Forum:Territory application/AR060-03 - Wirramay
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
Contiguous with surrounding Deodecan provinces, Wirramay is situated within a temperate oceanic climate - though mountainous parts of the province, particularly in the highlands where large mountains are situated along the border of neighbouring Ambrosia∈⊾, sit within an cold subtropical highland climate. Outside of alpine areas, the Wirraway landscape is mostly flat with rolling hills, with a gradual descent towards its water boundaries at the northwest (the Great Odeka Bay and Odeka River). Several major rivers originate in Le Grand Bouclier, with the majority feeding into the Odeka River; some, such as the River Merri, directly flow into the Great Odeka Bay.
Undeveloped land is mostly prarie and grassland, analogous with the landscape of southeast Australia - with the exception of the mountainous west of the province, there are few significant forests.
Maps of physical geography here - refer image 1
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
City name | Population (c. 2023) |
Canoweira | 2,500,000 |
Kanigoopna | 783,240 |
Marangan | 521,193 |
Exbost | 362,190 |
Merriford | 249,403 |
Waranga | 220,230 |
Bulrush | 89,149 |
Gavan | 62,800 |
Albrawtha | 57,650 |
The vast majority of Wirramay's population live in the five major cities that developed around the Great Odeka Bay and the Odeka River. The largest city and provincial capital of Canoweira, with a population of 2.5 million, also includes a nearby island∈⊾ within its urban area, with a number of road and rail bridges connecting it to the Wirramay mainland. In all, 3.8 million Wirramayers (out of a total 5.2 million population) reside within 35 kilometres of its water boundaries. Mapped cities will be susceptible to suburban sprawl, although some will have denser and/or more walkable urban cores, either as a result of regeneration or the preservation of historic (pre-1900s) development.
Economic development in Wirramay rapidly escalated in the mid-to-late 1840s, following the discovery of gold in areas near to modern-day Kanigoopna. As a result, the natural geography of these gold mining communities remains scarred to this day; as to the built geography of these settlements, 21st century roads and subdivisions are developed around these 19th century ditches, channels and culverts. Townships mainly formed around a grid system, although newer developments deviate towards 'master plan' structures with greater emphasis on the natural environment.
Today, the province's main industries are farming, particularly grain and oilseed; manufacturing; and education and training. Wirramay is also a net exporter of clean energy, with large solar and onshore wind farms connected to the national grid.
Two routes of the Trans Dedocea Highway - TDH-1 and TDH-2 - run through Wirramay and are incorporated into Wirramay's motorway network, in addition to 11 main trunk routes. 12 major rail corridors are also currently operational throughout the province, with many smaller communities cut off from the network following cutbacks in the late 1970s.
Maps of human geography here - refer images 2 and 3
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
In line with established Decodecan history, the area was widely settled by various First Nations peoples prior to Ingerish colonisation - loosely grouped together as the Central Prairie First Nations. In collaboration with other provinces, it is expected that mapping will incorporate some more First Nations influences, represented on map in language alongside natural and built geography. For the purpose of this application, place names lean heavily into Australian First Nations influences (e.g. Wirramay being a corruption of 'Wirraway', said to mean "challenge" in an Aboriginal language in modern-day Victoria).
As a former Ingerish colony, Wirraway borrows many cultural influences from the 'homeland', including street and place names. More recently, there is a cultural push towards a stronger Dedoecan identity, which will in-turn reflect in naming structures for newer developments (for example, borrowing from other Decodean cities rather than Ingerish settlements). Another such example is the city of Marangan, which is intended to be a cross-border sister city to Stradworth (not dissimiliar to real world Washington, DC and Alexandria, VA, or on a smaller scale, the cross-border city of Albury-Wodonga).
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
Been on a sabattical for the last 12 months, but my most recent mapping is in AR011∈⊾ (f/k/a Barohu). Have been mainly mapping with southeast Asian influences to match the plans for the region, but looking forward to mapping on a landscape I'm more familiar with (plus a downsize!)
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Suburbandecay (talk) 10:11, 19 December 2023 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
- Thanks for your application, me and many other members who map in Deodeca think it is a very well done application and we look forwards to working with you. I just want to make a few comments about infrastructure continuity:
- For one, there is a planned HSR (called High-Speed Deodeca, or HSD) corridor from Kingstown to Stonesipher that will need to pass through your territory, as long as some sort of railway trunk that pass through your territory from one end to the other, this is for national network cohesion. I think it is very logical to have both rails be funneled through at the large city on the border with -10. On the other end, currently the planned routing don’t really match up with the sketch in Kastichetshan so maybe you want to coordinate with the mapper there.
- On another note, -10 is unclaimed so we can’t do much about that, but I personally am thinking of claiming -04 directly south of your territory some time soon. In this case, I am planning on having at least one rail and motorway corridor hug the river, so it should connect somewhere near your side of Stradworth. I think it’s logical to have another rail and motorway corridor on the western side as access to Ateria and especially Glenburn is going to be quite important and busy as well.
There might be a few other comments regarding cultural continuity but I cannot comment on that. In any case I look forward to seeing your work! Kengoman (talk) 12:28, 19 December 2023 (UTC)
Hello Suburbandecay, thank you for your application. I want to say that your maps are very well done, and we look forward to having you on the project. Representing Deodeca mappers, I would like to remark on some of our existing "national framework" ideas.
- A central element of the Deodeca project is that it's shaped by every mapper in conjunction instead of from the top down. However, with 10+ mappers already present in the country, there are a number of established frameworks that a new province should be cohesive with. I was curious if these adjustments would be alright with your vision for the territory.
- We have planned out the Indigenous cultural framework quite extensively in your neighboring territories. Kastichetshan and Agawaskway, your two active bordering territories, are mapped with North American-influenced native groups. "Northwest Plateau" natives in KT, with Eastern Canadian groups dominating Agawaskway. This means your province would most logically take from these groups or similar ones (Some real-life native languages to consider for inspiration: Klamath, Nez Percé, Blackfoot, Innu, Mi'kmaq). The Australian Aboriginal influence really only is present in Peralia and northern Riverina, so it would be a stretch for them to have expanded that far, and even more so for them to have crossed the Odeka (a major cultural divide in the past). We suggest a name change and a reworking of the native-influenced names of cities you have proposed.
- Our existing climate framework is slightly more "continental" than you proposed, being sheltered from a larger ocean influence, and on the lee of the mountain range. I would propose a slightly dry variant of "Cfa" in the far north (Humid subtropical) with "Dfa" in the central and south (Continental hot summer). That goes for relatively low-lying areas---the mountains could have anything from continental warm summer (Dfb) to subantarctic (Dfc) to tundra (ET), depending on the elevation and latitude
- Everything else, as far as your highway plan, city locations, populations, physical geography, history, etc. are very logical to me and seem to fit in beautifully with the greater Deodecan vision.
Us Deodecans wish you luck with your application process! Diamantschiff (talk) 18:57, 19 December 2023 (UTC)
- This would be up to the Deodecans to ultimately decide, but I see no reason Australian Aboriginal influence could not have extended into this province. Provinces with it are a mere 150km away, with a very calm sheltered gulf as a divider. If the various Cree tribes can stretch from Alberta to Newfoundland, there is no reason a group of people could not have migrated from northeastern Deodeca into an area that would have otherwise not have had the influence with a minute fraction of the distance. This doesn't even account for related peoples that ended up in isolation as far south as Kansas. My point is simply that it is plausible and logical to have an Australian Aboriginal influence be a bit of an "interruption" in a continuum of otherwise unrelated. — Alessa (talk) 21:04, 19 December 2023 (UTC)
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Territory application approved |
Approved - well considered application; please continue to work with your fellow Deodeca territory owners to coordinate mapping. Thanks/wangi (talk) 21:25, 19 December 2023 (UTC) | |