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Suria (Сурия), Surian Confederation (Сурийская Конфедерация) or Surian Socialist Confederation (Сурийская Социалистическая Конфедерация) is a sovereign state and a union of ten socialist republics in the Central Uletha, formed in 1912 as a consequence of the September Revolution.
Possessing a dominant position in the middle of Ulethan continent, Suria is one of the biggest and most influential countries in the world. Its land area spans for more than 2000 km from West to East and 1600 km from North to South. It borders 19 independent nations and covers 4 major climate zones: from northern Lidoan frontiers covered by contiguous boreal taiga forest to warm Charan subtropical shores washed by Elvirian Sea.
Culturally speaking, Suria is no less diverse. Positioning itself as a socialist confederation of free peoples, the country's population comprises more than 100 nationalities, who speak a comparable amount of different languages. Each republic is considered as a partly sovereign state by constitution and is able to provide their own official languages and perform independent internal policies to some extent.
The historical roots of modern Confederation date back to Surian tsardom, unified from various Sur-Lido principalities in XIV-XV centuries. As a monarchy, Suria lasted up until the beginning of XX century, constantly growing new territories, mainly on the East, due to military conquests and diplomatic treaties. Accumulating social and economic contradictions of absolutist tsarist Surian state lead to numerous workers' strikes and conflicts in late 1890s - early 1900s, resulting in the civil war, started in 1911, and the September Revolution, commenced on 9th September 1912. After six years long civil war leftist Workers' socialist army eventually took over in the confrontation while tsar had to abdicate and to flee from the country four years later. The first General Elections of Surian republic brought N.K. Tvirin, national revolutionary leader, political and economic philosopher, to the power over the new-born state.
Struggling for international recognition and experiencing huge internal problems in the first years, Socialist Suria managed to unite back most of the breakaway territories (with the notable exception of Dregovine) and stabilize the economic situation. The processes of democratization of the Party Academy and the state have also taken place. Nowadays Suria behaves as an informal ideological and cultural leader of all socialist movements across the globe, is a developed industrial and scientific power with a strong army and navy and one of the founders and key members of the Assembly of Nations.
Surian Confederation Сурия | ||||
| ||||
Capital | Триглав (Triglav) | |||
Largest city | Радогож (Radogozh) | |||
Official languages | Surian | |||
• National languages | dialects of Surian, Kazkay, Bardash, Karzalian, Kumyl, Marvish | |||
Ethnic Groups | Sur, Kazkay, Karzal, Bardash, Kumyl, Marvian, Mordvinian, Miotian, others | |||
Demonym | Surian | |||
Government | Union of socialist republics | |||
• Верховный Председатель (Supreme Councillor) | Валерий Полянин (Valery Polyanin) | |||
GDP (PPP) | ||||
• Total | $4,134 trillion | |||
• Per capita | $37,456 | |||
HDI (2014) | .81 very high | |||
Currency | Surian Altyn (SUA) | |||
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Geography of Suria | |
Continent | Uletha (central) |
Region | Central Uletha, Elvirian Coast, Great Rift Sound |
Population | 106,443,256 (2023) |
Area | |
• Total | 1'896'154.97 km2 km2 732'109.53 sq m sq mi |
• Water (%) | 0.1 |
Population density | 56,14 pp/km2 km2 145.4 pp/sq m sq mi |
Major rivers | Bakhroma, Ina, Kal'va, Divitsa, Dolia |
Time zone | WUT+5:00 |
Suria could mean "land of harsh winds", as the adjective "surovyj" (the harsh) may formed from Proto-Velitic *sѣverъ -- "northern wind".
Before the state
The historical core of Surian land is located between deltas of rivers Bakhroma and Ina. Velitic tribes appeared on these lands in VI-VII centuries CE, though, Proto-Velites were known to Osinopoli scientists.[1]
Suria first appeared in 858 CE when duke named Sved (Сьвѣдъ) unified a few tribes in a mouth of river Ina and destroyed a Pretannian trading outpost. Near-by, he built a castle and named it Mirgorod.[2]
The Role of Radogozh and Mirgorod Realms in the Collection of Fatherland
Imperial Times
The Great Strike of 1911. Civil War of 1911-1917
Suria owned Belaja Dregovina and Dregolesia before 1912.
At the time, it was a tsardom, an absolute monarchy without any means of public represantation. It had underground communist movement. present as small discussion clubs that were spread around Suria. Communists were sent to South Suria (modern Chara and south UL20d) to work in prison fortresses and to serve as guards in case of native, Demirhan or Malusorian attacks. One of them was N.K.Tvirin (surname gained from the river Твирь), he lived in prison fortresses along the border[3].
In December 1911, because of generally miserable state of living among mining industry workers, they went on a strike. A day after that, strike was supported by factory workers in North Suria. For 1911/12 winter, almost all coal mines were abandoned, so factories and railways were stopped. In February 1912, Lidoan-Dregolesian trade unions formed a militia that captured Mirgorod and Cheshnavik. Tsar power was abolished in these states, and so Universal Veche of Lido was created on 25/II.1912. There were 3 dominant parties there: Labour-Democratic Faction, National Party of Lido-Dregolesia and Socialist Party of North Suria. Nationalists soon left the Veche and proclaimed Dregolesia free in March 1912. Labour-Democratic Faction formed the government of Lido and it is still a main political power in this Republic.
Meanwhile, Pan-Kazkay Movement raised its head in Chubuk, on April 1912 they proclaimed an Autonomy. In their Assembly, two dominant factions were pro-left Federalists that believed that Suria shall be 2-republic federation (one being Christic Suria and other being Imani Suria) and pro-right Revanchists that wanted to cooperate with other world powers to pull Suria back to its 1200s borders and govern that land.
Tsar didn't responded on all of that, closed the borders and started preparing the army.
Spring of 1912 was quite barren for the economy -- those who survived the winter were met with closed markets, underground trades and rising inflation. Peasants revolted soon, asking the government for bread.
In May 1912, Karzalia declared independence from Suria, being under influence of Pan-Kazkay movement.
And now, two groups go to that arena: one being Socialist Party and another being Republic Union.
Heads of Socialist Party of Suria met in Chara (because it was the closest city to the places of exile) in June 1912 to coordinate their actions. Mass liberation of socialist exilees led to instability among soldiers and desertions, government tookover and formation of Socialist Republic of Chara-Ordyn'. From now on, SPS controlled some portion of Surian land. Now, they wanted to march on Radogozh.
Tsar knew about Kazkay Uprising and Dregolesia secession, so he sent a significant number of divisions to get them back. But a lot of soldiers got "lost" (id est, deserted or just got back home to help their families) along the way, and many more joined the other side.
Now, SPS land was encircled: Kazkay from the north attacked them several times, and moving to Radogozh with battles could took about 6 months. That was already too much for SPS, as party leaders were afraid that Suria will cease in 1912/13 winter. They were thinking of another option -- arming strikers and proclaiming "working communes" around Radogozh, encircling capital and then crushing the tsar's army.
Republican Union was originally a group of Surian emigrants, dreaming of Suria being democratic republic. They saw their country breaking apart and decided to reach Radogozh before socialists to take their sweet piece of pie. They hired a few thousands of merchants, crossed the border in Mardoumakhstan and Plevia without problem and started moving through farmlands of SW Suria, recruiting former soldiers. Such militia went up to the edge of White Mountains.
In June-July 1912, Radogozh Commune was established. It was a conglomerate of quarters, consisting mostly of unarmed workers. Then, Nikita Lomov, regional leader of SPS, proclaimed United Syndicates of Bogomilov(now Lomov). Industrial heart of Suria was cut off by communes' "belt".[4]
On 9 September 1912, tsar (formally) resigned and Surian Republic was formed. Elections happened on 1 December 1912, Republican Union took majority of votes. They appointed tsar as "provisional President" to have a compromise with local nobility that wasn't very happy of emigrant societies taking control. At this time, socialists refused to hold new presidential elections and to have a post of president in general, they discarded all bills on that topic. Also, Surian republic was a unitary state, whileas socialist-controlled territories de-facto saved their governmental bodies. A triarchy occured: Socialists, Republicans and Monarchists tried to control the state. Monarchists haven't got the representation in the Parliament, so they weren't able to control the bills, rather the army and the police. Republicans controlled ministries and govt. agencies, and Socialists controlled factories, railways and trade unions.
Meanwhile, Dregolesian and Kazkay independence was recognised by Parliament in order to raise Surian diplomatic weight and, generally, end the civil war. Republicans wanted them to be in Surian diplomatic bloc, that didn't worked out as Dregolesia soon decided to unify with Geklinia and in Kazkay, foreign troops were sent, namely Demirhan, Kalmish, Valonian and Karolian.
Socialists proposed the idea of Suria being a federation, but Republicans rejected it, blaming them of irredentism. From 1913 to 1916, two governments govern Suria at the same time, but their competing intentions let Suria without proper governance. Local socialist organs, where available, provided basic and very rough service for citizens, but that was more than Republican central govt. could provide.
So, in the next elections (1 December 1916), Tvirin(head coordinator), Pegov(leader of Lido), Koltushev, Lomov(possibly leader of Sur), SPS made a high stake on areas affected by syndicalist, labor and socialist rule.
It's worth to say that many socialist parties united into Party Academy during 1912. Notable List:
* Socialist Party of Suria, HQ Chara
* Labour-Democratic Union, HQ Mirgorod
* Radical Party (split from Republicans, joined 1916), HQ Osnya
1916 elections proved Socialist governance over Suria. So, firstly, new cabinet sacked tsar ministers, proclaimed Suria a federation and abolished post of president. Head of the state, or Head Chairman, was now a role with candidate rotation(candidate from one republic for a year, the a candidate from another one, and so on).
On 17 December 1916, tsar and Republicans tried to flew to Plevia, but got stopped by Plevian border guards. That event was called "The Renuncation". So, they retreated to remote area of Belaja Dregovina. With that, on 1 July 1917, Kartlegian Kingdom joined Suria (because of abolition of Kartlegian monarchy) and Belaja Dregovina seceded by a popular vote of Surian nobles and emigrants.
Suria was governed from Chara in 1916-1925.
Early Socialism
Karzalia joined Suria in 1920.
Suria's capital was Osnya in 1925-1962.
Martial law. Post-bellum Suria
In 1942, Bardash Republic was created. Previously, it was the Bardash Region of Sur Republic.
In 1960, a construction of new capital began in Surian mountains. It was named Triglav.
Capital was moved from Osnya to Triglav in 1962. The same year, Wilhelm Schwartzfeuer, a leader of Suria got arrested by members of Radical Party for "insufficiency of getting his mandate done"[5]. Another candidate from SPS stepped into power -- Oleg Zalessky.
Social Crisis of 1964. "Radical time"
1964 started with mass anticommunist protests in Drabantia. Zalessky government ordered the military to prepare for bloody suppression, but was stopped by MPs from Radical Party that sieged the telephone hub of Osnya Parliament, switching it off.
The same month, Drabantia, Beldonia and Litvania stopped diplomatic relations with Confederation, claiming that "they now have their own path[6]". Trade was stopped.
In the March, Suria was accused by new government of Demirhan Empire of invasion and support of 1963 coup[7]. Suria closed the borders, preparing for war. On 29th February 1964, national Surian radio announced that Demirhani naval ships blocked the access for Surian freight ships, which would lead to delays and shortages of certain goods[8].
Spring of 1964 was quite uneventful for farmers: promised new Egalian machinery was not delievered, and the old one was already destroyed. Shipping of foreign nutrients was stopped. On 23rd April 1964, government announced [9] the re-introduction of food stamps.
On 16th of May, Radical Party introduced a new Constitution at Triglav Palace of Councils. It was drastically different from the one that was introduced under Lortzani's rule in 1941 -- almost zero mention of socialist party's role, yet a whole chapter on "Suria's political catechism". The constitution was labelled as "threatening" and "anti-scientific" by SPS. In the upcoming months, many newspapers published letters from workers with requests on its introduction[10][11].
As economic situation in the country got worse and political isolation started to grow its roots, the population lost their confidence in SPS government. RP-backed media figures, including famous newsreader Viktor Morkvin who agreed to read an anti-SPS pamphlet[12] during a newsreel. He was made redundant the following day, but resumed his career a few years later.
Radical Party wanted elections to happen as soon as possible. On 4th September, Party Academy sanctioned them on 5th of October.
On 5 October, new non-scheduled elections were held. Radical Party and allies won 49% of seats, SPS and allies took only 37%. An RP-supporting politician Zakhar Bogatyrev was made a Chancellor. Oleg Zalessky was deprived of passive elective right. On 10th of October, Parliament approved a new constitution that dissolved Confederal Assembly. Upper house continued its work as a Confederal-level parliament, lower house was re-installed as ten republican parliaments in 1965.
Social Crisis of 1994. Neoconservatism.
Climatic conditions in Suria are contrasting, what determined by its position in the central part of the continent, between 40 and 55.5 degrees north latitude. Access precipitation from west blocked by west Satria mountains; southern tropical air masses generally do not rise above the mountains on the Chara coast. Everywhere in country climate is arid, maximum precipitation occurs in spring and summer. So, cold, but non-snowy winters complicate agriculture in most parts of Suria. The climate in Suria is extreme continental, except the north (Lido) and south (Chara Coast) parts of country. Coastal part of Chara is the only region, where the climate is similar to the mediterranean. The country territory is in the steppe and desert natural zones. Deserts dominate the east, in the republic Chobouk. The Republic of Tabriz has a pronounced high-altitude zone: less than 1 km away the desert, from 1 to 2 km - dry heaths and scrub, from 2 to 3 km - woodlands, and Alpian meadows higher. In the inner Arhyz Bardash republic mountain steppes are dominated, and forests almost don't exist. Republics Marv and Livadia, as well as the southern part of the Sur republic, are located in classical steppe landscape, which transform in open woodlands and thickets saxaul at altitudes above 500 m. The northern part of the Republic Sur and the Republic Lido differ wetter (up to 500 mm / year) climate. Here is dominated steppe landscape, and on the slopes of the mountains - coniferous forests. Only in the far north near the town of Mirgorod forest boundary come down to sea level. Glaciers in the White Mountains begin with heights of 2.5 km, whereas in the mountains Arkhyz - only 4 km (because of the extremely arid climate). The maximum precipitation (over 2,000 mm) falls in the mountains Gondra (Chara) and on the slopes of the volcano Markaruk (White Mountains). In the western part of the country Chobouk there are regions where rainfall does not happen for several years.
Administrative divisions
Suria consists of 10 republics, which decide their own administrative division. Nominal country capital is the city Triglav in Sur republic, but main part of powers concentrated in the capitals of the republics.
Republic | Surian | Code | Capital | Area (km2)* | Population | Density | Urbanization |
Bardash | Бардаш | БАР (1) | Bardash | 89,500 | 3,227,000 | 35,8 | 52% |
Kazkay | Казкай | КАЗ (2) | Charbakhabad | 405,000 | 1,525,000 | 3,57 | 52% |
Karzalia | Карзалия | КАР (3) | Zaraina | 88,800 | ~3,000,000 | 21,78 | 71% |
Livadia | Ливадия | ЛИВ (4) | Sinevit | 142,000 | 1,870,000 | 18,9 | 61% |
Lido | Лидо | ЛИД (5) | Mirgorod | 69 400 | 11 144 300 | 161 | 87% |
Marv | Марв | МАР (6) | Yarsa | 100000 | 5200000 | 100 | 70% |
Sur | Сур | СУР (7) | Radogozh | 785 900 | 58 564 000 | 74,52 | 74% |
Tabriz | Табриз | ТАБ (8) | Sheridan | 37,900 | 840,000 | 22,2 | 62% |
Chara | Чара | ЧАР (9) | Chara; Ordyn' | 202 200 | 19 125 000 | 100,7 | 75% |
West Kartlegia | Западная Картлегия | ЗКА (10) | Pirosmani | 12 215 | 371 000 | 30 | less than 65% |
- -Area are excluding the coastal waters and waters of the lake Lido
Political Parties
By 2020, Suria has six main parties that are united in one National Unity Coalition named Party Academy (Партийная Академия). Some scholars say that the Party Academy executes the functions of "one big communist party with official parties just being the factions inside it"[13].
The parties are divided into two sub-coalitions:
Democratic Bloc (Демократический блок) is the ruling coalition. It agitates for propagation of socialist ideas over the world and rising Suria's authority on the international arena. DB cares for an equal treatment of Surian citizens and social stability. Their electorate are white collars, small entrepreneurs and civil servants. DB receives most of their votes from industrial north and south.
- Socialist Party of Suria (Социалистическая Партия Сурии) - a party formed in 1912, unifying small Rebel Socialist clubs and parties.
- Labour-Democratic Party (Трудовая Демократическая Партия) - an old Social Democratic party formed in 1890s in Lido. Defends the rights of creative class, scientists and intellectuals. Has presence in cities of Radogozh-Mirgorod population corridor.
- People's Council Cooperation (Народное Советское Сотрудничество) - a party made in 1913 by Anarchists, through the years under the influence of socialist goverment switched to syndicalist values.
Progressive Alliance (Прогрессивный альянс) is seen as a parties of mostly blue collars and farmers. PA keeps Suria isolated and see the country as the "last stand bulwark", trying to keep society unaffiliated with outside world's views. Unlike DB, PA is a culturally conservative coalition that differentiates the society and bases their ideology on hierarchy. PA has a strong presence in rural areas of the country and in the mountainous centre.
- Radical Party (Радикальная Партия) - a nationalist party that switched to economical left values in 1900s. Was a leading power for Republican movement in 1912.
- Egalitarian Club (Эгалитарный Кружок) - a minor communist party.
There is also one unaligned party, called Green Party, formed in 1983 as a youth movement under the name "Organisation for Planet's Caretaking" ("Организация заботы о планете")[14].
Party Academy
Presence in legislature
Surian confederation posesses a united Confederate Army (Конфедеративная Армия), led by a confederal Ministry of Defence. Before Doctrine Change in 1950s, it was called The Universal Labour Army (Всемирная Армия Трудящихся).
Foreign relations
Suria participated in 2nd Workers' Union in 19XX-19XX.
Suria was one of the founding members of Assembly of Nations in 1966.
State symbols
Surian flag is an 12:7 banner with three horizontal stripes of blue, white and red, symbolizing hope, honesty and determination, respectively. In the middle, there is a coat of arms with hammer, stalk of wheat and torch that represents the union of working class, peasants and intellectuals.[15]
Surian Confederation was accused of having nuclear missiles[16], however satellite imagery from FSA Armed Forces and INGCOMFOR[17] that was released in 1970s and 1980s showed otherwise -- there are no signs of nuclear test sites or nuclear warfare installed in the Confederation.
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Demographics of Suria | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Demonym | Surian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Official languages | Surian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Recognized minority languages | Kazkay, Dregolesian, Karzalian, Bardash, Antharian, Dregovinian, Plevian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ethnicities | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Religion | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Literacy | ![]() | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Life expectancy | ![]() ![]() |
Suria is one of the most populous countries in Uletha, having combined population of 111,478,543 as of 2023 census.
№ | City (capitals of republics bolded) |
Republic | Population (city proper) |
1 | Radogost | Sur | 5,459,787 ![]() |
2 | Mirgorod | Lido | 2'305,912 ![]() |
3 | Osnia | Sur | 2,071,722 ![]() |
4 | Gumilyov | Sur | 1,525,034 ![]() |
5 | Ordyn | Chara | 1,328,881 ![]() |
6 | Lomov | Sur | 1,068,075 ![]() |
7 | Yarsa | Marv | 1,021,549 ![]() |
8 | Bardash | Bardash | 920,406 ![]() |
9 | Zarayna | Karzalia | 824,520 ![]() |
10 | Yedinets | Sur | 779,490 ![]() |
11 | Shelda | Lido | 766,908 ![]() |
12 | Triglav
Confederal Capital | 720,118 ![]() |
13 | Charbakhabad | Kazkay | 681,808 ![]() |
14 | Sinevit | Livadia | 642,904 ![]() |
15 | Berezian | Sur | 617,444 ![]() |
16 | Babrin | Sur | 587,860 ![]() |
17 | Onegin | Chara | 527,309 ![]() |
18 | Podporozh | Sur | 519,715 ![]() |
19 | Blagovestie | Sur | 518,611 ![]() |
20 | Seredets | Sur | 498,042 ![]() |
Education in Suria starts from the age of 7. Visiting school is mandatory from 1st to 9th grade. After 9th grade, one could choose between "specialized secondary education", presented in professional education facilities, or continue their schooling up to 11th grade. Primary, secondary and tertiary education were made free. This was guaranteed by 1975 Constitution.
The only national broadcaster association in Suria is The Union of Broadcasters and Press. It controls the news on radio, in newspapers and on the television as well.
Radio code for Surian broadcast stations is Sxxx.
Prior to 1960s, Surian TV was simulcasted by isolated republican-level transmitters. National Surian TV network formed in 1964 with the lauching of satellite network named "Molnija(The Lightning Bolt)". It consists of two main channels: First Programme and Second Programme. Third programme is reserved for the main channels of republics. International broadcasting is being performed via satellite channel called "TSS 24".
Suria has NN festivals, many of which are installed on republican level. However, there are important ones that are observed in every republic:
- 9 September - Day of the Revolution
- 31 December and 1-3 January - New Year
Suria participated at following Geolympiades:
- 2016 Geolympiad in Quentinsburgh (no medals got)
- ↑ "Chronicle of Osinopoli conquests". Antonius Tiberius Dinerius, circa 70 CE
- ↑ Велитская Летопись, неизвестн. автор / список боярина Грибницкого, XI век (переписано в XVI в. с дополнениями)
- ↑ "Рассказы Твирина о своей жизни и работе" - А.Лорцани / Р., изд. "Политиздат", 1940
- ↑ "Голос Рабочего Класса", №37/1912
- ↑ "О назначении т. Залесского представителем Сурии" // "Конфедерация Труда",18 ноября 1962 г.
- ↑ Drabantsky rozhlas, vysilani od 7. 1. 1964.
- ↑ "1965'te Kuzey Demirhanlı Devletinin Kurtuluşu" // Ebedi Sorular, #2/1964
- ↑ "Провокация демирханских националистов" // "Конфедерация Труда", 29.02.1964
- ↑ Утренние новости // Радио-Осня, эфир от 23.04.1964
- ↑ "Предложения трудящихся о введении радикальной конституции" // "Конфедерация Труда", 24.06, 18.07, 23.08, 25.08.1964
- ↑ "Введите конституцию радикалов!" // "Известия Верхнего Сура", 11 июля 1964 г.
- ↑ "Результаты работы СПС" // Радио-Осня, эфир от 02.09.1964
- ↑ "Улињачки преглед" // pages 19-20 of # 6./1979.
- ↑ Конфедеральный Бюллетень защитников природы. // №33, 1983 г.
- ↑ Конституция Сурии 2001 года / Триглав, изд-во "Политиздат", 2001 г.
- ↑ "Internal betrayal in Suria may result in a Greater War, experts say"// The Royal Gazette (Bai Empire), from 18 May 1965
- ↑ News at 2100 // Ingrea Telecorporation (ITC 1) // 1982, September 9