Forum:Territory application/UL13G - Slawonsko
Forums → Territory application → Territory application/UL13G - Slawonsko
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
UL13G - Slawonsko (Slavia - Land of those who speak + Slezsko - Silesia)
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
- General topography: Slawonsko is framed by two great rivers: Żubrza (Wisent's river) from the north and Bioło Woda (Whitewater) from the south. Offet fromt he east is a northern outcrop of Pretannic Cantens. Coast is marked by tectonic- and glacial-formed cliffs which are now several hundred or more meters inland thanks to heavy sediment loads of Bahroma nad Bioło Woda. This also causes the coast to be rich is depositional features like spits, sandbars and tobolos.
- Biomes: As per continent-wide climate estimates country is split by a southwest-northeast diagonal into continental temperate and warm steppe.
- Terrain: Biogeographically Żubrza watershed is mostly mixed-to-conifer forests, southern coast is dedicious, Cantenes follow alpine stratification, and the centerlands are heavily transformed by agriculture with fields, pastoral steppes and thin strands of forests.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
- Geodemographics: Border rivers are major urbanization corridors with Żubrza being the more prominent. Capital and Southwestern metropolis show centralized Metropolis-and-satellites pattern of development while Northwestern and Northeastern show polycentric development similar to Górnośląski Okręg Przemysłowy and Tricity, respectively. Population adds up to several dozens of millions.
- Economy: Slawonsko is a recovering industrial economy. As most modern countries it transitioned to service and financial economy letting primary industries fall behind. After deeply hurtful financial crises the recent governments vowed to rebuild the foundations, which resulted in a wave of industrial and agricultural modernizations.
- Architecture and Urbanism: General style is similar to modern southern Poland and Czechia: Historic city centres consists of 2-5 floor stone buildings congregating around open plaza(s). Larger industrial cities have planned industrial sectors and worker's housing similar to Prussian Famillienbau and later - Commieblocks. Poorer cities that grew faster than they could build display a degree of chaotic Favela-ization. Rural areas follow Polish village morphotypes with buildings concentrated around some uniting feature(s) and fields radiating outwards. Pastoral southeastern steppes show even sparser construction. Contemporary green(washed) architecture in styles of Neo-Deco and Solar-Nouveau emphasize mixed heights, light and shade access and water detention.
- Infrastructure
- Transport
- Water: Żubrza and the Pretannic Canal is one of most if not ***the most** important waterway in the world. Mecina Canal makes Archantan oceanic shipping convenient. Pretannic Canal makes Gret Rift oceanic shipping ***possible*** when Rift's north is frozen solid. To support that Żubrza is mostly regulated river and it's <to be named> tributary connecting to the Channel is supported by a side channel, similar to Kanał Gliwicki. Bioło woda is largely unregulated, shipping to the Rift blocked by great waterfalls between Padovitse and Velingrad in longitude.
- Road & Rail: Main corridors follow the main rivers, other lines connect the interior centres and follow the coast. Rails are nearly completely electrified, heavy rails run on 25kV@50hz, trams and metros: 1kV DC. Roads and railways follow right-handed traffic.
- Air: INTL airports are in Capital and Northwest, slightly smaller are in the opposite corners, small general aviation aerodromes are peppered around the highlands.
- Power: Hydro and nuclear form the lion's share of electrical power generation, nuclear co-generation is common. Fossil fuels and renewables exist opportunistically, where circumstances are convenient. Outlet power is 230/400V @ 50Hz.
- Transport
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
- History: Slawonsko was a patched network of chiefdoms, confederations and petty monarchies until quite far in it's history. Great rivers made it difficult to access, with more than one wannabe invaders flushed by sudden floods, and sparse lands made it unappealing to do so. Few centuries ago Slawonskan identity stater to coalesce hand-in-hand with territorial unification campaigns by local rulers. Industrial revolution was a miracle for the nation with modern mining, prospecting and agricultural techniques revealing true potential of the land. Despite being a latecomer it allowed it to jump from forgotten backwater to modest local sovereign in just a few decades. XX century is regarded as "revolving door" in Slawonskan history with rapid regime changes jumping erratically on political spectrum. After disappointing turn of laissez-faire economic policy modern governments lean towards democratic market socialist. If this state will remain remains to be seen.
- Culture: Slawonsko belongs to the Lechitic culture group, with Lechian (Polish) being the dominant language. However that language has heavy (IRL) Silesian, and by extension Czech and Germanic influences. Canal and Tributary are experienced cultural diffusion with Pretannia, and to lesser extent Valonnia. Religulous landscape is an amorphous blob of Slavic animism. Historical factors made external missionaries sparse and what they said was syncretized instead of replacing local beliefs. Antitheistic autocracies had difficulties suppressing such diffuse system compared to more structured faiths, leading to their greater perseverance and resurgence after the Great Political Thaw. Modern population is roughly even blend of animism and secularism with borders between religious and cultural being very fuzzy. Geographically that makes small local shrines much, much more common than larger temples, and the latter often being just a collection of the former.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Exe19 (talk) 18:03, 25 September 2024 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
- I know that my application may be somewhat premature but some external circumstances forced me to greatly accelerate my plans. I was an observer of OGF for quite some time and in that time I made quite some plans detailed above. I'd experience great sorrow if those went unfulfilled. So hereby I vow Before Gods, Before Y'all, Before Silesian City Bike Network to provide examples of presented styles of mapping and/or any other you may request ASAP Exe19 (talk) 18:03, 25 September 2024 (UTC)
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Territory application closed |
User redirected to the Lechia collaborative project. ⸺ Bixelkoven (talk) (West Uletha Admin) 20:13, 2 October 2024 (UTC) | |
Hello Exe19! Apologies for the late response. I really like your plans and the fact that you considered the continental plans when making them, however the territory is quite large and I'd require you to map some more in order to acquire it. However, instead of doing that, and with cooperation with the user Olejowy I have decided to redirect you to the Lechia project just north of the territory you are requesting. It is a project of creating a fictional country based mostly on Poland and I think you could gain significant experience if you mapped together with your fellow countrymen. Olejowy and me agreed that there are plenty of Polish-themed countries in the area and although I don't want to strictly prohibit the creation of more of them, I think it would be mutually beneficial if you contributed to the project and then in the future perhaps request a territory if you feel like mapping in your own area, otherwise I highly encourage mapping with experienced users. You may also stick with mapping inside the project if you feel like doing so. Please see the Lechia project page and contact Olejowy by pressing on this link, the project's coordinator for futher steps. I am available for more tips if needed. Happy mapping! |