Forum:Territory application/AR120-37
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![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
Legal name: State of Lusksylvania
Named for the Luskanoe peoples and the latin sylvania for woods.
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
Climate with be a mix of Cfa, Dfa, and Dfb. The climate will be Cfa in the northwestern part which is generally flatter and rolling hills. Moving south transitions to Dfa and Dfb. The northeastern mountain ranges will be slightly warmer but will also trap in more moisture from the wind and the lakes off to the southwest.
The northeastern tip of the state would be akin to the Tennessee northeastern Appalachian mountains. The eastern ranges would vary in scope and size and have gaps, valleys, hollows and peaks. FS-20 would foreseen to follow these natural gaps. The center of the state would be somewhat like Pennsylvania and like Middle Tennessee with plateaus, rolling hills and various mountains. The southwestern edge that is the "square" region would be the flattest and support the majority of agriculture land and use in the state.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
The original Ingresh setters would have been of mix of semi-established from the original aristocracy with some standing and those that longed for a piece of their own land and others that would have originally looked for more frontier lands and sought out riches of the land, i.e., gold and precious jewels. These newcomers would have likely first landed in New Carnaby but needed to look further west to have a freer, more unencumbered, greater self-developing ability and possibly even a cheaper less taxed lifestyle. These first folks were learned but rugged.
Due to this pattern the first settlers would have a disdain for government having great control. Since the governmental structure was much further removed unlike those to the east, these pioneers had to take care of themselves and make the land work for them. Mills would have been developed along with minor agriculture in the mountainous regions. Logging, trapping and mining became the mainstays of the early economy. As the settlers pushed further west discovering a fertile plateau and a fertile delta plains region the agriculture boon was born. Likely the Scottish equivalent would have found these lands welcoming.
The Bavarian equivalent and Austrian equivalent peoples also were drawn to the picturesque peaks and forests of the Weinbach region of the state. They brought with them further innovation and a knack for business acumen. This also set off a balance of powers between those originalists that left New Carnaby for a more frontier lifestyle and those that had a more ordered lifestyle. However, after skirmishes and differences the peoples settled in and developed the state.
Therefore, smaller towns will be built in the mountainous regions. Small cities in the agricultural region and the northwest region will have college towns and a mid-sized city. The region where the plateau region meets the delta region will contain the state capital and the largest city of around 100,000-300,000. I could see the potential of maybe up to three cities getting to 100,000 but not likely.
The state now has a tourist, agriculture, mining, logging and commerce economy. Great clock-workers, tapestry artists, skilled tradesman and the like brought their crafts with them to this beautiful state. Due to the original reliance on self and autonomy from a distant central government, most politics is local. There are a large number of elected officials at the local level. (Tennessee in mind on this one.)
Due the low taxes, lack of income tax, low property tax and the business conservative government many corporations have located their headquarters or large regional offices in the state. The state is also socially conservative, so some the big tech companies haven't located in the area but the financial services, publishing, and now even automobile manufacturing make their homes here as the state is a right-to-work state which does not allow compulsion into a labor union. Many religious Christian Protestant equivalent churches also have located their headquarters in the state as well.
Highway Systems and Places
The road system will consist of the minimal FS-41 which will be under construction in many parts. FS-20 will also be under construction. FS-20 and FS-41 will multiplex for a number of miles to eliminate a larger motorway system. The state will be full of rural roads. The Mountain Parkway will be downsized and undergo a road diet. The capital city will be in the bend that is depicted now with the alignment of FS-20 running to this area then westerly from the junction. Many of the existing towns that have too many European styles, the big traffic circles will be eviscerated and then once road standards are built back then traffic circles could be reintroduced. The undeveloped cities will be removed if they are just a place name.
The named road network will be given state route numbers.
The state route system will be structured, and a single sign will be used regardless of primary or secondary.
Primary route state routes
1 in the East numbered to 99 in the West.
10 in the North to 90 in the South.
Secondary system.
Generally, the numbering scheme will be a three-digit route number in bands with some four-digit number state routes.
The system will start off with the 100 series of numbers. Even east to west generally and odd north to south generally. The system will go from 100-900 with a fourth digit allowed with the base as the first number. So, 5021 would be in the 500's band.
County route system.
Those routes will be numbered by the county pentagon shield if they were given to the county as a state route and funds are still formulated for a portion of the maintenance. Any other road not inconsistent with or confusing to the state structure may also have a county pentagon shield subject to the county road board and county commission.
The government is composed of three distinct branches of government under the current state constitution.
Governor is the head of state.
All executive departments and offices not otherwise provided from legislation from the General Assembly such as boards, commissions or other entities or local governments are a part of the executive branch.
The judicial branch is composed of a sort of haphazard localized non-unified system. The current constitution does call for a Supreme and Superior Court. The constitution does provide for an intermediate appellate court system. The constitution further provides that the legislature shall also divide the state into a number of circuits that the General Assembly may set the number but may not abridge the term of a circuit court judge or District Attorney nor lower the salary until the term of the official has ended. The constitution also sets out that Chancery courts must also be formed out of each circuit and each circuit shall contain a chancery division. However, the circuit and chancery divisions may have concurrent jurisdiction. The General Assembly may also provide for any other inferior courts by legislation. Each county is to elect a number of Justices of the Peace and the legislature has legislated the judicial powers are not named under the constitution for a Justice of the Peace therefore the assembly may under the any other inferior courts section of the constitution provide for by private act (local legislation), or general act for the power of a Justice of the Peace in judicial matters. This was affirmed via a case that went to the state Supreme and Superior Court, Redlands County Justices of the Peace et al. vs. State.
The General Assembly has adopted via private acts and general acts for a number of courts throughout the state. Such as one county may have a Oyer and Terminers court to hear criminal cases whereas the next county over in a different circuit has a criminal division of the circuit court. Cases are generally pleaded in either the Justice of the Peace Court, General Sessions Court where they are adopted or under special legislation a few municipal courts with concurrent jurisdiction with the General Sessions courts.
The General Assembly is composed of a House with 99 members and a Senate with 33 members.
The state will be divided into a convenient number of counties. (69?)
Municipalities are subservient to county governments in home rule and metropolitan counties. They are subject to county ordinances in those counties. However, in all other counties municipalities whilst part of the county are not subject to county ordinances as most non home rule counties may not form many ordinances unless they are related to building and fire codes.
Municipalities may take the form of city, town or village. No governmental difference exists as it is just a name form.
Special Service Districts may be formed. They may be but not limited to for sanitary, fire, school, water, utility or other service purposes. They usually exist in the absence of a city but they may exist within the city limits, i.e., special district schools, fire department districts, utility districts and law libraries.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
The state is a conservative state which is reflected with the make-up of the General Assembly. The General Assembly has both a super majority in bout the House and Senate. The house is composed of 99 members. With 80 members of the conservative party. Eighteen members are liberals, and one is an independent that once served as a liberal until the last election. The Senate is composed of 33 members. Five of the 33 members are liberals whereas the remaining 28 are conservatives. The FSA Senators are conservative and well has all but member of the House.
The language is Ingerish. The local peoples were driven out and therefore no remnant language tones remain notwithstanding land features and town names.
The local setters originally worked with the Luskanoe peoples and traded furs and meats. In fact, the first Constitution did provide for suffrage for freeholders. Those free peoples that owned land. In fact, a deal was brokered with Archantan Ingerland so that those indigenous persons, the Wakota could even move into the state and own land and therefore even vote as male freeholders.
The state is on the third constitution.
First constitution (late 1700s or early 1800s, TBD)
Appointed officials with some local elections.
Suffrage for male freeholders.
Weak executive powers.
Second constitution (mid 1800s)
The people drove out the indigenous peoples and also discriminated against those persons they brought in. There was a local war and the indigenous people lost and were conquered. Those that were left were either driven out, became slaves or went into hiding. Slavery became more rampant as the agricultural lands were settled. Indigenous peoples that were now left in the state no longer had suffrage unless they were ultra-wealthy and also owned slaves. The constitution provided for local elections, suffrage for white male freeholders and those individuals that the General Assembly named in specific legislation. The legislation was so specific as to name a person and the reasons why they were to enjoy suffrage. Furthermore, legislation also provided for such things as individuals seeking name changes, jobs and allowed defeated sheriffs and constables to continue to collect fees that were owed after they left office until collected by the individual sheriffs and constables name.
The constitution did grant the executive more powers, but the state still has a weaker executive than most.
Third Constitution (1880)
The current constitution was drafted after the Great Aggression and revolts. The constitution removed slavery expect for in the case of a prison sentence. Suffrage was now afforded to all males. Suffrage was granted to females by the FSA constitution. The constitution removed the power of the legislature to name individuals for the most part and legislation must be general in nature unless local private acts are necessary and warranted. The debate over the township was settled. Those previous in certain counties in the agriculture section had platted out named townships as their civil district. Over the years legislation was afforded to give some of these counties the option to form limited township governance mainly for the formation of roads for the farm to market traffic. The third constitution sought for a compromise and a provision was settled. Each county shall set aside a number of civil districts. The legislature was free to define the local governance.
The constitution went un-amended until 1950. The 1950 amendments removed the dueling provision, allowed for a home rule type county governance and metropolitan consolidated governments. Cities not already formed by a special act may no longer form as a special act municipally. They may form as a general act or home rule municipality. However, the end of the any new townships being formed was ended as low taxes were becoming a talking point for attracting commerce. However, the General Assembly is free to form special service districts which may meet some of the needs of a township but with a more defined purpose whilst reducing redundancies, i.e., township board of road supervisors and a county road board, county district constables and township constables as the law was unclear. Many of these townships which were few to begin with have dissolved and the county has formed a road board and special service districts were formed to handle utility, sanitary, water, fire and educational needs.
The 1976 convention was a failure as radical leftists tried to "sneak in" and win seats on the convention as many folks paid little attention to the severity of the system. The strong use of the word "modern" and the phrase "common-sense" were used by the leftists. This tipped off many principal persons as left-wing talking points. Therefore, the requirements that the court make it own rules unfettered from the General Assembly, getting rid of non-learned judges, removing the popular vote of the inferior judges and the retention election of the superior and supreme justices, and removing the office of justice of the peace and constables were faltered.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
Owner of AR057b∈⊾. This will be a secondary project as annexation attempts have failed.
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Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
No Way (talk) 06:23, 27 July 2022 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
- An application for a second territory is not going to be successful as is - you still have vast swathes of empty spaces in AR057b. So, do you want this considered as a swap, or consider splitting AR057b? Thanks/wangi (talk) 09:01, 27 July 2022 (UTC)
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Territory application closed |
Closing, no response wangi (talk) 09:21, 22 August 2022 (UTC) | |