Forum:Territory application/AN138 - Yundalarçan
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
This territory would contain both sandy deserts (west & southest), rocky deserts (northeast) and colder high deserts in a plateau (east). It is also worth mentioning the tidal flats on the extreme north and extreme southern portions of the coast and some bays and islands would also happen. In some portions of the coast, high dunes would occur.
Vegetation and water would be scarce. However, due to cold water meeting with hot land, dense fog would be a common phenomenon up to 150 km inland.
This condition would make it complicated for older boat technology.
Some very high mountain exist in the borders of adjacent countries.
I hope the following maps are linked properly
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
As it can be seen in one of the maps, population would be as scarce as water resources. For cultural reasons, most of the population would live by the capital on the southwestern part of the country, other notable population points would be the plateau in the east, and other outposts of the coast. Also mountain ranges and mining spots would be secondary population centers. The population would definitely be less than a million inhabitants.
Its economy would be centered around fishing (tuna being the most iconic exportation), and the recent discovery in the last century of extraction of rare materials such as uranium and petroleum. Other secondary economic aspects of the country would be tourism ("star tourism" as the country features one of the clearest night skies and "sand skiing", also surf), and jewelry exportations. The production of concrete and solar energy would also be an important income.
Outside of towns and mines, the territory would be empty of human intervention: a natural treasure. Roads and railways would exist, although in a defficient quality because of a lack of investment. In fact, outside of the capital, infrastructure would be subpar, while in the capital it would just be average.
The mapping style would be a mix of Namibia (climate & infrastructure) plus the own mapping style of the native culture.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
Some semi-nomadic tribes ("arçan"=towns, tribes, in singular it's just "arç") would exist up to the 1100's, or 1200's, when the first Mazanic or other culture from northern continents starts commerce in the coast, that's when most of the arçan moves to the western part of the country. in the 1500s the native arçan start commerce with Castellán navigants, who brought the Christic religion although they didn't try to convert the whole population, so the native beliefs (Doutism) are prevalent until our days while Christicism is a minority religion. In the 1700s Ingerland starts frequent commerce and replaces Castellán.. By 1735 the different arçan agreed to end the disputes with each other and to form a kingdom "like the one of Ingerland". And as such the Kingdom of Yundalarçan (Union of Tribes) was created in the coast. The arç of the plateau and other arçan joined the following decades. By the year 1828, the last arç in the north joined the "Yunda" (the Union)
Rather than becoming an Ingerland colony during the 1800s and 1900s, it was a client state, "part of the Ingersphere", until the "Great War", when it became an "unaligned state".
Arçanian culture is isolated from the rest of Antarephian cultures. It features a heavy gender seggregation, which is an added handicap to demograhics. It is a cultural phenomenon in both women and men to cover their mouth and noses with cloth (IRL equivalent would be a bandana wore as a mask). The language is Arçanian, a conlang I am working on. It is isolated as well but features elements from "Arabic" (sorry i forgot the OGF equivalent), Castellanese and Ingerish. The language is written in latin alphabet although different arç have sometimes their own writing systems.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
Well, my past mapping is unrelated to this project so I understand if you want to send me back and map more stuff before starting this project. Anyway, here it is:
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Romhfvir (talk) 18:58, 28 October 2023 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Gracias Romhfvir por tu postulación.
No hay mucho que añadir a los detalles que proveíste.
- Physical geography: AN138 se ubica un poco más al sur que Namibia. Además, el territorio vecino al sud, ya esta bastante desarrollado, y hay tomar eso un poco en cuenta. Me parece necesario que diseñes una forma de transición, por la cuesta (en tus mapas, hay montañas en el interior, entonces, es menos necesario), entre el clima mediterraneo - tipo Ciudad del Cabo - y tu desierto.
- Human geography: no tengo nada que añadir sino que creo que para producir hormigón, se necesita arena ribereña y no la que viene del mar o del desierto (debe tener algo con la forma de los granos).
- History & culture: el concepto me parece original.1100-1200 me parece un poco temprano para los primer contactos. Sino, además de los Uletanos, hay que tomar en cuenta los vecinos de AN138: Leresso y Dacategia (no existe un artículo pero puedes leer la postulación para el territorio aquí). Aunque consideres AN138 aislado, a lo largo de los siglos/milenios, debió haber contactos, influencias entre vecinos.
- AN138 es un territorio bastante grande (149,276km2), te aconsejaría usar JOSM para los changesets que enfocan las areas medias o grandes.
Dime si esto tiene sentido para ti? --Aiki (talk) 15:10, 29 October 2023 (UTC)
Buenas noches. Sí, tiene mucho sentido. Debería haber incluido la influencia de los territorios vecinos, ya que es normal que exista comunicación entre ellos (existirán autovías y ferrocarriles que los conecten) y más cosas. Supongo que estrechas relaciones diplomáticas también tendrán... Definitivamente, se me olvidó mencionar esa parte de la cultura del territorio, que es primordial.
Me parece genial que el territorio contenga un clima de transición hacia el desierto porque da más oportunidades para la agricultura y otras fuentes de ingreso.
Sobre la producción de hormigón o cemento, es cierto que debo replantearme la idea.
Me parece adecuado cambiar cualquier fecha en la historia de Yundalarçan para que encaje bien en el lore de OGF.
Respecto a JOSM, debido a las características del entorno en el que mappeo, no será posible. Sin embargo a mí me gusta mappear desde lo pequeño hasta lo grande por lo que en un principio este handicap no supondría un problema?
Romhfvir (talk) 23:09, 29 October 2023 (UTC)
No creo que hay problema cuando se mappea poco a poco. Anyway, AN138 es tuyo! Happy mapping, --Aiki (talk) 10:07, 1 November 2023 (UTC)
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Territory application approved |
AN138 to Romhfvir --Aiki (talk) 10:07, 1 November 2023 (UTC) | |
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