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/Geolympiad Mapping Guide
Geolympiad Guides, or, a Summary of Olympic Regulations (where they pertain to mapping)
This guide is meant to summarize key Olympic Regulations in order to help mappers create a realistic and complete Geolympiad.
The Key Takeaways
This is the most important part. This will tell you the key regulations and building requirements, and should give you an overview of what hosting the Geolympiad should entail. All the information here is a summary of what is found in the Host City Contract of which a copy can be found here. However, you shouldn't feel the need to read it - I read it so that you won't have to! It should be noted that the HCC can vary from Olympics to Olympics - but nevertheless, I feel as though remaining within these guidelines here is more than reasonable.
- As a general rule, all hotel accommodations (inside the Geolympic Village) should be 3-5 stars.
- IF technical officials must be accommodated outside the village.
- Additional accommodation for any other officials must be provided close to the village.
- All broadcaster accommodation should be close to the broadcast center (no more than 30 minutes away)
- If accommodation within the city is not available, Media Village(s) can be constructed in order to provide reasonable accommodation.
Arrival and Departure
- Easy transport to and from points of entry into the country should be established.
- Make use of Public Transport to facilitate transportation
- Different officials/participants will get different treatments based on their importance - this won't have much presence on the map, but it's worth thinking about
- Special schedules and routes making use of existing public transport may be created.
- There should be a cohesive branding scheme for the Geolympiad.
- Logo should include the emblem, the year and place, and some form of the Geolympiad Logo. Emblem should represent culture, place, values, theme.
- Consider, in particular for the winter games, making a Medals Plaza where the Medals will be awarded. Medals may also be awarded on location at the stadium, in which case no Plaza is needed.
- Consider making the Plaza be sponsored by a Marketing Partner. The Plaza may have music and staging elements for performances.
- A Geolympic Cauldron, where the torch is placed, is generally located in the main stadium.
- There can be another Cauldron, but it must be in a location with events.
Live Sites
- Live Sites are places where the public can gather to watch live broadcasts of events, possibly with other activities or performances on location as well. They can be located in any major location in the host country.
- Live Sites may be sponsored by Marketing Partners.
- Bear in mind that Live Sites are generally temporary, and may be repurposed or removed entirely depending on the situation after the Geolympiad.
- Live Sites may be sponsored by Marketing Partners.
Operations in the City and Culture
- Integration with the city authorities and services is essential.
- There should be a cultural program of events that seek to highlight the culture of the host and international culture.
- This program should incorporate pre-existing programs, organizations, and other institutions.
- Events should be created and hosted at pre-existing and specially built locations as part of the program.
- A museum could also be constructed to highlight artifacts and media relating to cultural history.
- A stable energy supply must be secured.
- Existing infrastructure should be maximized, with additional infrastructure being constructed when needed.
- There should be a comprehensive network providing electricity to all of the locations.
- Enough reserve energy (generators?) to prevent blackouts and other hiccups should be assured.
- In particular, core/essential services should have complete backup ability in the case of a crisis.
- There should be a specific location for Food amenities, with other locations throughout the venues.
- Ensure plenty of drinking fountains or other free water solutions.
- Consider making the food services reflect the culture or theme of the Geolympics.
- Consider making one or multiple translation center(s).
Marketing Partners
- These are companies that are in a partnership with the Geolympiad.
- They may provide various services, such as:
- Sponsorship
- Live Sites
- Amenities
- Other Goods
- There should be various buildings for media services:
- A Press Center (MPC)
- A Broadcast Center (IBC)
- There should be at minimum: 20,000m2 of usable space, with a further 1,000m2 in or alongside the building for use as a logistics compound, with truck access, loading dock and secure storage area; and... a combined IBC/MPC media transport mall is provided. If the IBC and MPC are adjoining facilities, there should be one shared transport mall but, if separate, both the IBC and MPC will need their own transport malls. (quote from the current HCC)
- A Transport Center at the two buildings above is needed.
- There should be food facilities in the two centers, along with storage space, possibly outside in trailers as well as inside.
- There may be a need for a secondary MPC depending on distance between the main center and the main venues.
- Other tele-com facilities
Medical Services
- Doping Control Center!
- There should also be Doping Centers around the sites.
- And a certified lab.
- There should be a central clinic.
- The clinic should provide the services of a pharmacy, a dentist, a general doctor, an eye doctor, and sports medicine, along with emergency services 24/7. The clinic should also provide other specialist services (see the HCC for more detail)
- Some specialist services may be provided in a nearby hospital, with a fast transport connection to the village.
- Certain hospitals may also be designated as Geolympic Hospitals for advanced treatment like surgery.
- There should be suitable emergency medical services.
- National Olympic Committee areas should have medical services on hand.
NOC Services
- NOC = National geOlympic Committee
- There should be an Athletes Commission building for administration of the NOC's.
- NOC's are located in the Geoolympic village
Geolympic Family Services
- Provide a Geolympic Club for the Geolympic Families
Please DO NOT violate Human Rights™ at your territory's Geolympics. Thank You.
- Ensure a smooth waste management system.
- Ensure safe positioning of entrances and exits.
- No Smoking.
- There should be a signage system consisting of maps, boards, and other way-finding signage for both cars and pedestrians.
- Place signs in sensible locations, such as major junctures, outside of major buildings, and so on
- Include some signs outside of the venue area if needed.
Spectator Services
- Ensure easy to understand layout and overall planning, with help desks and plenty of services in order to keep satisfaction high.
The Sport
- Follow all Field of Play and Stadia regulations (see below)
- In the Winter Games, provide Wax Cabins.
- Provide IT infrastructure, such as an IT Office.
- Provide Telecommunications, radio, and other broadcast infrastructure.
Transport Services
- Provide transport services by working with public transport and creating special routes.
- Avoid making construction areas near the venues.
- Create parking services, with special divisions based on priority.
- Transport routes and services should provide access to all locations.
- Be sure to include Key Venues:
The Key Olympic Venues include all competition venues, the Olympic Villages, International Broadcast Centre (IBC), Main Press Centre (MPC), Mountain Media Centre (MMC) and other zone Media Centres when relevant, Ceremony stadium(s) and Medal Plaza(s) (when relevant), Olympic Family Hotel(s) (OFH); accommodation villages (when relevant), Olympic Park(s) and major common domain(s); and airports and other major points of arrival and departure (when relevant). In addition to the Key Olympic Venues, and where appropriate, there may be Paralympic-specific venues (competition and/or noncompetition). (From the HCC)
- Venues must be in the Host City.
- Venues should make at least some use of existing infrastructure.
- Venue capacity should be kept in mind, try to account for the estimated number of visitors.
- Prioritize previously used land, rather than unused land, and try to create a sustainable environment.
- The above rule may be disregarded if you would like to create an event from before 1980.
Geolympic Village(s)
- Home of the athletes.
- Divided into a residential zone, an operation zone, and the plaza.
- Accommodation should be more than sufficient for the amount of athletes.
- Travel times to all venues should be efficient as possible.
- Capacity numbers are likely as follows: 16000+ at the summer games, and 4000+ at the winter games. There should be a maximum of two people per room.
- Provide services in the village, including work spaces, offices, and meeting rooms.
- The transport mall, resident centers, dining halls, central clinic, the Team Processing Center, and social and entertainment areas should all be within the village. Other amenities should be provided as well. For more information see page 213 and 214 of the HCC.
- Provide workshops for sports that require them.
- A rifle storage center should be constructed.
- Establish a place to mourn.
- Creation of a mural is encouraged.
Technical Information on Venues
This section summarizes the first two chapters of the "Technical Manual on Venues - Design Standards for Competition Venues" from November 2005 (Sadly, I could not find a more recent version. If you have one, please let me know asap.). Despite the 16 year old age, it works well enough for practical purposes. However, if you are able to acquire an up-to date copy, and I cannot stress this enough, please contact me. However, for our purposes, we can assume that the 2005 version is, in OGF, the 2021 version. As it does in the manual, I will go over every venue and provide the key points that you need to know. The third chapter of the manual covers in depth the exact area requirements for every room and area within each sports venue, which is not required for anything but the most detailed mapping of the actual floor-plans, and as such is not included.
Key Principles
- Share venues if possible.
- Only build a new venue if needed.
- Venues should be placed in clusters.
- In some cases, it is better to use temporary venues.
- In some cases, these rules will have to be bent, but they should be followed as much as possible.
Entry and Exit
- It is recommended that transport drop-off points for athletes, the press/broadcasters and officials should be no more than 50m from the entrance to the venue.
- This may not be possible if venues are in a cluster.
- Otherwise, a maximum distance of 1200m is acceptable.
- A screening area should be included at entry points.
- Bear in mind that there will be multiple entry points for different groups.
Public Amenities to Include
- These amenities are in the "Front of House" - the public part of the venue.
- Medical facility in the front entrance room of the venue.
- Drinking water facilities may be needed.
- Consider the following: Toilets.
- Shelter Areas if needed.
- Consider concessions and similar services in the concourse of the venue.
- Some services may be located outside the venue.
- Ticketing
Back Side of the Venue
- These are the areas not publicly accessible.
- Include workspace.
- Include warm-up areas and other athlete services close to the field.
- Include a Broadcast Booth/Offices.
- Include an area for general management.
- Remember to account for reserved seats.
Overall Design Measures
- Consider how various groups will move around the venue - athletes, officials, tourists, etc.
- If applicable, vehicle transport and movement should be considered also.
- Include extra security precautions.
- Include emergency vehicle access.
- Remember that many venues can and should be shared, so two different sports can be held at different times in the same venue.
Template:Infobox military conflict
The government of Arion is possibly one of the most complicated in the world, a unique system that has evolved from the democracy of simple city-states to what it is today. The government type is oft-described as a "Joint Participatory and Elected Arionic Democracy", although Arionic Democracy would also suit, and is what is most frequently used by Arionic Politicians. Perhaps the most two most notable features of the Arionic Government is the prohibition of political parties and the large amount of electing by lot from volunteers the members of one of the houses of the Fora (Parliament). This article will seek to make clear the way in which the government works by detailing the main positions and divisions within each government, and thereby painting a picture of how the machine of government turns in Arion.
Women in the Government
Women were originally considered second-class citizens in Arion, and were not allowed to vote or hold office, nor were they considered equal to men. However, this view began to change in the late 1200s, when Thela Ilos, a famed explorer and seafarer rose to prominence, expanding the naval abilities of Arion and the reputation on the seas, despite being widely discriminated against. She played a vital role in numerous battles against Mazan during her heyday, and was without doubt a vital player in protecting the northern islands. In short, she was a strategic genius. Slowly, due to the difficulty of reconciling a highly capable and idolized woman who was rapidly turning into legend with women being second-class citizens, the government passed a law in 1302, just before the death of Ilos that made women equal to men as citizens, except for the fact that they could only vote in elections for the Council of 200, and could not serve in the government, nor was there any protection against job discrimination. So, in many ways, women were still unequal, and there was still a large amount of sexism perpetuated within the society. However, over the next 600 years various laws would be passed enabling women to serve in different parts of the government, until in 1895 women were able to serve in all of the government. However, these laws were still able to be repeal, and women were still not fully equal to men in the constituent documents of Arion, the Codex Arion. This changed in 1902, when in a referendum voters approved an amendment granting women fully equal rights and protection against discrimination. Of course, that is not to say that sexism has been eradicated from Arion.
Committees of the Ecclesia
People's Council
Committees of the Council
Joint Committees
The Courts
Criminal Tribunals
Civil Jury
High Tribunal
Chief Magistrates
The Thesmothetai are a group of five people, generally members of the magistrates or former respected members of the Fora, chosen by the Chief Magistrates. They are responsible for choosing the three Archons from the pool of possible candidates both within the appropriate ministries and those who have the needed experience, and then their choices are reviewed and confirmed by the High Tribunal.[1] The Chief Magistrates choose the Thesmothetai every decade on the second year (so, for example, the next Thesmothetai will be picked in 2022), although there have been some exceptions[2]. The Thesmothetai hold their sessions to decide the new Archon(s) anywhere from one to two years before the term of the Archon(s) will expire, in order to account for the long confirmation process held by the High Tribunal, the chance of an early resignation, and the large amount of deliberation involved. In the case of a surprise vacancy in the post the Thesmothetai will convene an emergency session to choose a temporary successor, who will bypass the required confirmation period in the High Tribunal but will not be able to vote with the other Archons, nor will they have all the powers of the office of the Archon. The Thesmothetai will then select their choice for the new Archon, who may be the same as the temporary successor, and the proposed Archon will then be confirmed by the High Tribunal. In the meantime the Thesmothetai will serve as the tie-breaker for votes taken by the official Archons.
The Thesmothetai retain a large degree of Privacy, with the dates of their sessions not being revealed until after they take place, and very little information published at the time[3] The proposed new Archon(s) are only released once there are six months remaining in the term of the serving Archon, in order to allow time for the confirmation process, while also preventing a long lame duck period. The press are prohibited from interviewing the members of the Thesmothetai about their position until their term is over,[4] in order to preserve the integrity of the members. In the same vein, members are prohibited from interacting with any foreign politicians or officials[5] , and are also prohibited from interacting in any way with the current Archons, since they all have a stake in the process that could result in bribes. This is enforced by strict punishments and criminal charges. Public opinion of the Thesmothetai is positive.
Eponymous Archon
King Archon
[Iscu-Port Holy] | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Climate chart | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Companies | ||||||||
Name | Logo | Operator/Parent Company | Type | Brand(s) | Notes | |||
Iscu Ensurance | Iscu Ensurance Co. | Insurance | Escurance, EscuEnsure | |||||
Arghavn | Arghavn Enterprises | Department Stores | Arghavn, Arghavn-Lite | Most locations are Arghavn-Lite | ||||
Escom | Escu Telecom Corporation | Telecommunications | Escom, ETC | Former government company, holds a monopoly over all of Iscu | ||||
Green Circle | Green Circle Charity | Charity | Green Circle Shelter, Green Circle | |||||
JCG Outreach | Jeremiah Charitable Group | Charity | JCG Outreach |
Important People
Anthony Kinnon
Ingerish history
For Ingerish history, we're going to have to look at English history and unfortunately pull some key elements from there. Since Ingerland speaks English, there are some elements of history that are going to have to be taken as givens:
- The existence of some sort of Briton population before the arrival of the Germanic population, to account for the minimal number of celtic words present in English. Admittedly, this is debated and any influence was most likely not severe - so the Britons will not play a major role in the history of core Ingerland (ie: Ingerland without -98 and -99).
- The existence of a population of Germanic settlers arriving from Kalm, roughly equivalent to the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.
- Interaction enough with a Norse population to result in language changes on both ends.
- Possibly some sort of Roman influence/settlement.
- The arrival of a French/Norman elite class.
Beyond this, things can be different (although a monarchy and christicism are also givens).
In prehistoric times, the island of Wallentia (placeholder name) was inhabited first by various cultures and potentially different species of hominids. Like Britain, ice ages would have made the island uninhabitable for periods of time in between human habitation. After the ice ages ended, I think it's likely that, especially considering the small size of the strait between Kalm and Wallentia, that they would have been connected by a land bridge for a while. Ultimately, though, rising sea levels from all the ice would have submerged the bridge, leaving a still very crossable channel. During the Stone Age, monuments like Stonehenge would have been constructed, but little record survives of the sparse habitation of the island.
Assuming that the agricultural revolution began in Sathria or Mazan in Uletha, it would have reached Wallentia far earlier than it did Britain. I'd estimate around 6000 BCE, but it isn't that important. If the revolution reached Wallentia earlier, then so would the Bronze Age and the Iron Age (for the latter, perhaps 1000 BCE rather than 800). In the Bronze or Iron Age, waves of Germanic immigrants would have crossed the strait, largely displacing and/or assimilating whatever the native culture had been. This is the equivalent of the Anglo-Saxon "invasion" of England post-Roman period. In this case, however, the Germanic peoples would have overtaken the island far earlier.
The development and political structures on the island would be similar to Iron Age Britain - chiefdoms, hill forts, plenty of agriculture and war, and so on. There were, however, no large kingdoms or government structures, and likely no coinage. However, the population would still trade extensively, with trade probably focused on the Vinn Sea, as I would imagine more population would center along that coast and the presumably calmer sea.
At some point, the Romantian Empire would begin to have an impact on Wallentia. Sathria could have also had a potentially earlier impact, but we don't know much about Sathria and I'll assume that it's mostly insular and only began to really expand at all in sync with the Romantians. The Romantian Empire spreads across Central West Uletha, and likely reaches as far as Lentia. It does not reach Wallentia. Romantian culture and ideals do spread across Kalmish lands to Wallentia by the peak of the Empire in the fourth century CE. With the spread of Romantian culture come people fleeing Romantian expansion, bringing in a fresh wave of immigrants to the island. The Romantian influence results in not just the spread of more defined kingdoms, which begin to appear around 350 CE, but Christianity, which was probably present since the third century, but really began to take off with the 35 Ingerish Saints, who spread Christianity into the interior of the island as well as Myrcia. At this point, recorded history would begin.
400 CE - 1000 CE
With the development from Romantian trade and knowledge flowing into Wallentia, more cohesive and larger kingdoms formed, primarily along the eastern coast. Because the Romantians never ruled in Wallentia, the collapse of their empire in the fifth or sixth century would not severely damage the kingdoms, although effects would be felt on trade. Because of the loss of trade connections and perhaps a bad plague outbreak in the 460s, by 500 CE multiple of the eastern kingdoms took to raiding the coasts of the Vinn Sea. The situation in 500, then, looked something like this:
[image to come]
There was a divide between the more sea-faring raider kingdoms, and those who focused inwards on the land. Perhaps this divided caused longstanding cultural divisions that are still somewhat visible to this day. The raider kingdoms persisted in pagan beliefs, while the inland kingdoms had generally converted to Christicism by 500. The kingdoms warred among each other, with Kingdoms E, G, and B generally being the most dominating. The rulers of each of these kingdoms claimed, at one point or another, to have dominion over all the others, and there is evidence that tribute was paid to one dominant ruler or another as power ebbed and flowed. In 690 the Northlanders, who had been raiding the western coast of Wallentia since 600 or so unopposed, launched a complete invasion over the northern moorlands, conquering the numerous petty kingdoms that had existed in the northwest. Despite a sustained war Kingdom H was unable to resist and was greatly reduced in size. The Northlanders had established the "Scandmark" over most of the western half of Wallentia. The Scandmark relied on local rulers from before the invasion to contribute to the authority of the king in a decentralized system. The threat of the Scandmark loomed greatly over the smaller Ingerish kingdoms, who were unprepared to face the more powerful Northlanders. This coupled with the rise of other raiders from the north (Bloregia and environs), who engaged in multiple sea battles with Ingerish raiding parties, damaging the Ingerish grasp over the Vinn Sea.
The Ingerish kingdoms, faced with the Scandian threat, began to seek out alliances between themselves and overseas (although war still continued between them on occasion). Kingdoms G and D, in southern Wallentia, sought out alliances with the tribes and petty kingdoms of northern Kalm. Most importantly, the major raiding kingdom of B became very close with the Franquese kingdom of Dartenie (in UL08e), even marrying the two royal families together. In 728, Kingdom E (capital region) established dominion over kingdoms H and I in the southwest after a short but brutal war, and created a changed dynamic between the remaining Ingerish kingdoms, with E and B on the verge of conflict and G and D becoming closer and closer to the Kalmish kingdoms. In this time of uncertainty, with Scandmark expanding and taking over the remaining petty raiding chiefdoms in the west, E and B both fell under the same ruler after an unfortunate shipwreck left nought but the product of a royal marriage between the two alive - Prince Aethelard. Aethelard I would become, in 887, the first ruler of a sort-of united Ingerland. However, despite Aethelard indeed proclaiming himself to be the true King of Ingerland with little opposition, the fact remained that G and D remained only in loose allegiance to him and Scandmark had control over nearly half of his country. Nonetheless, Aethelard was a good and long ruler, and firmly re-established the solidity of Ingerish rule. He had four sons, each of which held the crown for a short period, before the last one died without an heir, throwing the realm into the first Ingerish Anarchy, a period that would last from 968 to 989. In 987, the Duke of Dartenie, Rupert, who through the B royal line had a claim to the Ingerish throne, sailed to Ingerland and rallied the war-weary population to his side, defeating the other claimants in a few quick years. In the period of Anarchy, Scandmark had siezed the remainder of the western coast that had belonged to Ingerland, and G and D had both claimed a great deal of new land. Rupert would not fight Scandmark during his new and still somewhat unstable reign, but he would fight G and D twice, taking over G and reducing D to a small amount of land.
The new Franquese rulers brought with them the use of Dartenian Franquese as the language of the elite, and introduced a shift in the culture of the island. Under Rupert and his heirs, a series of new and imposing castles were built on the border with Scandmark and the strait, and raiding, seen as an un-christic practice, was forcefully abandoned along with paganism. With the christic revival came the construction of new monasteries and a drastic amount of land seized from old earlholders for both the crown, the church, and for the creation of larger baronies. While the government remained broadly decentralized and feudal, control from the crown was far greater than before.
-Wars against Scandmark and invasion of Myrcia and -98 and -99
-Establishment of Vinnic League
-Rebellion of the Earlholders
-Second Ingerish Anarchy + "Great" Plague
more detail to come
Continental Games
The Continental Games are a set of international multi-sport competitions (the Pan-Ulethan Games, Pan-Tarephian Games, and Pan-Archantan Games) organized by the Pax Nova Committee (PAC). They are held in between Pax Nova Games, with the Pan-Archantan Games held in the year after the Pax Novae, followed by the Pan-Tarephian Games the next year, then the Pan-Ulethan Games. The Pan-Ulethan Games were the first international multi-sport competition, first held in 1888 and subsequently held every four years. The Pan-Tarephian games were first held in 1924 as the Lycene Games, and the Pan-Archantan games were first held in 1925 as the Astrasian Games. After the Great War, the Pax Novae were established on a global scale, and the previous games were reimagined in their current forms.
Pan-Archantan Games
North Archanta, South Archanta, and New Ingrea and neighbours.
Year | Series | Season | Status | City | Country | Mapper | Bid Status | Notes |
2017 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2013 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2009 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2005 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2001 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1997 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1993 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1989 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1985 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1981 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1977 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1973 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1969 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1965 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1961 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1945 | Summer | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | ||||||
1941 | Summer | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta,
collab reserved | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta,
collab reserved | ||||||
1937 | Summer | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | ||||||
1933 | Summer | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | ||||||
1929 | Summer | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta | ||||||
1925 | Summer | Available | Early Games, exclusive to South Archanta,
collab reserved | |||||
N/A | No winter games |
Bid Procedure: Bids must be submitted for the approval of the community before being confirmed by the committee. Bids must be detailed, realistically show the passage of time (when relevant), and should exist within a city/region of medium-level detail. Bids should keep in mind the lesser number of participants for the games compared to the Pax Novae, and should consider a more decentralized network of sports centers. Look at sports events like the Pan American Games for inspiration. Each mapper is limited to one summer and one winter post- and pre-1960 bid per territory. Collaboratives may have multiple bids.
Potential bids that are being worked on and are not ready for votes may be placed in the below table:
Potential Bids:
Year | Season | City | Country | Mapper | Notes |
Proposed Bids:
Each bid must receive at least 10 votes in favor, with at least six being from regional mappers to be accepted. If any votes against are received, votes in favor must outnumber votes against by a supermajority of 70%. Vote by signing your name with four tildes (~).
Year | Season | City | Country | Mapper | Bid Plan | Notes | Mapper Votes | Bid Status |
Pan-Tarephian Games
Tarephia and Antarephia. For the Lycene Games (pre-1960) "Lycene" in this case includes countries on the Latinian peninsula, Vodeo and neighbours, and countries on the Strait of Lyc in Antarephia.
Year | Series | Season | Status | City | Country | Mapper | Bid Status | Notes |
2026 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2022 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2018 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2014 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2010 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2006 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2002 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1998 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1994 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1990 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1986 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1982 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1978 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1974 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1970 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1966 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1962 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1944 | Summer | Available | Early Games, Lycene country only | |||||
Winter | Available | Lycene country only | ||||||
1940 | Summer | Available | Early Games, Lycene country only | |||||
Winter | Available | Lycene country only | ||||||
1936 | Summer | Available | Early Games, Lycene country only | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games | |||||||
1932 | Summer | Available | Early Games, Lycene country only | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games | |||||||
1928 | Summer | Available | Early Games, Lycene country only | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games | |||||||
1924 | Summer | Available | Early Games, Lycene country only | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games |
Bid Procedure: Bids must be submitted for the approval of the community before being confirmed by the committee. Bids must be detailed, realistically show the passage of time (when relevant), and should exist within a city/region of medium-level detail. Bids should keep in mind the lesser number of participants for the games compared to the Pax Novae, and should consider a more decentralized network of sports centers. Look at sports events like the Pan American Games for inspiration. Each mapper is limited to one summer and one winter post- and pre-1960 bid per territory. Collaboratives may have multiple bids.
Potential bids that are being worked on and are not ready for votes may be placed in the below table:
Potential Bids:
Year | Season | City | Country | Mapper | Notes |
Proposed Bids:
Each bid must receive at least 10 votes in favor, with at least six being from regional mappers to be accepted. If any votes against are received, votes in favor must outnumber votes against by a supermajority of 70%. Vote by signing your name with four tildes (~).
Year | Season | City | Country | Mapper | Bid Plan | Notes | Mapper Votes | Bid Status |
Pan-Ulethan Games
West Uletha and East Uletha.
Year | Series | Season | Status | City | Country | Mapper | Bid Status | Notes |
2027 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2023 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2019 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2015 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2011 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2007 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
2003 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1999 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1995 | Summer | Taken | Gobras City, ![]() | |||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1991 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1987 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1983 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1979 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1975 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1971 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1967 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1963 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1944 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1940 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1936 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1932 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1928 | Summer | Available | ||||||
Winter | Available | |||||||
1924 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | ||||||
1920 | Summer | Available | Early Games, collab reserved | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, collab reserved | ||||||
1916 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | ||||||
1912 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
Winter | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | ||||||
1908 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
Winter | Available | First Winter Games, collab reserved | ||||||
1904 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games | |||||||
1900 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games | |||||||
1896 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games | |||||||
1892 | Summer | Available | Early Games, bear in mind venue/host constraints | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games | |||||||
1888 | Summer | Available | First Games, collab reserved | |||||
N/A | No Winter Games |
Bid Procedure: Bids must be submitted for the approval of the community before being confirmed by the committee. Bids must be detailed, realistically show the passage of time (when relevant), and should exist within a city/region of medium-level detail. Bids should keep in mind the lesser number of participants for the games compared to the Pax Novae, and should consider a more decentralized network of sports centers. Look at sports events like the Pan American Games for inspiration. Each mapper is limited to one summer and one winter post- and pre-1960 bid per territory. Collaboratives may have multiple bids.
Potential bids that are being worked on and are not ready for votes may be placed in the below table:
Potential Bids:
Year | Season | City | Country | Mapper | Notes |
Proposed Bids:
Each bid must receive at least 10 votes in favor, with at least six being from regional mappers to be accepted. If any votes against are received, votes in favor must outnumber votes against by a supermajority of 70%. Vote by signing your name with four tildes (~).
Year | Season | City | Country | Mapper | Bid Plan | Notes | Mapper Votes | Bid Status |
1995 | Summer | Gobras City | ![]() |
Collaborative | Grandfathered in from the Pax Nova reassignments as part of the 2021 mapoff. Gobras City was granted the 1995 Pan-Ulethan Games and the 2024 Pax Nova Games. | N/A | Grandfathered |
Things to do in OGF
So you've gotten bored. You love mapping, but you're stuck, and you don't know what to do next. You feel like you're stagnating, and have no ideas. Well, maybe this list will help you! I've provided a list of things to do in your territory and beyond!
- Map a park.
- Map a "national" park.
- Map energy infrastructure.
- Do the math for your transit system, find out it's unrealistic, fix it, and then gaze on its majesty in the transit viewer or histor style.
- Find an old mapping challenge and do it.
- Go into super detail and map a neighborhood as much as possible.
- Create a satellite image of the countryside..
- Clean up your wiki articles.
- Map an industrial area.
- Go browse the OSM wiki to find tagging for stores and more to give more variety into your mapping.
- Use iD if you normally use JOSM.
- Use JOSM if you normally use iD.
- Map a church.
- Map a Synagogue
- Map another place of worship.
- Map a planned district, maybe it was for an exposition or a revitalization project.
- Revamp your embassies.
- Sleep.
- Map the edges of your forests.
- Or deserts.
- Develop the culture of your people.
- Make a poor town.
- Make a rich town.
- Make a town with stark income disparities reflecting the inequality present in all countries.
- Make a border town (for islands, make a detailed coral reef, or a nature preserve located on a small island offshore).
- Go clean up some old mapping.
- Go clean up Drull.
Map a motorway in commonia just for the fun of it- Nominate someone for the featured map who deserves to be recognized.
- Make an perfectly imperfect interchange.
- Be realistically unrealistic.
- Don't stress out.
- Keep being a great mapper.
- Map a community center or country club.
- Do some new user patrolling.
- Join the OGF Discord.
- Map some gas stations.
- Map a ship or a transit vehicle..
- Map a museum.
- Make a topo layer for your country-although this may take a long time.
- Try making a hand-drawn map for a change.
- ↑ The specific specifications for choosing candidates are set out in the Thesmothetai Code of 1564, which replaced the original 761 law and has been amended a total of four times, most recently in 1994
- ↑ For example, in 1934, the Thesmothetai for that decade had to be dissolved only two years into their term because one of the members had been accused and convicted of a crime, and according to the Criminal Code, "... any criminal conviction on one or more of the members of the Thesmothetai is to result in the immediate dissolution of the Thesmothetai..."
- ↑ Under the Open Information Law of 1971 all transcripts of sessions must be released to the public upon request after the selection of the next members of the Themosthetai.
- ↑ They are allowed to interview the members about other topics, in order to preserve the right of press freedom, as per the court case Arion vs Metros in 1758
- ↑ Interestingly, this includes officials from overseas territories due to official definition in the Overseas Regency Law of 1895, which amended the Overseas Territory Administration Law of 1812, but did not prohibit residents of overseas territories from serving in the Thesmothetai, which means that although a resident could serve in the Thesmothetai, if they were close to a local official - even a close friend or spouse - they would be prohibited, in theory, from speaking to them for the full decade. This has never been challenged in court and it is unclear whether or not anyone from an overseas territory has ever been a member of the Thesmothetai.