Forum:Territory application/AN142c Dyrnrnyr
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
(the green represents the mountain's path)
a river, with an estaury rife with islets, mudflats & salt marshes, runs through the girth of the nation, with it's source in the mountains of AN146 although i did fail to show it waining on the sketch; it is vital to the nation's industrial heartland as'll be elaborated on in Human Geography.
Unlike how it is now, it'll have more continuity with the surrounding mountains with being a runoff of the mountain that ceases at Lake B & formerly being connected to the mountain in Bodir province of Embla. The mountain holds minerals, which is the lifeblood of the aforementioned industrial heartland upstream.
an ancient anticline hill-line seperates the east in twain with a bottlenecked valley on the westside, which was mighty convenient for the old petty state that laid north of it.
Overall, most of the land is winding farmlands, forests, pastures & that although in the north it is a tad more sparse & moorish due to the rainshadow though.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
(The Black lines represent major roads whilst the grey ones represent bypasses.)
The Conlang is still in it's infancy so i have not names for them yet so these are just placeholders, sorry.
The South-East's textiles are notably high quality. The stone threshold of the contested cities' cloth hall should be enough of a testament to how saught after it was in it's hayday, along with every port settlement in the south of the nation having at least one sheep-related road name or at the very least a building named as so. Though the region isn't just notable for it's cloth, but for the wars & carnage that happened here too with the Dyrno-Joriskjo Conflict of the Great War which left the west bank of the border-founding river in ruin. Since the end of the Great War, 112 have died & 223 have been injured due to dud munitions; this necessitated the foundation of the Tattered Zone in 1948 which denied any ploughing or unauthorised incursions into the zone with the fine of £200 being given individually for any violation.
The South-West's has swathes of land dedicated to hop, hemp (to which the region is known for, though not infamous as the textiles of their east-bank brothers, making good & strong rope from for centuries.), pastures & crop with rural villages & hamlets blotting it too. Although, as unconspicious as it is, the anticline hill to which splits the south-west & north-west has way more history then some 1800s stately home or two for the South-West suffered an unparalleled defeat here in the year 998 at the Battle of Helynr.
The North is notable for it's national industrial prowess; iron mines, coal mines and that sort.
Now onto the Cities;
The Capital (1)
Had it's beginnings as but a bridge crossing for the westward trade from Joriskjo but as it grew & picqued the Council's interest, who dwelled in the city to the north (3), the moved the land's court there due to it's financial & strategic value
The Contested City (2)
Once a city of Joriskjo's though (originally) seized in the Mid 1600s due to a war between the two nations over some pendantic issue, with skirmishes & tensions off and on throughout the 1700s & slowly but still notably in the 1800s the Great War arrived in time for the score to be settled once & for all. Although this was all in vain ultimately, as the city became useless as artillery devastated it's once exquisite cloth hall & midas-touched textile workshops. [This lore has been approved by varnel.maiser]
The Old City (3)
Once the home of the Council and still the home of the Council's Godsman (a religious figure akin to a Archbishop that'll be elaborated in History & Culture) until the aforementioned move, the city never had such wiggle room as the capital did when the Council moved there when it was just a bridge & a adjacent series of crude hovels, it grew on it's own and rapidly as the religious & leaderly centre of the land. It began as a Motte & Bailey, with the Motte surviving as a surprisingly intact stone keep with a refurbished stairwell & standon roof providing a unparalleled view of the city and the Bailey as a fishspinelike series of roads, although the heinous roads ended by the time metal harnesses came into wide use to the delight of the townsfolk.
The South Industrial City (4)
Not as major as the North Industrial City, for sure, but without it's deposits of coal the North Industrial City would had never been able to smelt it's steel.
The North Industrial City (5)
The Heart of the Dyrnrnyran Industrial Revolution, the Cities' steel mills & manufactories produce tons upon tons, much to the dismay of the birdlife which (with environmental activism ramping even up to industrial sabotage) has became a major issue.
The city, as inland as it is, holds the nation's largest ship construction yard to which the pieces are (ironically) carried by barge to the Capital's riverport for assembly and commissioning.
Town near the Battle (6)
in 998, just a few miles north from the town, is where the battle of Helynr was fought between the King and the Usurper, who were both brothers; it ended in a disaster and prompting a compromise to which then the Council was founded.
for the actual mapping style, primarily organic lest it is the part of the cities post renassiance (when innovations, particularly conceptual ones, from Uletha came.)
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
The Conlang is a work in progress, it is an isolated one.
The Culture (from what i've told in the human geography part) was clearly agrarian and relied on the cultivation of crop and it's ownership much like fiefdoms, though not feudalistic as manoralism was not prevelant with the lower classes having volition to do what they pleased, the closest thing to manoralism there was were bartering foodstuff or offering labour in return for defense and escortation of merchants.
Though that is long in the past.
Modern Dyrnrnyr is a industrial capitalist society, with Ulethan entrepreneurs funding the coal & steel operations in the 1830s-1860s with installation of railroad & other then-modern mechanicisms which collapsed the already eroding aforementioned old system and replaced it with a more modern & profitable one.
The Council system exists in it's heredrity & legal state, though in reality its just a pompous & fanciful facade for the true governance by way of the Dyrnrnyan Ruling House to which comprises of Heralds, the Herald's jobs are to have a extensive trimonthly meeting in the major towns of the land they're to represent, the meeting's purpose is to relay what the commonfolk want and have issues with in the nation. If they're of national importance, and not something like a complaint about how the binmen broke their bin the other day, and too said in the other herald's meetings it is brought up to discussion in the Ruling House, along with the many ministers (especially if the issue being discussed during the session concerns their office) a conclusion is made and pushed along to the Council. The Council of course approves the legisilation after follies in it are remedied & loopholes are sewn shut.
the Council's Godsman is a auxillary member of the Council, as they do not push legisilations nor are descended from any of the old brothers that the council descended from. They're practically the religious minister and bless the coronation of a new Councilbrother (the title of the position) when one may come in after the other dies. The religion its-self is based off the prayer of sheep, their god is a anthropromorphic sheep as hilarious as that sounds. Supposedly to the ancient Dyrnrnyans sheep & wool were an important part of their life.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
my other stuff is just OSM files i have in a folder as i deleted them, though i one here actually on-site.Although only Yewside & Mundhampton is really done as i lost inspiration to work on a territory that would be inevitably wiped, being a beginner territory, and that i had gotten good enough to get a proper territory.
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Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Bealdbeorn (talk) 03:19, 11 September 2022 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
I'm sorry if it started to become abit halfassed at the end, i've been writing this for about 3 hours with brainfog - Bealdbeorn (talk) 03:19, 11 September 2022 (UTC)
Thank you for your application and the link to your previous mapping. I've have a few remarks regarding on some details:
- Physical geography
- River delta: as the river empties directly into the open sea, if you opt for a delta, it is likely to be tide-dominated. A bit like the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta but, for sure, at much smaller scale, as AN142c lies 46°S. On a more general level, consider real world equivalents for planning and mapping your territory.
- Hydrography: please preserve this international watercourse. You may choose its course once it enters AN142c as you like. This implies that your plan needs a little adaptation so that your main river is this international one.
- Topography: please plan your future mountains as mittelgebirge with a maximum of 1,000-1500m for the summits, in line with your neighbours' topography. This is to preserve climate justification for human development in the southern regions of Antarephia. As for the mention of Bodir, Embla, given the lack of consensus on global geology and the distance to the nearest point in AN142c (~400km), it would be hard to determine anything.
- Land area: here is the land area relation for AN142c: 71,182.95 km² (roughly the size of the Republic of Ireland).
- Human geography, History & culture: please liaise with your neighbours so that your respective developments are somehow consistent. --Aiki (talk) 13:38, 11 September 2022 (UTC)
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Territory application approved |
AN142c is yours. --Aiki (talk) 13:38, 11 September 2022 (UTC) | |
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