Forum:Territory application/AR012 - Manawa
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
User: Bixelkoven
Territory Code: AR012
Proposed Name: Manawa (Republic of Manawa / People’s Republic of Manawa)
NOTE: This is a request for a territory exchange. I will be giving off Taranrii (AN331) in exchange for this territory. I'd also like to move the existing mapping to another area.
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
Map with pictures describing each of the regions
The topography of Manawa will be matching the ones of its neighbors, and the topographic plan was made thanks to User:oneofbeatlefan's help.
The Alethean mountains would run across the border with Majesia, similar to the ones in Wallea, inspired mostly by the Himalayas and Sudirman range on the New Guinea island. Tall mountains, with rare snow, barren landscape, bushy vegetation, rugged terrain and cold weather.
Within the mountain ranges, on the lower elevations compared to the highlands, most of the terrain would feature jungles/rainforests of relatively dense and heterogeneous vegetation. The rainforests are drier than the stereotypical jungles of Brazil and the Congo, more akin those of Cambodia, Thailand, certain southeastern Indonesian islands and Northern Australia. The jungle hills are identical to the jungle mountains, with the main difference in lower elevation and less rugged/more smoother terrain. Those parts may include newer mass plantations and planned agriculture in smaller parts. The flat jungles are uncut forests in flat terrain, mostly found alongside the rivers.
Hilly grasslands & prairies and dry hills are hilly areas with less denser vegetation, which is rather more spread out as vast grasslands and meadows, rolling hills. The hilly grasslands feature comparably more vegetation compared to the grasslands, and are used more for agriculture, especially for crops like rice, coffee and tea.
The plains are the flattest part of the country used mostly for agriculture with very fertile soil. They also host the vast majority of the population of incredible density. The savannas are akin the plains in elevation and terrain, however the climate is drier and the river system is more sparse, with some denser vegetation found along the main rivers.
The climate would be relatively diverse – (Using the Koppen classification) BSh In the west; Aw in the west, south, and central-west; Am in the central and eastern parts; Cwa/Cfa in the jungle mountain regions; Dwb/Dwc in the highest mountain peaks and areas. The dominant winds would be the ones blowing from the southeast into the west and north via the White Sea, colliding with the Alethean mountains, blowing over the Orkhan desert towards the west. The most notable feature are the monsoons occasionally arriving from the east, which together with the rivers sourcing in the mountains provide plenty of water for the central and eastern regions, as well as enhancing human activity and settlement over time.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
The administrative plan is pretty simple – several provinces serving the major cultural, geographic and demographic areas and centers.
The country’s population is not yet confirmed; I defined the potential range for the population to be anywhere between 15 million and 22 million (comparable to Wallea’s 30 million). The country would have a population density in the range of 72 and 106 inhabitants per square kilometer (comparable to Wallea’s ~107 inhab./sq km). Most of the population would be found in the east, by the border with Wallea, with the capital city (identically named to the country) being by far the largest urban area.
Manawa would feature a developing/emerging transitional economy, relatively poorer than its neighbors. The HDI rate would stand at around 0.67 (comparable to El Salvador), with a nominal GDP per capita rate at around 2 350 USD (comparable to Ghana). Major sectors would be agriculture, mining and a growing tourism sector. Overall comparable countries to Manawa would be Indonesia and Vietnam.
The infrastructure of Manawa would be in a relatively poor state. It would feature a solid coverage in both highways, country roads and railways, of mostly low quality and low maintenance. It is important to note that the trunk roads on the map are not necessarily dual-carriage roads, and the classification is mostly taken from Indonesia.
The mapping style is exclusively South East Asian, taking influences from all countries in that region, but most notably Indonesia and Cambodia, with densely build settlements, with unique planned districts from the past, and bustling old towns and markets, alongside various heritage sites and historical monuments and temples.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
Manawa would have a diverse cultural fingerprint with various former tribes with different characteristics and beliefs, but also social statuses. The Oran (derived from the Orkhan region in Lorredion) culture in the western part would be unrelated to the rest, while the other cultures would be similar to those of Wallea and Majesia. The main language used would be a quasi-conlang of Indonesian, with small influences of Sundanese and Javanese, regional influences of French, English and/or Spanish, and some touches of custom conlanging. The naming customs will be different in the westernmost province, which is a 'stronger' conlang overall. I will try to make the language coherent with the ones used by the neighboring countries.
Manawa’s heritage and past would be complicated – featuring various smaller kingdoms and nations, plenty of conflicts, colonization by Franqueterre (west), Ingerland (south and east) and Castellan (south, central and east), various government types from monarchies to dictatorships, a former socialist era, and a troubled history of conflicts, wars and genocide.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
It should be noted that I have no past experience of Southeast Asian mapping on OGF, and I'd like to train and practice that style in Manawa, alongside the massive inspiration I've got for this style. The possibly closest attempts are the ones in the nation of Taranrii itself, for example:
An attempt at making custom and unique densely packed housing and a historical fishing community
The rest of the island nation of Taranrii
Other projects and mapped areas of mine:
Old Town of Malvertta, Qennes - (my proudest mapping, currently featured on the wiki)
Malvertta / Arta / Artei / Dadaș (Qennes)
Farmlands near Porterez, Klavopoli and Ogașu Imii, Qennes
A part of the Apyn Mountains, Qennes
Large part of the mapping in Ulinje, Zalivnia (together with User:Nikolia)
Farmlands in Ročevac and Mallyore, Zalivnia
Celica National Park, Zalivnia
Large-scale natural mapping in Zalivnia
San Martin de la Pena, Castellan
Natural mapping in the Cape Province, Castellan
Downtown Barstone, Tennewa, FSA (as well as half the natural mapping of the state)
...and various other areas that are not yet finished enough to be featured
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Bixelkoven (talk) 01:08, 18 January 2023 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Thank you for the approval. I actually wanted to move it to the CCA (specifically here in the area:, as per a discussion with User:oneofbeatlefan. I was thinking the new territory may be more appealing to new/other users if it was completely fresh empty. In any case, I don't have a problem with leaving my mapping there either. You may mark it as a green territory. Thank you. Bixelkoven (talk) 12:22, 22 January 2023 (UTC)
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Territory application approved |
Approved. Regarding the current mapping on AN331 - please don't "gut" the territory, I think moving some of the settlements, or man made features, is fine. However leave the natural features behind. I presume the intention is to move to AR012? Keep in mind we have a general presumption again moving mapping, as it is a costly activity for ongoing server maintenance. I have marked AN331 as reserved for now. Thanks/wangi (talk) 23:02, 21 January 2023 (UTC) | |