills down the middle. Donald Hill (301 m) is the highest on the island. Santa Ana is dominated by the large dormant Annaberg volcano (516m) and smaller Amaliaberg. The Windies and Lonely caye are small, low lying island. Big Windy has a large sheltered bight. Some of the smaller cayes can be around 500 m² (5400 sq. ft.). The inhabited islands and cayes are Bonisle, San Fernando, Big Windy, Little Windy, Santa Ana and Caney. There are also a few other cayes with private vacation homes. Bonisle, San Fernando and the Windies stretches about 145 km in length, but Lonely Caye is about 200 km north east of the northernmost caye in the Windies.
- Bonisle
- Ristley
- Nuevo Willhed: 77 inh.
- Greysides
- Santa Carolina
- Matilda
- San Nicolás Town
- Turkey Hill: 101 inh.
- Old Bay Town
- Maria Town
- Jonas Point
- Coral Town
- Caney: 153 inh.
- San Fernando
- San Fernando: 313 inh.
- El Rinconcito: 66 inh.
- Santa Bárbara: 103 inh.
- Admiral's Harbour: 61 inh.
- Curry Village: 20 inh.
- Windies
- Gorda Town: 189 inh.
- Bight Side: 80 inh
- North Village: 58 inh.
- Little Windy Caye: 50 inh.
- Santa Ana
- Geography
Government and politics
Bonisle and San Fernando is an overseas territory of Castellán. The monarch of Castellan is the head of state and there is a president who is the head of government. A governor represent the monarch on the islands. Because of their staus Bonisle and San Fernando are not part of the Association of South Ulethan Nations (ASUN) or Southern Uletha Economic Cooperation Council (SUECC) but there are certain treaties and agreements. Foreign affairs and defense of the territory are managed by Castellan but other government affairs are the responsibility of the Bonillian government.
The Parliament of Bonisle and San Fernando (Parlamento de Bonilla y San Fernando) is the unicameral legislature of the territory. 14 people are elected to the parliament, 6 from Bonisle, 4 from San Fernando and 2 from the Windies and Santa Ana. The political parties of Bonisle and San Fernando include Bonillian First (center-right), Social BSF (center-left), Labourist Party (left) and BSF Unite (center-right).
Margarita Ferguson is the current governor and Toney Brooks García is the current president (elected 2017 and 2021). President Brooks is a member of the Bonillian First party.
IMG | ||
The King |
Mrs. Margarita Ferguson |
Presidents of Bonisle and San Fernando
No. | Name | Term in office | Party |
1 | Antonio Roque | 1924-1929 | TBD |
2 | Celestino Gallardo | 1929-1935 | TBD |
3 | Juan Pringle | 1935-1939 | TBD |
4 | Joseph Freeland | 1939-1942 | TBD |
3 (2) | Juan Pringle | 1942-1950 | TBD |
4 (2) | Joseph Freeland | 1950-1951 | TBD |
3 (3) | Juan Pringle | 1951-1952 | TBD |
4 (3) | Joseph Freeland | 1952-1955 | TBD |
5 | Joseph Mac Kenzie | 1955-1959 | TBD |
6 | Juan Lyons Purcell | 1959-1972 | TBD |
7 | Melford Haines Carreras | 1972-1980 | TBD |
8 | Alberto McHale Cooper | 1980-1984 | TBD |
7 (2) | Melford Haines Carreras | 1984-1985 | TBD |
9 | Carlos Brooks Freeland | 1985-1993 | TBD |
10 | Jimmy Ferguson | 1993-1997 | TBD |
11 | Dorothea Bermúdez Haynes | 1997-2009 | TBD |
10 (2) | Jimmy Ferguson | 2009-2013 | TBD |
12 | Rowland Carreras King | 2013-2017 | TBD |
13 | Toney Brooks García | 2017-Present | TBD |
The economy of Bonisle and San Fernando is centered around tourism, agriculture and aquaculture and through finances and investment. Traditionally crops like fruit, sugar cane, cacao and seafood like fish, crab have been the main exports. Salt is also a small industry in Big Windy, the northern half of Sonny Bight is full of salt ponds. Starting in the 20th century tourism was developed in the islands as a more affordable alternative to traditional resort locations like Arecales and others.
BSF is not particularly known for banking and is not usually considered an offshore financial centre but is often believed to be a tax haven due to lack of business taxation and low personal taxation. The territory is outside of the ASUN and SUECC and has not joined either in part because of the revenue losses from imposing higher taxes.
In Santa Ana, tobacco was an important agricultural crop. Manufacture of cigars continues to this day.
The population of Bonisle and San Fernando was around TBD. Most 2/3 of the population lives in Bonisle and the rest in San Fernando, Windy Cayes and other small cayes.
Ingerish and Castellanese are the most common languages of the territory. Ingerish is spoken as the most common maternal language, specifically the Bonillian ingerish variety. A creole dialect is also informally used. Castellanese is the main language of government and education. Most islanders are fairly fluent in Castellanese. In Santa Ana Ingerish is the most common language but with notable influence from Kalmish due to colonial history. Words such as tante instead of aunt and strand instead of beach are used.
48% of islanders belong to one of several protestant religions, 37% are Ortholic and the remainder. The remainder are not religious or other religions.
The islands have a unique culture blending their Ingerish and Castellanese heritage and history. Bonillian cuisine (and for other islands) is similar to island cuisine of Bonavista, Anrovia, Sainte-Elena (Barzona), Arecales and others. Fried and stwed fish and seafood is very common, as are rice, peas, plantains and beans. Cebiche is a popular local dish, different from places like Barzona where islanders usually serve it with rice and beans. Meat dishes on the island famously can be served with chickpea stew or chickpea mash.
Religion plays a large part in the islander culture, 85% follow a Christic faith and feast days and other religious events are celebrated with parades. Most islanders follow a variety of protestant religions though there is a significant Ortholic community as well. Island Days in March is the local carnival.
The three most popular sports in the island are football, baseball and cricket. Cricket dates back to the Ingerish colonial period and football became popular in the late 19th and 20th century. Baseball was imported by a Freedemian to Bonisle around 1930 and quickly became a popular sport, due to its similarity to cricket. The three main stadiums where Bonisle and San Fernando international teams play are Franklin Suarez Baseball Stadium∈⊾ Alfonso E. Cameron stadium (King's Road) and Ristley Football stadium.
Football is perhaps the largest sport, the national team is known as the "Isleño Boyz" or "Islanders", it has a dedicated following despite being considered one of the worst national teams in the world.
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Baseball was introduced in the 1930s and has grown a large following, it is closely behind if not equal to football in terms of support, and the Bonillian national baseball team is considered to be fairly good in Tarephia. Cricket was played from the Ingerish colonial times and has a dedicated following. It is not uncommon for people to play baseball and cricket, or vice versa. In poorer areas it might be common to use baseball bats and balls to play cricket.
Bonilla International Airport∈⊾ is the main airport and point of entry of the islands. San Fernando Airport and Windy Airport are the two others. There is a small local airline, GO Islas, operating flights. GO Islas operates flights between the major islands, to Victoria (Bonavista) and Vodeo. There are ferries between Bonisle and San Fernando, both of the Windies and San Fernando and Santa Ana. The islands' main ports are Ristley Port and Cruise terminal, San Fernando town port, Gorda Town port, Little Windy Port and Santa Ana port
Bonisle and San Fernando is one of a few territories with both left and right hand traffic. The territory is right hand traffic everywhere except for the island of Santa Ana. During the 1766-70 Ingerish occupation of the island they brought a few carriages and carts and made formal driving on the left. This was unchanged when the Kalmish retained controlled. By the time the Castellanese purchased the island in 1906 the rest of BSF was already driving on the right and was not worth changing for such a small island. All cars are left hand drive though, RHD cars are very rare.