Forum:Territory application/BG09
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
UL30B Name: 大糸特别联邦|Oito Special Union
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
This nation enjoys a temperate climate, characterized by moderate temperatures neither excessively cold nor hot. Its coastal location, with seas surrounding the mainland, ensures a constant supply of fresh air, facilitating a comfortable living environment. The geographical features of the country are relatively flat, with no significant mountain ranges present to obstruct air currents, save for a notable exception.
In the northwest, bordering the region designated as UL30G, a series of gently sloping hills, traverse the landscape. However, these hills are of modest elevation, not posing a major impediment to air movement or the overall topography of the country. Their presence adds a picturesque touch without disrupting the prevailing climate conditions.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
- Population Issue:
Apart from Sanshui being the capital with the highest population in the country, Wang Hu, as the second-largest city, has fewer residents than the capital but still holds significant importance in terms of population nationwide. Wang Hu might attract a large population due to its unique geographical location, economic development, or cultural aspects.
- Economic Issues:
In terms of economy, the country has implemented several environmental measures, such as plastic bag fees, waste disposal fees, and additional charges for hotel single-use brushes and toothpaste. These policies aim to reduce environmental pollution and resource waste. Additionally, restaurants charge customers extra for wasted food, encouraging food conservation. These policies help raise environmental awareness among citizens and promote sustainable development.
- Land Use Issues:
Although the country's overall land use is not high, the old city area of Sanshui has a very high land use rate, similar to Hong Kong. However, with new laws in place, the land use situation in Sanshui is gradually improving. This indicates that the government is working towards optimizing land resource allocation and enhancing land use efficiency.
- Infrastructure Issues:
The country's infrastructure condition is at 97%, with only 8 towns facing health and water issues. This demonstrates that the government has invested substantial resources in building infrastructure to ensure a high standard of living and support economic development.
- Map Design:
In the map design,i proposed a layout with an outer ring (loop expressway), square roads near the center (CBD), and an underground (or bridge) highway for major roads to reduce traffic pressure. This design helps alleviate traffic congestion and improve urban traffic efficiency. Additionally, this layout contributes to city planning and land use, making urban development more organized and sustainable.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
As a culturally diverse Asian nation, Buddhism holds a prominent place in the heart of the country, serving as a significant aspect of its rich heritage. However, in the vicinity of the border, you'll find pockets of minority communities with distinct traditions, such as Catholicism or Taoism, though these are predominantly found in secluded areas.
When it comes to language, the nation's indigenous tongue is known as 糸语 (暂无直译), which is a unique linguistic treasure. It employs characters derived from the Swedish alphabet, yet it remains deeply rooted in its original identity, showcasing a fascinating blend of cultural influences.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Hugo CG 2024/6/19
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Hello. As one of the main users active in the area (Izaland, and coordinator for UL30C), and a potential maritime border sharing nation, I would like to write my feedback on your territory application. First of all, thank you for your interest in this area. I would be happy to see more activity in the area and co-operation with new neighbours. But there are some aspects of this motion which I think deserve further consideration.
- Climate: Looking at the location, I imagine the climate of this area to be a temperate climate with hot summers and no dry seasons (Cfa). I appreciate the absence of high mountain ranges, as I planned the south of Izaland to be relatively hot. This would allow warm winds from the south to reach the Sound of Pa (the sea in the north of the area) without being blocked.
- Country Name VS City Name (Language): Regarding toponyms, you provided the intended name of the nation (Oito Special Union), which sounds Japanese (justified by the presence of the soon(?) to be Japanese speaking nation of UL30C), but the city names you provided in the project, namely Sanshui and Wang Hu, clearly sound Chinese, so there is a problem of consistency here. Since Chinese (Baiyu/百語) is quite common in northern Archanta, I would rather see a Japanese-based conlang here, perhaps Ryukyuan or an evolution of the Baekje language. Besides, I think it would be a bit out of place to call up the Swedish language here.
Feel free to let me know your feedback on these considerations! --Izaland Terramorphing Committee (talk) 21:11, 19 June 2024 (UTC)
Hi there! Thank you for letting me know that there is problems in the application, I will Fix The problems here:
Climate: Due To the barrier of understanding the landscape of the origenal mountains, I am sorry to make up a new on without any proofs, as you metioned in the reply that there is a lot of hot climate in the area, i am absolute okay with that.
Language: Apligize that i forgotten to have look at the territory, as the country is calles Oito(大糸)And it's city name is chinese, i am working on to create the city name as japaneese,as swedish is a little bit strange here, i am absoulute okay to take it off, but for roads i may need to write in triditional chinese because i only knew a little japaneese(Still learning)
Hopefully That Has been Okay with you! if you have any requirements just let me know. HugoCG 20June 2024
PS:I have a old wiki about the country, if you would like to visit it(But it is chineese)here is the link: Information in the wiki is not 100% Accurate)
Hello Hugo, welcome to OGF! Glad you have found us. I have quite a few points to mention about your application. I will order them from most to least important; so don't feel compelled to respond to all of them yet, the less important points can be figured out a little later.
Most importantly: you have already been quite active in AR926, it's great to see what you have mapped in just a few days. Before applying for a private territory however, mappers first need to map consistently for a few weeks at the very least (not just days). This is to demonstrate some sustained interest in OGF. During this time, we also ask beginners to map a range of different geographical features. You have already mapped a lot of highways, an airport and a city center, but also give it a try to map some forests, rivers, lakes, industry or rural areas. It's challenging at first, but part of the fun :) I recommend doing so in a Beginner territory. A Beginner territory is a great stepping stone towards one of the much larger territories on the "main continents". The mapping you undertake there is not wasted - it can be moved to your private territory later on if you wish to do so, so you can already start mapping some cities or other features of your country there. To sum up, I recommend you continue mapping in blue or BG territories for a while longer and come back to applying for a private territory at a later stage.
After you mapped some more in blue or BG territories, we can come back to this or a new territory application. The following points are, similarly to Iza's reply, some comments on your territory application. I am certain that once you are eligible for a private territory, we will be able to find a suitable available spot on our world matching your visions for Oito - so don't take them as harsh critiques, just some context to help you find an ideal location for Oito on our planet.
- Climate wise, UL30b will have some kind of humid subtropical climate, with hot and humid air coming from the south. See here for a climate world map. Atlanta and Shanghai are a good example for this in the real world. Some deviation from this is totally ok of course, just to give you a reference frame.
- Topography wise, it is of course up to you how many and how tall mountains you want to have in your territory. But notice that UL30b lies on a ridge between UL30c and UL30e/g and has lots of islands which need to have some kind of geological activity to create them. So the islands and especially the mainland would probabyl have to have at least some areas that are a little hilly, and could not be 100% flat like the Netherlands. The Philippines or Indonesia could be good analoges, both have large river plains, hilly areas and some low mountain ranges here and there.
- Lastly, language. For Chinese and/or Japanese influences, this area is indeed a good spot, since the Chinese homeland on our planet is to the south-east in northern Archanta and the Japanese homeland is planned in UL30c, your eastern neighbour. I don't quite understand from your application yet how Swedish will play into this, but I'm curious to learn more. Maybe you can try out some language mapping as you intend it for you private territory while continueing to map in blue and BG territories; your mapping so far has been in Chinese if I understand correctly. I would be curious to see your linguistic vision in action :)
Best! P.S. You can (and should) sign every comment by typing 4x "~" at the end of your comment. It will turn into a signature after posting, like this: Leowezy (talk) 19:05, 20 June 2024 (UTC)
Hi Leowezy!(Not sure if it's your name),First, Thank you for listing out the problems in the territory application, i will awnser the point's you have been maded:
-Most improtent: I am in china mainland, and there is a problem that if i wanted to visit the map web is a little bit hard for me(Not the wiki side),but i try to be active a lot of times on tha e place i have provided to you,i am thinking that the city doesen't having rivers,i have set up a deep slope at the north of the main city(S183111Pass over as a tunnel), for territory application, if your team thinks that i may needed to improve on my mapping skills and moved to the BG teritories, i am okay with that,you could save this(Or not) and i will come back and application this one while i think im okay with in
-Climate wise, (There Is a problem opening the picture), i am thinking about some mountains up north, but your setting already said so, so i am reality okay with it
-Topography: I am okay with the setting you have mentioned, thank you!
-Language: Sorry That there is a mistake that i planned chineese at the territory(But it is japaneese!!), i am okay(And making) New city names that match the territory style(which is japaneese)
for swedish, i am marking off the place which is kind of strange:)
If your team needs me in the BG territories, just let me know! Thank you for replying! HugoCG (talk) 02:56, 21 June 2024 (UTC)
Hi Hugo, Leowezy is my nickname, but you can use it as my first name on here ;) Thank you for your replies. Yes, I would ask you to either continue mapping in blue territories or (preferably) apply for a BG territory to practice some more mapping there. The link I linked above explains how to apply for a BG territory (its very easy). For now, I'll close this territory application; we can then come back to this territory application at a later date. Best!Leowezy (talk) 10:06, 21 June 2024 (UTC)
- Hi there!, i am asking that if my mapping is okay for this territory or i will open an application at BG09 HugoCG (talk) 13:59, 16 July 2024 (UTC)
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Territory application approved |
Beginner territory approved - BG09. Reminder that beginner territories are for building up experience, and not for long-term mapping. Thanks/wangi (talk) 15:20, 16 July 2024 (UTC) was: Mapper will apply for a BG territory, we will revisit this application at a later date.Leowezy (talk) 10:06, 21 June 2024 (UTC) | |
As you develop your territory, be sure to keep it realistic. Here are some resources you may find useful for starting out: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and OpenGeofiction:Site policies |