
From OpenGeofiction
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My Territories and Projects

About me

Hello there, I am GreenStumpyMonster. I am a really passionate mapper - I always like to map out fantasy but realistic places in my own time. Ever since I fo

und OpenGeoFiction from one of my friends, I have become really addicted given its diverse range of features and ease of use - without the restrictions of a realworld mapper like OpenStreetMap.

Where I map

I am actually a Sydneysider so mapping out suburban areas and inner city areas over there come natural to me. However, I am also somehow experienced in mapping out denser developments and higher capacity roads that correlate to newer Asian cities like Singapore and Hong Kong. Another interest I highly hold is mapping out nature reserves and fun areas that come with that like mini theme parks, ziplines, etc.

Current Project: Sephyra


In general, I am particularly picky about the details though, meaning I do spend quite a lot of time mapping out the inner workings of metro stations, ensuring the distribution of infrastructure is realistic, including footpaths and so on… Though I must acknowledge it takes a team to create something as amazing and detailed as a fully established city - such as the ones in OpenStreetMap. But on the other hand, I love OpenGeoFiction given its openness and ability to create anything I imagine with its diverse toolset.

Moreover, I have become particularly interested in mapping out newer areas that follow the principles of New Urbanism. I believe it looks quite aesthetically pleasing if done well and poses opportunity for much more detail.

Thank you for reading this!

Current Technical Priorities

  • Get intersections right - MAWAR
  • Get railway widths right
    • Maybe should be 4m between tracks? I am using trains width 303 cm with 1435mm gauge
    • Yeah bruh, Serendit is a big problemo
    • Need about 10cm gap?
  • Is the forest (boundary) or tree cover/delimited
    • Maybe add gaps for highway landuse?
  • Olympic Park is a big problem - improper road widths, irrelevant planning
  • Yeah the car park - parking aisles 3m either side (fix up 2 rows in botanic)

Mapping portfolio

Yeah I still need to set this up.