Forum:Territory application/AN137f - Armitania
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The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
AN137f - Republic of Armitania
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
Armitania is a subtropical country with a humid and moderate climate. Its weather is similar to Buenos Aires or Hong Kong(corresponds to here on OSM, but a bit cooler the further south you go. The cool of the southwest is stronger and more continental due to the more mountainous terrain, reaching up to nearly 2000 metres above sea level. The summers are warmer and wetter than the winters, but both seasons have high levels of rainfall.
The country’s landscape is diverse, featuring the two large bays, which are large natural harbours and home to sandy beaches, lagoons, and barrier islands that give the country its large ship-making(and less importantly recreational) facilities. The “Large Northern River”(I thought Arma would be a good name, with the Delta consisting of three rivers, the Arma, Ita and Nia rivers which together form Armitania)is the main source of water and irrigation for the country. The river flows into the "large Delta", which is the most populous and productive area of the country. The Delta has many farms, towns, and cities that benefit from the fertile soil and the "more than abundant"(floods) water supply. The rest of the country consists of flat plains and rolling hills that gradually transition into the mountainous southwest.
Areas of Significance(Areas not marked are mainly subtropical farmlands):
Grey=Tall Hills
Blue=Main Delta
Map of the planned Delta where the old one is now:
The black lines indicate the coastlines.
The dotted ones are former coastlines (land was added/removed over time).
The red line marks the edge of the urban area.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
Armitania’s capital and largest city which is at the centre of a great megacity is located on the Delta of the Large Northern River, which is the heart of the country. The city is the junction point of two high-density population corridors that form an upside down L. The first corridor follows the course of the Large Northern River, while the second one runs along the bay.
The country has an impressive railway network that has been preserved from its historical legacy. The railway system is the main mode of transportation in the country, as the road infrastructure is underdeveloped and congested. However, the country has started to build its first limited-access highways in recent decades.
The country does not have a high-speed rail network yet, but it is working on a project to construct one along its major cities.
The country is highly centralized to the capital, which is the political, economic, and cultural hub of the country(inferiority complex in other areas? Probably.). However, there is an autonomous territory in the mountains of the southwest, which has its local government and identity. The autonomous territory is a distinct region of the country, with its own history, culture and it is famous for its mining industry.
The Islands to the East are very popular tourist spots and have their own autonomous territory.
Map(Rough sketch):
Square=Regional Capital
Circle=Other Cities
Black filling=Over 1 Million People
White filling=Over 250 Thousand People
Red filling=Less than 250 Thousand People
Thick Black lines=Main Railways
Thin Black Lines=Branch Railways
Red Lines=Highways
Green Areas= National Parks
Drawing of Centre of Medieval Capital:
Drawing of Centre of Modern Capital:
Both are very old Drawings made with a black pen.
The cities North of the Main Stream are round, showing how they were constructed by the native Armitanians while the cities south of the Main Stream are square-ish showing how they were built by the "mountain invaders".
Commuter Rail map of the Capital:
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
The history of Armitania is marked by the migration of a group of “mountain peoples” into the fertile flatlands where the native people were living. This created many rivalries and conflicts among the different areas and cultures. However, over the last two thousand years, the groups started to mix and assimilate, creating a very homogeneous language and cultural mix of these two. The culture of the native people was somewhat European, while the “mountain invaders” had more of a Southern Chinese influence, but in modern times there is a mixture. In the mountains of the Southwest, the area is still inhabited by the "unmixed" descendants of the “mountain invaders” who have their autonomous government. The far islands to the east also have their own autonomous government and culture, influenced by Polynesian cultures(or what the OGF equivalent is, I think it was called Austrolasian here).
Less important stuff:
Religion: The native people were mostly followers of a monotheistic faith. The “mountain invaders” were mostly followers of a polytheistic faith of gods and spirits. The two faiths coexisted at first, battling against one another, like the muslim conquests or the Inquisition, except instead of one dominating, they gradually influenced each other, resulting in a syncretic religion that combines elements of both. The syncretic religion recognizes a supreme god but also the existence of other deities and spirits. Today, religion does not play as much of a part in the lives of Armitanians anymore, but it influenced Armitania's history a lot.
Language: The two languages had very different sturctures, making communication difficult at first. However, over time, the two languages developed a common lingua franca for trade, diplomacy, and cultural exchange. The lingua franca borrowed words, phrases, and idioms from both languages and adopted a simplified writing system that used an alphabet. The lingua franca eventually became the official language of the country, while the original languages were preserved as regional dialects or minority languages.
Cuisine: The native people had a cuisine that was based on "Western and Central European(France to Hungary)", while the “mountain invaders” had a cuisine that was based on East Asian(Northern Chinese to Northern Vietnamese). The two cuisines had very different flavors, ingredients, and cooking methods. However, over time, the two cuisines blended and enriched each other. The cuisine is known in the world of OGF(What is it even called?) for its variety, creativity, and harmony of flavours due to its diverse influences.
Rough Timeline:
Humans settle the area=X BCE
Mountain invaders come into the flatlands=2000 BCE
The historical Kingdom is founded as a means of protection from the invaders=1800 BCE
Peace is slowly made=1500-500 BCE
History as a medium-sized kingdom in the area=500BCE-1791 CE
Grand Revolution=1791 CE
Colonial Endeavours(only reach those two islands)=1800s
Modern State after the Great War= 1960s-Now
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
Created Pineburgh:
Basic Railway Service Station:
Historic Fortress:
Urban Pineburgh:
Railway Station(a bit oversized)
Ye Old Town
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Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Shortened the Article a bit. Will there be any response? And the signature broke the first time. JohnnyDoes (talk) 14:59, 20 January 2024 (UTC)
- Hi JohnnyDoes, my sincerest apologies for the late reply. We've already had contact in the messages. Looking at your application, it looks rather promising. It appears that you have quite a comprehensive vision of your objectives and have garnered some proficiency in mapping within the beginner territories. Additionally, you draw from various sources of inspiration and have formulated a concept for a territory that holds promise for integration within the region. You sketch a detailed history timeline, together with a culture and geography, that does seem to match with the region in a lot of ways. I am curious though, from looking at your sketch map, what the projected population of the country is, as I see a lot of black filled (>1 million settlements) around the capital region. This is okay, but try to keep it realistic.
- There are a few things to note though. You mention European/South-Asian culture influences, which would overlap with Ulethan/Eastern Ulethan/North Archantan here in OGF. Would these be just influences, or do you plan on those people actually moving from these continents? These parts of Antarephia are supposed to have faced little (colonial) influence from i.a. Uletha.
- I would really like to see a bit more natural detailing in your mapping, especially in the hills and around the ridge areas, since this is not really reflected in the areas you provided. Since a lot of mapping is natural, I would like to see an area of this highlighted with a little more detail on the map. The city around Pine Bay looks very good and quite detailed and the urban texture and layout are done very well, so I have all confidence that you can create great cities. Highways also look good, although sometimes mind the spacing between the directions. Unless this is intentional and there are city blocks or a natural feature planned in the median, ~100 meters is quite a lot of spacing. As another tip, I would suggest making more buildings, especially in the more modern parts of the city (but even in the old city), more squarish (with 90 degree angles). This is more realistic and make them look better in your street patterns.
- All with all, a lot of good things here with potential! The application will remain open for now, and I would like to hear back from you.
- —PortCal (talk) 19:52, 21 March 2024 (UTC)
Hi there, thank you for the response. I would like to answer your remarks one by one:
- The population is still open to change, but when it comes to the many black dots near the capital, well that was meant to just be a quick representation of the massive size difference between the capital and the other areas. The capital area will most likely comprise about 30-40% of the population. There will also be other big cities and dense areas, but compared to the capital, even those seem "sparse".
- I personally didn't really think like that. But no, the country wasn't colonised. I just thought these could be influences for the mapping and lore etc. Alternatively I also thought that maybe something like Thailand could be done, where the country doesn't get colonised, by "colonising itself"/adopting similar cultural themes. But we can talk about that more, maybe hone in the details, but no, it was not colonised.
- On the natural mapping, I will definitely add some in due time, but if you are interested I did map this are in OSM: Not only the pedestrian area, but maybe you could find it interesting.
- The other cities along the bay like San Jose and their streets were not made by me, but only touched on. Pineburgh is the only 100% "JohnnyDoes"-branded area. And just generally, Pineburgh is just a general presentation. Scaling wasn't very high on my priorities. Once I'll work on my own territory, of course I'll be more careful with the details, spacing etc.
- I agree, but I took inspiration from 19th century quarters and cities. But I'll make the other cities like the capital city sketch, of course on a smaller scale.
Let me know if there are any other remarks!
With kind regards
JohnnyDoes (talk) 14:50, 24 March 2024 (UTC)
-- Sent by user through private messages, added for full documentation --
Hello PortCal, so I added a bit of the requested rural mapping, not as much and as detailed as I wish it would be, but I still think it looks nice:
A little Agricultural Area with a hamlet, an abandoned railway, a little channel and a beach(the beach and shrubs were already there):
Some vineyards on the sides of the hills and a little suburban subdivision:
If I had more time for those vineyards I would make them look like this:
A beach with unfortunately not too detailed groynes, ideally one side would be fattened and the other slimmed. I imagine this to be a little touristy spot for the urban dwellers nearby. Includes a little marina. Tried to create a little rocky headland, which separates one beach from the other.
With kind regards, JohnnyDoes (11:44, 9 May 2024 (UTC))
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Territory application approved |
AN137f has been granted after additional plans and information. —PortCal (talk) 22:32, 19 May 2024 (UTC) | |
As you develop your territory, be sure to keep it realistic. Here are some resources you may find useful for starting out: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and OpenGeofiction:Site policies |