Forum:Territory application/UL16-09 - Upper Kartlegia (მთიანღალი/Верхняя Картлегия)

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ForumsTerritory application → Territory application/UL16-09 - Upper Kartlegia (მთიანღალი/Верхняя Картлегия)

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[1] UL16-09 - Upper Kartlegia (მთიანღული/Верхняя Картлегия)

Sketch of Upper Kartlegia/მთიანღული ჩანახატი

Noun Project Map icon 1463108.svgPhysical geography
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar)

Upper Kartlegia is a constituent state of Suria with a territory covering approximately 12200 km², bordering the Republic of Kazkay and UL16-04 to the north, Chara to the east, UL17h to the west, and Antharia to the south.

Upper Kartlegia has a mostly temperate continental climate (Dfa, Dfb) except for the far north, which has a semi-arid steppe climate (BSk) and the peaks of the mountain ranges to the northeast and south that have a polar tundra climate (ET).

Upper Kartlegia is surrounded by large mountain ranges to the northeast and south, making the terrain very rugged, except for the large plains to the west.

Invest - The Noun Project.svgHuman geography
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style

Upper Kartlegia has a population of approximately 460,000 people, most of the population lives in the western plains and in the valley of the Didiqeli River (დიდიყელი).

The capital and most populous city of Upper Kartlegia is Murshkeli (მურშკელი), and it has about 105000 inhabitants. The city is located in the valley of the Didiqeli River and its economy is based on tourism because the city contains many historical monuments, and is also an important transit and logistics center between Suria and the countries of the Iviran coast.


The economy of Upper Kartlegia is dominated by the manufacturing industry and the mining industry, although it also has an important service sector, which is continually growing, and the agricultural sector, which was previously the main economic activity in Upper Kartlegia until the mid-20th century.


The road network consists mainly of the north-southeast axis and minor roads that are mainly concentrated in the western plains, The road network of Upper Kartlegia is limited and is under constant development and modernization for a few years.

The railway network consists of two main axes, the west-southwest axis, which connects the plains with the Didiqeli River valley, and the northwest-southeast axis, which connects the northern steppes with the capital and the rest of Suria.

Noun Project languages icon 105908 cc.svgHistory & culture
A brief description of the intended culture and language

Upper Kartlegia was first established as an independent state known as the Kingdom of Maghalia that existed from approximately 850 until 1056, when it united with the kingdom of Khalkheti and the kingdom of Lekheria to form the Kingdom of Kartlegia that would last until 1618, when the Kingdom of Kartlegia separated into four principalities, among them the Principality of Zemo Maghalia, which remained an ally of Suria, and which in 1780 united with Kvemo Maghalia to form the Kingdom of Maghalia, which would end up being annexed by Suria in 1862, The territory we know today as Upper Kartlegia was formed after the conquest of the principality of Sitskheti, the conquest of eastern Khalkheti and the complete annexation of Kvemo Maghalia to Chara in 1896.

Independence Era (1912-1928)

Upper Kartlegia became independent from Suria after the start of the civil war in 1912, taking advantage of the chaotic situation in Suria at that time, then, Upper Kartlegia conquered the territory of Kvemo Maghalia and northern Sitskheti in 1914. In 1928 it was annexed again by Suria after the start of the great war, in addition, Upper Kartlegia lost all the territories conquered in 1914.

Surian Socialist Rule and Independence attempts

Following the annexation of Upper Kartlegia in 1928, massive industrialization began, completely transforming Upper Kartlegia from a feudal and agrarian economy to one based on manufacturing and mining, despite many economic advances, corruption was evident in the region, which is why in 1962 massive protests were witnessed in Upper Kartlegia demanding the reunification of Kvemo Maghalia and Upper Kartlegia and later, total independence, this reached such a point that the protesters came to control the headquarters of the socialist government and install a new government for a few months, until the socialist government was reestablished and reforms were initiated to give greater autonomy to Upper Kartlegia. In 1986 there was another attempt at independence by Kartlegian nationalist groups, but that was quickly undermined by the army, in 2018 there was another attempt to get independence from Suria that resulted in massive protests never seen before calling for an independence referendum that in the end was never held, the protests lasted months and were repressed by the army.

Population & Language

The population of Upper Kartlegia is overwhelmingly  Kartlegian (83%), with minorities of Lekherian (11%), Surian (3%), and other minorities (3%).

The only official language of Upper Kartlegia is Kartlegian, Lekherian and Surian are co-official languages.

Noun Project drawing icon 2123401.svgPast mapping
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DT Planner (talk) 01:26, 4 March 2024 (UTC)

Noun project 579150 Conversation.svgDiscussion
Discussion for clarification & decision
Dash.svg Territory application closed
Territory in question has been changed. Almost a year since the territory request has been published. ⸺ Bixelkoven (talk) (West Uletha Admin) 14:16, 19 January 2025 (UTC)
Please resend the territory when you are confident that you have met the criteria. Feel free to reuse the content of this territory request.