This index contains information about the driving side of various territories.
Important technical notes to users
To include your territory on the map, please add the tagging directly to the territory's map relation on the map.
- Use
driving_side=left for territories that are predominantly left-hand driving (LHT)
- Use
driving_side=right for territories that are predominantly right-hand driving (RHT)
- Use
driving_side=mixed for territories that are mixed with regards to driving side
- Use
driving_side=other for territories that do not regulate driving side or are otherwise undefined
- Parameters other than
left , right , mixed , and other do not render on this map.
Territories by driving side
The map below highlights territories by driving side.
Drives on the left • Drives on the right • Has mixed driving • Unregulated, or undefined
Loading map... {"tileLayer":"//{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png","attribution":"\u0026copy; \u003Ca href=\"\"\u003EOpenStreetMap\u003C/a\u003E contributors","center":{"lat":0,"lon":0},"zoom":"2","maxzoom":"14","minzoom":"1","overlays":"+Driving side","overlaydef":"{\n\"Driving side\": [\n {\"url\": \"\", \"key\": \"rel\"},\n {\"url\": \"\", \"wrap\": \"polygon\", \"select\": \"rel\"},\n {\"url\": \"/index.php/OpenGeofiction:Multimap_stylesheet_1?action=raw\", \"select\": \"driving_side\", \"filter\": \"driving_side\"}\n]}"}