Forum:Territory application/AN137g - Tangara
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
AN137g - Tangara
English/Ingrean - Federal Republic of Tangara
German/Kalmish - Bundesrepublik Tangara
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
Tangara is a fairly small country. The elevation is fairly low, with the majority of the country being below 500 metres above sea level. The coastal areas are made up of flat plains, gently rising to forested hills through the interior, with some mountains along the western border. The highest point will be a mountain in the north west.
The climate is temperate, similar to south-eastern Australia, with Victoria and southern New South Wales being the closest real world examples.
A map of the country, physical geography, and major infrastructure (and the flag) can be found here:
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
Tangara will have a population of approximately 6.8 million citizens. The population will be highly urbanised, with the majority of citizens living in two large cities along the coast. Infrastructure will be concentrated in the coastal areas. The economic system will be a mixed economy, with a high GDP and standard of living. The southern coastal city will be the financial hub and house the main airport, while the northern coastal city will be more varied and have a heavier focus on education, industry and shipping. High speed rail will connect the two major cities. The country will be a federation of two large states, with the capital city being a small, planned city in the centre of the country in its own region, home to the government and a national hub for freight traffic. The east of the country will be mainly farmland, while the west of the country will be mostly forested and also rich in coal. The larger island off the coast will become a tourist resort hub.
Mapping style will be mostly Australian, with some elements from Europe, in particular from Germany. Driving will be on the left side of the road.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
In the 1820s, a group of settlers from the border area of Ingrea and Kalm, upon realising they shared both values and desires which differed from the broader population in their respective countries, left in search of new land. Upon reaching what is now Tangara, they were surprised to find the land had not been colonised. Previous attempts by others to colonise this region had been unsuccessful as the indigenous inhabitants were extremely resistant to losing their land and way of life. The values of these new settlers included peace, harmony, openness and shared wealth/knowledge. They were not seeking to take over the land or exploit its inhabitants, but came in peace, wishing to share it with those who lived there. The indigenous Tangarans admired this unusual approach and let them stay. The migrants shared technology and urbanism, and in return the indigenous population shared their culture and traditions which have been embraced and retained by the newcomers.
During a short period in the 1830s-1840s, tensions developed between the Ingreans and Kalmish over influence. This led to a brief split, with the Ingreans settling in one half and the Kalmish settling the other. Tangara was reuinted around 1850 and has been a federation of these two states ever since.
Between then and now, the culture has evolved into a unique blend of English/Ingrean, German/Kalmish and indigenous Australian/Tangaran. While Ingrean and Kalmish became the two official languages (as the indigenous population spoke many unrelated languages), indigenous culture lives on in many aspects of daily life, including place names, artwork, spirituality, traditions, and connection to Country. Almost all place names remain indigenous out of respect to the indigenous population.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
I'm fairly new to editing OGF (though I've been browsing for a long time). Here's a small city:
I'm also fairly new to editing OSM, having mainly made some edits around the Melbourne area under the same username to correct various errors and capture updates.
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Dcoop86 (talk) 14:57, 10 July 2024 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Hi, thanks for your territory application in Antarephia. Your application overall looks very good and you have a well thought-out and realistic plan for the territory. However, I do have a few concerns. The first concern is regarding the Kalmish influence in that part of the continent. While it is an interesting history of the Ingerish-Kalmish collaboration on the search for new land, other territories with Kalmish influence are quite far away and not much present in Antarephia. Therefore I don't think it is a very good fit for the region of East Antarephia. For the Ingerish side, that does fit well into East Antarephia, with other Ingerish influencen present north of you. I would advise you to reconsider the Kalmish influence on your territory. If you would really like to keep this and map in this language as well, I would suggest a territory in Tarephia or Uletha.
My final concern is about your mapping experience. I would suggest you build out the small city you have created with more natural features surrounding it, and working out a part of that small city in a bit more detail than it is now. What you have is already a good start, but I cannot base of your changesets made on OSM with some updates that you can create a city (and country) from scratch. Please put in a bit more practice so I can assess if you are ready to take on a territory.
—PortCal (talk) 23:07, 5 August 2024 (UTC)
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Territory application closed |
No response from requester --Aiki (talk) 00:48, 11 October 2024 (UTC) | |
The following resources can be useful in building up mapping experience: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and also OpenGeofiction:Site policies |