Forum:Territory application/BG21 - Canterra
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
UL29h – Republic of Canterra
Hi there! My name is Awesomeboy123 (you can call me Doggo), and I choose the name Canterra.
Canterra, is inspired by Azerbaijan as in economics, demographics and population, and some parts of geography.
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
Sketch:; purple = wetlands; there are 14 states in Canterra.
Topography: Canterra is a nation located in the south part of the Lantian Peninsula, with mountains in the northeast (Pascalle Moutains) and small connected ranges in the west (Sanwood Mountains). To the north, there are islands (some small islands and 1 big island called Ikertoman Island) and the Perkontal Estuary, an estuary of 3 rivers, the biggest being the Perkia River, leading to a lake which connects with another lake (via canal) which connect to a river that leads to Berkham Gulf. The system from the Gulf of Volta to Berkham Gulf forms the Canterra Intergulf Waterway System (CC1 for short). Another river in the Perkontal Estuary also is connected to a bay west of Fiorentia, forming the Southern Canterra Intergulf Waterway System (CC2 for short).
- Canterra is divided into 4 regions:
+ National Capital Region: Region that (as name says) has Nautecove, the capital of Canterra and the Nautecove Wetlands;
+ Northern Coast: The northern coast of Canterra, has some islands, capital is Roscal
+ Ulstbernham: Southern area of Canterra, capital is Farkernoss
+ Lord’s Isles: East coast of Canterra, previously owned by the president of Canterra, now a tourist area
Climate: Canterra has a climate that mostly would be an arid, steppe, cold (bSk) in the Koppen Climate, and a moderate cold climate on the mountains. Canterra does get snow in the winter. When it snows, the mountains in the north and south become popular ski resort destinations. In the summer, Canterra experiences very hot summers in the lowlands, making the Lord's Isles a popular tourist destination from June - August.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
City Guide: Yellow = Capital (Nautecove)
Orange = Region Capital, also capital of states
Blue = State capitals
Black = Other big cities
Red = highway network (the main highway goes from Fiorentia to Nautecove to a town on the Gulf of Volta, middle route)
The population of Canterra is around 11.8 M. Around 60% of the population is rural, while the other 40% is urban. Most of the population speak Ingerish, however the native people of Canterra mostly speak languages called Toamai (Maori IRL) or Kukebi (Twi IRL). 70% of the population of Canterra have Ingerish roots, 25% are Native Canterran (12% Toamai, 8% Kukebi, 5% other), and 5% are from people with other roots (mostly Izaland and Westway, people from the Lantian peninsula, etc)
Canterra mostly focuses on agriculture in the plains, tourism in the east, and also some national parks in the mountain area.
Canterra has a great economy that is still rising because of tourism, agricultural exports and the Canterra Canal.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
Canterra first had natives from around the 7th century, when a group of people from modern-day Izaland migrated to west Canterra (Ezamai) and made a language called Toamai (Maori). In the 8th century, another group of people, this time from modern-day Orinoco, escaped their homeland, settled in the western islands and made another language (Kukebi, Twi IRL)to communicate. However, Canterra has it’s first Ingerish settlers around the 13th century when Ingerland colonized the Lantian peninsula and called Canterra "Dasgrundia" (from a Ingerish captain, Captain James Dasgrund). At that time, there was no option to go from the western part of the Lantian peninsula to the eastern bay, so the Ingerish had the idea to make a canal here. (this idea would not be a thing until the 19th century due to not that much funds put into Canterra) From the 14th to the late 16th century, the population here grew to around 3M people. In 1621, a man with the name of Reyes Maccarimi, a Toamaian-Ingerish became the governer of Dasgrundia, and started a revolutionary vote about the independence of Canterra in 2 cities and 183 towns located all throughout Dasgrundia. When put together, around 98% of Dasgrundia wanted independence. Thus, on the 23rd of August, 1624, Mr. Maccarimi formed the United People’s Republic of Canterra (Canterra coming from the Toamai name for the whole of Dasgrundia, Canaviva and terra, a suffix for land). After Canterra gained independence, the Ingerish still was trying to recolonize Canterra, however this stopped around the beginning of the 18th century. The war happened from 1736 to 1741 because of the native Toamaians who wanted to make a country and claiming that the government are mistreating the natives. This dispute was stopped when the government have the Toamaians 5 autonomous counties in the north. In the 19th century, the Canterra canal was built, and Canterra started to have a economic and population boom. This population boom would double the population of Canterra at the time. Canterra joined AN in 1983. From there, Canterra started becoming allies with a lot of countries worldwide, and the economy is still great from the effects of CC1 and CC2!
Canterra's main language is Ingerish, but Toamai and Kukebi are also common languages.
Canterra's culture includes very traditional long dresses (Baikenbaivol), a lot of seafood near the coast, more meat from land animals in the highland, and rice in the lowlands, just to name a few.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
- Comforta, a small town outside of Oriolez
- T intersection
- Mazmami, a walled canal city
- Santa Mijoma and it’s new counterpart, a planned satellite town of Clark
- 3 intersections and a toll booth!
- Cat Duong and Lon No island, a tourist island, with 5 towns.
- Hoi Sanh, a pretty big town outside Doi Bien
I have mapped the mountains, forests, beaches, harbors and lakes on Lon No (and Cat Duong), towns, planned parts of towns and satelitte towns in Santa Mijoma, intersections and toll booths in BG, a military airbase and old fort in Hoi Sanh and farms and canal systems in Mazmami.
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
I really hope I get this territory so that I can contribute to the OGF project and make more friends via alliances with other countries!
This is also my most detailed application, and I really hope I get accepted!
Thanks, Awesomeboy123 (talk) 15:00, 11 July 2023 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Hello awesomeboy123, thank you for your application. Your concept for the territory is well thought out, especially culture and history fit in really well with the concept for East Uletha. As Alessa already mentioned on your previous application, it is necessary that you first continue practising your mapping a little more in a BG territory before claiming a permanent territory. Your ideas and macro planning are really promising I think and I can see from your mapping history that you are already a consistent contributor to OGF. I would therefore like to make you a special offer. What do you think about the following procedure:
- for now, you claim a BG territory of your choice (just create a new short territory application post for this purpose) and continue your mapping there. Some natural mapping (woods, rivers, mountains, farmland etc.) would be especially appreciated.
- In the meantime, I'll reserve UL29h and put it on hold for you.
- In about two months, after you continued to expand your mapping portfolio, we can come back to your application for UL29h. We just put it on hold until then.
- After that, I can assist you with moving some of your mapping from the blue territory to UL29h. So if you like, you can already start sketching some things in your blue territory that you would like to move to UL29h after successfully claiming it.
Looking forward to your reply. Cheers, Leowezy (talk) 16:43, 11 July 2023 (UTC)
Hi Leowezy! Thank you for offering me this! I will gladly accept this offer. However, I have a question. If I expand my portfolio faster, could I theoretically get UL29h in like 1 month or 1 month and a half?
Thank you for answering me and I'm also looking forward to your reply.
(I forgot to mention I did make farms located west of Hoi Sanh if you zoom in!)
Sincerely, Awesomeboy123 (talk) 01:35, 12 July 2023 (UTC)
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Territory application closed |
Closing, per assignment of BG21. /wangi (talk) 16:57, 12 July 2023 (UTC) | |
The following resources can be useful in building up mapping experience: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and also OpenGeofiction:Site policies |