Government of Eshein

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Government icon (black).svg
Government of Eshein
Federal presidential constitutional monarchy
CapitalNew Tyrrin
Head of state
• MonarchQueen Helena
• PresidentEmilia Wallner
• Vice PresidentKristin Hangel
• Upper houseSenate
ES Senate2024.svg
• Lower houseNational Assembly
JudiciaryEshen Constitutional Court
Major political parties
  DGP: 6 seats
  SILVE: 49 seats
  ME: 18 seats
  RS: 8 seats
  NEP: 45 seats
  EK: 9 seats

The government of the Kingdom of Eshein is a federal presidential system of governance alongside a ceremonial monarchy. The country is a federal presidential constitutional monarchy that is divided into six sub-divisions; four states and two regions.

The modern system was set in the 1867 when the powers of the Eshen monarchy were restrained and some of its authorities were divided between the president and the Folkhalter in a series of major constitutional amendments. Most of the Eshen constitution remains as it was written in 1806- with the addition of 12 amendments.

Since 1902, Eshein has a total separation between all three branches of the government: The legislative branch (the Folkhalter), executive branch (the president and cabinet) and the judicial branch (federal constitutional court and state supreme courts).

The Eshen Monarchy

The current monarchical system was established in 1806 amidst the Eshen revolutionary war by the first queen of Eshein, Queen Angela, which is often referred to as "The Founder".

Before the current system, The history of the Eshen people is filled with a variety of other monarchs, both as a united land and as a divided one but they are not considered as Eshen monarchs since they predeceased the establishment of the current sovereign country of Eshein.

Since 1806, Eshein had seven monarchs, all of them belong to the Halensk royal family, including the reigning queen, Queen Helena, that took the throne in 1979. The Eshen rule of succession, as it was written by a woman, has never differentiated between a male hair and a female one, and it regards only the order of birth. The current hair apparent to the throne is the eldest son of Queen Helena, Maykel, Prince of Haugsburg.

Legislative Branch

The Folkhalter

The National Assembly

The The Eshen National Assembly is the lower chamber of the Folkhalter.

It is consisted of 135 democratically elected representatives in a closed list party-list proportional representation system once every 5 years in the first elections.

The primary role of the assembly is to pass federal legislation, approve treaties and international agreements and to oversea the powers of the judicial and executive branches.

The current assembly (43rd) is comprised of 6 different political parties- the largest of them being SILVE.

The Senate

The The Eshen Senate is the upper chamber of the Folkhalter.

It is consisted of 45 democratically elected representatives in a first-past-the-post system once every 5 years in the second elections, each one represent a 'Krayk' or a 'Distrikt'.

The primary role of the senate is to approve federal legislation, approve and impeach federal level public office holders and to oversea the work of the assembly and president.

The current senate (43rd) is comprised of 4 different political parties- the largest of them being SILVE.

State/ Region No. of Senator
Angelae 10
Atelfain 11
Kæsberg 9
Grospelen 5
Haugsburg 6
Est Ao̊denylln 4
total 45

Political parties

Current political parties in Ehsien
Code name Official Eshen name Political lean Year founded Head Vice Current no. of assembly seats Current no. of senate seats Notes
EK Diu Eshen Konservativen Far-right 1875 Lucas Höhl Kamno Höhl 9 3 Kamno is Lucas' brother
NEP Natyonal Eshen Partie Right 1910 Alexander Sauerland Ann-Marie Drussel 45 16 Sauerland is a former vice president
RS Radikal Sentrum Partie Center 2020 Georgina Frinskeyt Arnold Freitz 8 0 Freitz is a former vice president
ME Tysamen Mit Eshein Center-left 1990 Analyz Fauboim Lukass Grigen 18 5 Grigen is the former mayor of Silt
SILVE Sosial Liberalen Vor Eshæyn Left 1925 Emilia Wallner Kristin  Hangel 49 21 Kristin Hangel is the wife of former vice president,

Björn Hangel

DGP Diu Gröner Partie Far-left 1985 Rikard Drillesk Tales Strell 6 0
135 45
Political parties Eshein.png
Former main political parties in Ehsien
Code name Official Eshen name Political lean Years of activity Successor Notes
DDP Diu Demokraten Partie Left 1812-1865 Arbaytern
DHP Diu Hændleren Partie Center-Right 1818-1910 NEP
FRN Frayen Right 1820-1855 Demokraten and Fynansern
AR Arbaytern Left 1865-1925 SILVE
PAF Prtie av diu Fynansern Right 1955-1910 NEP

Executive Branch

The President

Emilia Wallner

List of Eshen presidents

# Name Birth- Death Term Party Election Assemblies Vice President(s) Notes
1 Robert Thomas Williams 1756-1836 1806-1820 none (-1812)




Before the 1st



Richard Albert Yur Served a temporary president untill the first elections

and then was elected twice.

2 Richard Albert Yur 1820-1825 Demokraten 1820 3rd Thomas Samuel Whalley
3 Thomas Samuel Whalley 1825-1835 1825




Johan Kristian White
4 Johan Kristian White 1835-1840 1835 6th Brennen Laut
5 Paul Henrikk Herning 1840-1845 Hændleren 1840 7th Drösel Eyden
6 Johan Russell 1845-1850 Frayen 1845 8th Hanson Fletcher
7 Hanson Fletcher 1850-1852 1850 Part of the 9th Walter Laurentz Fletcher died in office so his VP, Laurentz, was sworn in.

Frayen party was dissolved in 1855 and Lawrence joined the Demokraten party.

8 Walter Laurentz 1852-1865 Frayen (-1855)

Demokraten (1855-)



Part of the 9th



Frank Hayd

(1852-1855) Wlater Aarbaum (1855-1860) Anslem Byl (1860-1865)

9 Abraham George Foulkens 1865-1875 Arbaytern 1865




Anslem Byl Granted women the right to vote (1872)
10 Lyanna Charlotte Frisk 1831-1922 1875-1885 1875




Adrian Hartenfæld The first female president of Eshein
11 Theodor "Teddy" Wing 1885-1890 Fynansern 1885 16th Oliver Georgson
12 Adrian Hartenfæld 1890-1895 Arbaytern 1890 17th Alnder Krausen
13 Owneheym Shipley 1895-1900 EK 1890 18th Yason Moren
14 Yason Moren 1900-1905 1895 19th Paul Tho̊æyn
15 Anne Morrinson 1905-1910 Arbaytern 1905 20th Nomberg Styln
14 Yason Moren 1910-1915 EK 1910 21st Paul Tho̊æyn
15 Anne Morrinson 1915-1920 Arbaytern 1915 22nd Nomberg Styln
16 Hugo Klasen 1920-1925 NEP 1920 23rd Hüller Tchellsberg
17 Mark Gilbertt 1925-1935 SILVE 1925




Sven Fo̊lner
18 Oliver Dykenson 1935-1944 EK 1935



Part of 27th

Rikard Bray
19 Rikard Bray 1944-1945 - Part of 27th Kgyrg Rölland
20 Elke Piltzer 1945-1950 SILVE 1945 28th Johan Fisher
21 Johan Fisher 1950-1955 1950 29th Leopold Bruhns
22 Susan Lung 1955-1960 NEP 1955 30th Albert Hollners
23 Karl Shönfæld 1960-1970 SILVE 1960




Karen Koe
22 Susan Lung 1970-1975 NEP 1970 33rd Kristof Filler
24 Karen Koe 1975-1980 SILVE 1975 34th Petrus Pröll
25 Kristof Filler 1980-1985 NEP 1980 35th Klaudia Bruhns
26 Petrus Pröll 1985-1990 SILVE 1985 36th Arlent Halensk
27 Adam Rosenblatt 1990-1998 NEP 1990



Part of 38th

Klaudia Bruhns
28 Klaudia Bruhns 1998-2005 2000 Part of 38th


Aleksander Sauerland
29 Marvin Auernheimer 2005-2015 SILVE 2005




Arnold Freitz (2005-2010)

Allena Wingerson (2010-2015)

30 Allena Wingerson 2015-2020 2015 Part of 42nd Björn Hangel (2015-2019)

Rasmus Pillar (2019-2020)

Hangel stepped down due to heath issues.
29 Marvin Auernheimer 2020 - Part of 42nd Rasmus Pillar Wingerson stepped down due to family issues.

Former president Auernheimer, appointed by Wingerson and approved the senate, was sworn in for a two months period leading up to the up-coming elections (due to VP's ,Pillar, inability to serve as president at the time).

31 Emilia Wallner 2020- 2020 43rd Kristin Hangel

The Cabinet

The 50th Cabinet

Judicial Branch