Forum:Territory application/UL15h
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
If optional, I'd like for the territory to be converted to a collaborative one because I intend to base it on multiple, slightly distinct, but fairly similar cultures that extend over the whole territory, and I don't think it's wise to go at it all alone.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
UL15h - Midegalia/Meždegalija/Междегалија
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
I intend for the climate to be a dominant mix of Temperate and Mountainous (Alpine and Sub-Alpine). With parts of the coastline either representing flatlands, or a pseudo-mediterranean climate.
The more towards inland you go, the bigger the range of mountains, with a slight mountainous extrusion towards the sea (slight work in progress, could be subject to change).
For the country itself, I intend to split it between four culturally autonomous provinces known as "Cantons/Kantoni/Кантони" representing the culture closest to each bordering country.
More on that later.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
The entire territory itself contains between 10-15 million people split variably between the different Cantons.
At least 10% of the population lives in the Capital: Slobodengrad (Слободенград). Itself partially named after the head founder of the nation: "Stɺepan Radivoj Trpezar Slobodenovac/Стьепан Радивој Трпезар Слободеновац". Though before that, and historically, it was known as Carevgrad (Царевград). The name-change has long been controversial, but acknowledged by a majority as significantly symbolic of the nation transitioning from a centuries-long opressive monarchical regime that was finally overthrown with a decisive victory during the last great war that ended in the capital itself.
The land closer to the Egalian coast, and the flatter plains, are usually the ones most densely populated. Though all of the Cantons have distinct villages spread out across their mountain ranges, rich with culture and prosperity.
Of all the territories, Egalia is the most populated, while Aestaria is the least populated.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
Let me start off by giving the entire name of the country first:
Meždunarodna Demokratska Republika Meždegalije/Международна Демократска Република Междегалије/People's Democratic Republic of Midegalia
The entire country itself is supposed to be based on Yugoslavia if it not only flourished as an independent socialist entity, but also kept the peace, despite it's hardships.
Before that, the four regions used to be kingdoms. Each of them dominating the Egalian province at some point for at least a century before cultural clashes split the entire lake region way too many times to count, threatening to destroy each of them at multiple points, culturally and demographically.
By the time the Egalian Union was formed, the region remains the only "Socrealistic", as well as independent, power to dominate in the region since the war long ago.
Keeping it's non-aligned policy of having trade and diplomatic ties with the other regions, but remaining economically independent from them, the only reason they haven't started a war with the other nations was because of a political transition as far back as the 50s that was less aligned with Surian influence, and more independent which helped them slowly warm back up to the rest of the countries until the 80s.
The cantons are split as follows:
Urania (Uraŋa/Урања/Ураньа) > Based on Bulgaria. Has close cultural ties to the bordering Suriya, some historians have even determined that it may be the cultural source of all of the surrounding countries. That includes the first Ortholic Church movement of the entire region.
Capital: Čakija/Чакија/Чакия
Aestaria (Estarija/Естарија/Естария) > Based on Macedonia. More culturally tied to countries like Plevia, Pretannia and Navenna because of it's more sparse population, and usually being the most peaceful of the nations even before the formation. Though these days they're way more culturally tied to their neighbours. Has very important ski tourism. Is the poorest of the Cantons.
Capital: Nadmorje/Надморје/Надморйе
Egalia (Egalija/Егалија/Егалия) > Based on Serbia and Bosnia Herzegovina to an extent. Has not only the political seat of the region, but also the culturally diverse capital and lands that attract many tourists. Is also the most economically rich of the Cantons.
Capital: Slobodengrad/Слободенград
Pritochia (Pritočka/Приточка) > Based on Montenegro, and with historical circumstances more similar to Moldova. The region itself is an important summer tourist spot for all of the regions. Used to be a territory of Livnia before one of the world wars split them off into what is now known as Zalivnia, and Pritochia. Itself an enclave more loyal to the Egalians, thus loyal to the Socrealist movement dominating the opposing political spectrum throughout the last century, before Midegalia itself split off later.
Capital: Biserica/Бисерица
The language itself, often nicknamed Midegalian, is merely a standardised version of another distinct dialect of the "Upper Egalian Regions" that also linguistically encompass the: Banuvian, Beldonian, Mallyorian and Livnian groups of mutually intelligible tongues. Though with mixed loan-words from the more distinct local dialects, and more standardised varieties that correspond with making each of the culturally significant cantons easier to transition and communicate with not only each other, but the neighbouring countries as well. Especially important for the areas around the Uranian and Aestarian regions.
That's why the nation also made it compulsory to learn both types of alphabets used throughout all of the regions, even though the cantons opt to dominantly use only one of them for historical and cultural reasons as well.
Think of the language as Serbo-Croatian with a heavier Bulgarian/Macedonian influence if they've decided to opt for a more Gaj-like Latin co-alphabet.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
Drull Free State, I'm responsible for most of Oktoberstad, and a good part of Magnolia.
I'm also a Zalivnian collaborator. Have the border town of Labar as a very big example.
Though I'm a more frequent OSM contributor. I know most of the ins and outs of the software, and I'm also massively creative when it comes to fictional maps.
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
SecularSteve (talk) 21:48, 3 January 2024 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
I'm not planning to be completely active here. Just sporadic when I have bouts of creativity that hit me once in a while. Thought I'd take charge of a region with this post while I'm at it now what I've learned how the wiki works.
I am open to discussion if there's a contract and criteria I have to abide by to keep this region collaborative. I find it better to learn as I go, within reason of course.
⸺ Bixelkoven (talk) (West Uletha Admin) 16:23, 8 January 2024 (UTC) |
![]() |
Territory application closed |
Not enough mapping experience ⸺ Bixelkoven (talk) (West Uletha Admin) 16:23, 8 January 2024 (UTC) | |
Detailed information above. |