User:Sweetykid/Akodjonian language

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Akojomã Kãli
/akod̠ʒomɑ̃ kɑ̃li/
Official inArtenia
Also spoken innone
Estimated number of speakers2 million people
Regulating bodyAkodjonian Academy of Artenia
Signed formSigned Akodjonian
Recognized dialectsnone
Language familyisolate
Tonal languageyes
Extended Romantian Alphabet
Aa Ãã Bb Cc Dd Ee Éé Èè Ëë Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Ññ Oo Ôô Õõ Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz ∏π Ʒʒ
Norms of linguistic structure
Morphosyntactic alignmentneutral
Common constituent word orderSVO
Modifier placementnoun-adjective and sometimes adjective-noun
Noun declensions
Verb conjugations
Adjective declensions

Akodjo (Akodjonian: Akojomã Kãli, litterally language of the State of Akodjo, the name of the country pre-colonization and the name of the Ancient Village at where is now located Arténie-Ville) is one of the official languages of Arténie drapeau.png Artenia island country alongside Valonian and in some parts of the country Ingerish.

It's a conlang, inspired by RW Baoulé language (one of Akan group languages) with many made-up words, or words from Valonian and Ingerish languages.

The local population speaks de facto Akodjo, and 80% speak another language (Valonian or Ingrean).

Akodjonian Alphabet and phonology

Since XXXX, Akodjo language uses Extended Romantian alphabet, including many diacritics which count as proper letters, and few symbols as letters. No digraph, trigraph or quadrigraph for Akodjo: the "one letter, one song" motto is what matters to Artenians, that's why each letter is unique.

Let's take the letter "A" for instance.

In Akodjonian, there are 2 A: A and Ã. The first "A" is pronounced /a/, like most A in most word languages but the second "Ã" (A with tilde) is different: in Akodjonian, it's pronounced /ɑ̃/, like in "language" or "rand". Same goes for other letters in the language. You will find below each Akodjonian letter with its pronounciation and words examples to help you when looking at Artenia map:

Akodjo Alphabet and phonology
Letter Name Pronunciation


Word example for pronunciation


Word example for pronunciation


A, a a /a/ Abriter Action
Ã, ã ã /ɑ̃/ Antiquité; Emmener; Prendre Antarephia; Language
B, b /be/ Bâton Brown
C, c /t̠ʃʼe/ Tchad Chad; Cheese; Choice
D, d /de/ Dalle Dough
E, e e /ø/ Europe; Feu Relish
É, é é /e/ Élire Mace
È, è è /ɛ/ Ergoter; Prêt Left; Day
Ë, ë ë /ɛ̃/ Indolore; Chien; Nain; Vin Inexistent song in English, but roughly like 'Hang'.
F, f èf /ɛf/ Farine Flour
G, g /ge/ Gagner Green
H, h ha /ʃa/ Chapeau; Chien; Racheter Shoes; Shrink; Shine
I, i i /i/ Inodore Improvement; Green
J, j ji /d̠ʒi/ Djibouti Djibouti, Major
K, k ka /ka/ Karaté Kyle
L, l èl /ɛl/ Lune Land
M, m èm /ɛm/ Matin Morning
N, n èn /ɛn/ Nuit Night
Ñ, ñ ñe /ɲ/ Montagne; Oignon; Espagne Canyon
O, o o /o/ Olive Ocean
Ô, ô ô /ɔ/ Ordre; Hôte Off
Õ, õ õ /õ/ Onde; Long; Construire Blonde
P, p /pe/ Papa Proud
Q, q qa /ɡ͡bɑ/ Remplace le digramme 'gb' comme dans 'Rugby' ou 'Gbonou'. Prononcer les lettres en simultané pour former le son correctement. (Son inexistant en français) Replace the digram 'gb' as in 'Rugby'. These letters must be pronounced simultaneously to form the correct song. (Inexistent song in English)
R, r èr /ɛʁ/ Rateau 'r' song pronounced in the French way

Loch could be an approximate for the 'r' song like it's pronounced in Franquese.

S, s ès /ɛs/ Sardine; Ceinture; Ciseau Soul
T, t /te/ Tour Trend
U, u u /y/ Urbain; Rature
V, v /ve/ Voiture; Virevolter Void; Cove
W, w w /u/ Oublier, Course Goose; Lose
X, x ix /iks/ Xavier; Xylophone; Taxi Xenon; Axis
Y, y ya only for words from other languages. Xylophone Xylophone; Normandy
Z, z zèd /zɛd/ Zèbre; Raser; Écraser Zoo
Π, π πa /k͡pɑ/ Remplace le digramme 'kp' comme dans 'Kpakpato'. Prononcer les 'kp' en simultané pour former le son correct. (Son inexistant en français) Replace the 'kp' digram as in 'Kpakpato'. These letters are to be pronounced simultaneously to form the correct song. (Inexistent song in English)
Ʒ, ʒ ʒi /ʒi/ Jouet; Ajouter Measure


Akodjonian has vowels (12). These are the following letters:

Akodjonian vowels
A, a
Ã, ã
E, e
É, é
È, è
Ë, ë
I, i
O, o
Ô, ô
Õ, õ
U, u
W, w


Cardinal numbers

Akodjonian cardinal numbers
Number Name (Akodjonian) Number Name (Akodjonian) Number Name (Akodjonian) Number Name (Akodjonian)
1 11 dékakõ 21 ñiõdéka-kõ 200 ñiõèkta
2 ñiõ 12 dékañiõ 30 nsãdéka 348 nsãèkta-kardéka-ocwè
3 nsã 13 dékansã 40 kardéka 500 këtèkta
4 kar 14 dékakar 50 këtdéka 1000 kilo
5 kët 15 dékakët 60 siëdéka 2653 ñiõkilo-siëèkta-këtèkta-nsã
6 sië 16 dékasië 70 sôdéka 10 000 dékakilo
7 17 dékasô 80 ocwèdéka 1 000 000 méga
8 ocwè 18 dékaocwè 90 nglwãdéka 1 000 000 000 jiga
9 nglwã 19 dékanglwã 100 èkta
10 déka 20 Ñiõdéka 110 èkta-déka

Ordinal numbers

Only 2 suffixes at the end of the number, or number name:

  • -vië (after the Akodjonians vowels).


  • The 1st highway of the island = I kõvië fièlinzwé lotowéi / I 1vië fièlinzwé lotowéi.
  • The 24th plane = I ñiõdéka-karë èlèplè / I 24ë èlèplè.


Akodjonian words and sentences follows an general SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) order, with some exceptions below.

In possessive case, for instance, the object is placed after the one which is referring to.


Globally, there are 4 grammatical genders relative to in Akodjonian: masculine, feminine, neutral and indefinite.

Only humans are masculine or feminine gendered; everything else is neutral-gendered except some type of words that are indefinite gendered (e.g. concepts and proper nouns).

Singular means only one (1) thing, and plural means two (2) or more than two things.

Here are how it is defined:

Akodjonian articles and suffixes
Gender Singular Plural
Isolate suffix Isolate suffix
Masculine O -lo Os -los
Feminine A -la As -las
Neutral I -li Is -lis
Indefinite I -liè Is -liès


Akodjonian pronouns are not gendered. Be the object either masculine, feminine, neutral or indefinite, pronouns can refer to anything or anyone.

Akodjonian pronouns
Case Akodjonian Valonian Ingrean
1st person singular Je I
2nd person singular È Tu You
3rd person singular

Object singular

Indefinite singular

Ô Il / Elle He / She / It
1st person plural É Nous We
2nd person plural à (Ãmw) Vous You
3rd person plural

Objects plural

Indefinite plural

Ils / Elles / Eux They


Akodjonian prepositions
Preposition Valonian Ingrean
See paragraph below "Possessive and Genetive cases" for this preposition. du (des)

de la (des)

de (des)

de (des)

wa et and
til à to (somewhere)
sw sur on
ibè sous under
vers towards
mit pour for
ex hors out
-nw (to be placed after the object) dans in
aoméli entre between
aôfèli avant before
pôdèli après after
ãzè ou (choix) or
où (localisation) where
wafã ici here
lôsa là-bas over there

Possessive and Genitive cases

Objects that qualifies the 1st objects are placed before the 1st object.

Akodjonian Valonian Ingrean
Pôstèliè Sin Rue de la Modernité Modernity Street
Brévillwnwã Wéiliè Dã Grande Promenade Brévillienne Brevillian Great Promenade
Akojo Swa Istorinwã Manoir Historique d'Akodjo Akodjo Historic Manor


Each Akodjonian word will have these suffixes, depending the following cases:

Adjectives suffixes
Singular Plural
-nwã -nwãis

For non numeral adjectives, it will be placed after the object, except in genitive and possessive cases where it will be placed before the object.

Cases Akodjonian Valonian Ingrean
General Sãdwfiè Midinwã Plage Méridionale Southern Beach
Genitive and Possessive Arténinwãis Flèlinwãis Sindã Avenue des Religieux Arténiens Artenian Religious Avenue

For ordinal and cardinal adjectives, it's placed before the object.

Akodjonian Valonian Ingrean
I kõvië Arténi Grinfiè Le premier parc d'Arténie (The) first Artenia park

Verbs - Conjugation

Some Akodjonian verbs below
Akodjonian Traduction




Ti Être Be
Avoir Have
Di Manger Eat
Boire Drink
Aller Go
Bla Venir Come
Jwmã Travailler Work
Kaci Changer Change
Vici Vaincre Overcome
Fw Monter Climb, mount
Jra Descendre Descend, Get off
Jrã Annuler Cancel
Owi Mourir Die
Flè Prier Pray
Fité Sortir Go out
Fali Porter Wear

Akodjonian Dictionnary

Here are the words used on the map, for Arténie drapeau.png Artenia (see below on the different tables).

It will be filled gradually, based on my current and future mapping.


Akodjonian Toponyms
Akodjonian Word Traduction




Origins Observations
Sin Rue Street From RW Baoulé "sin" (=to pass).
Sinkã Ruelle Little street From Akodjonian "Sin (= street) and RW Baoulé "Kã" (= little). Literally "street little", e.g. little street.
Sindã Avenue Avenue From Akodjonian "Sin" (= street) and "Dã" (= great). Literally "street great", e.g. great street.
Sinπèli Impasse Dead-end, Cul-de-Sac From Akodjonian "Sin" (= street) and derivation from RW Baoulé "Kpèlièh" (= cutting) -> "∏èli" (= cut). Literally "street that's cut"
Alé Allée Alley From Valonian "Allée".
Fwliè Montée Rise For roads that rise steeply, especially in Arténie-Ville for neighborhoods near the ridges.
Bwlvar Boulevard Boulevard From Valonian and Ingerish "Boulevard".
Axi Axe Axis From Valonian "Axe". In Artenia, Axes are large avenues with a promenade between 2 one-way roads.

Example in Artenia is Axi Istorinwã (Historic Axis) in Arténie-Ville; another example in RW France is Avenue de Breteuil in Paris.

Arkw Arc Crescent From both Valonian and Ingerish "Arc".
Sèrklw Cercle Circle From Valonian "Cercle".
Siti Cité City From Ingerish "City".
Wéi Chemin Way From Ingerish "Way".
Wéiliè Promenade Promenade
Link Lien Link From Ingerish "Link".
Rokadw Rocade Bypass From Valonian "Rocade".
Vlôwéi Route Communale Town Freeway From Akodjonian: "Vlô" (= city) and "Wéi" (= way).
Lotowéi Autoroute Motorway From RW Baoulé "Loto" (= vehicle, car) and Akodjonian "Wéi" (= way).
Nzwénwsin Quai Quay A way next to a river or a seafront.
Fièlô Terrain Field Generic term used for a lot of fields.
Fièli Esplanade, Parvis, Place Circus
Fiè, -fwè Endroit (générique) Location (generic term) Used to indicate a location, and the suffix is also used to indicate in some cases a country in Akodjonian (Izafwè for Izaland for instance).
Asiè Terre, Sol Earth, Ground
Klôkã Hameau Hamlet Literally "Little village".
Klô / Klolô, -klô Village Village, Town From RW Baoulé word "Klôlô" (later deformed in "-kro" on Ivorian villages and towns toponyms).

For instance, RW "Yamoussoukro", which is the Ivory Coast capital, is named after Baoulé queen Yamousso).

Vlô / Vlolô, -vlô Ville City Based on Akodjonian word "Klô" and stands for big and minor cities.
Pays, Etat Country, State From RW Baoulé (and other RW Akan languages such as Asante or Twi) "Man" (=State or Country). Can be placed as an affix or suffix to names.
Monde World From RW Baoulé "Minh" (=world).
Amãkõ Fédération d'États


State Federation


Derived from RW Akan "Amankuw" (= Federation). Literally "one state" or "united states".
Akwramã Communauté des Nations Commonwealth
Mãdistrikt Région District Literally "State District".
Vlôdistrikt Arrondissement (pour Arténie-Ville uniquement) City district Literally "City District". Only for Arténie-Ville.
Trãwlè Quartier Neighborhood Derived from RW Baoulé "Tranfwè" (=habitation).
Trãfwèli Résidence Estate
Kapitali Capitale Capital city From Valonian "Capitale" and Ingerish "Capital".
Aomélimãnwã International International From Akodjonian words: "Aoméli" (= between) and adjective "Mãnwã" (= national) from word "Mã" (= country). Literally "between national countries".
Nzwéficini Ruisseau Stream Literally "very little water".
Nzwékã Rivière Little river Literally "little water".
Nzwé Fleuve, Eau River, Water
Fètè Lac Lake
Marwli Mer Sea
Vastianzwé Océan Ocean Literally "vast water".
Baia Baie Bay Derived from Florescentian word "Bahia".
Baiakã Crique Cove Literally "little bay".
Fièlinzwé Île Island Literally "Field above the water", meaning a land above the water.
Kôrner Pointe Point
Kapw Cap Cape
Nzwéwéikã Détroit Strait Literally "little water way".
Ôfènzwéli Rive Bank (hydrology) Literally "in front of the water".
Talièkã Square Garden square
Taliè Jardin Garden
Grinfiè Parc Park Derived from Ingerish word "Green" and also from Akodjonian word "Fiè" (= location). Literally "Green location", green as the color of most natural elements.
Sãdwfiè Plage Beach From Ingerish word "Sand" and Akodjonian word "Fiè" (= location). Literally "Sandy location".
Kotéli Côte Coast From Valonian "Côte", written in Akodjonian style.
Yôbwè Pierre Stone From RW Baoulé word "Yoboueh" (= stone).
Aπwè Roche Rock From RW Baoulé word "Akpoueh" (= rock).
Oka Montagne Mountain
Kõgo Vallée Valley
Lofè, Lôfè- Extrême (localisation) Far (location) Derived from RW Baoulé "Losa" (= over there).

Cardinal points - Spatial Orientation

Akodjonian Cardinal points
Akodjonian Traduction




Sèptè (adj: Sèptènwã) Nord (Septentrional) North (Northern) Derived from Valonian "Septentrional".
Midi (adj: Midinwã) Sud (Méridional) South (Southern) From Valonian "Midi" which means the exact same thing as "South".
Oxi (adj: Oxinwã) Ouest (Occidental) West (Western) Derived from Valonian "Occident".
Ori (adj: Orinwã) Est (Oriental) East (Eastern) Derived from Valonian "Orient".
Akodjonian Spatial Orientation
Akodjonian Traduction




Gôlè Gauche Left
Méli Milieu Middle
Mélili Centre Centre
Dôlè Droite Right
Ôfè Devant Front
Ôdè Derrière Behind
Ôhè (en) Haut High
Ôbè (en) Bas Low
sw-, -sw Dessus Above Suffix to a word, from RW Baoulé, when added to a word it means literally "above the (insert word)"
-ibè, Ibè- Dessous Under Suffix to a name or an adjective, could be at the beginning or at the end of the word. When added to a word it means literally "under the (insert word)"
Ifè Ici Here
Lôsa Là-bas Over There A derivative is also used as a prefix to describe a location: the word "Lofè".

Example: Lofèorinwã = Far East = Extrême Oriental.

Près (de) Near
Fwô Loin (de) Far away
Kôfè A côté (de) Alongside

Public Equipments

Akodjonian public equipments words
Akodjonian Traduction




Swklwkã École maternelle et élémentaire (= École primaire) Primary School From RW Baoulé "Souklou" (= school) and Akodjonian "kã" (= little).
Swklwdã Collège Middle School
Swklwméga Lycée High School
Univèrsité Université College or University
Bibliotèkfwè Bibliothèque Library
Flwwa Librairie Bookstore
Klônãswa Mairie (du village) Town Hall (village)
Vlônãswa Mairie (des grandes villes) Town Hall (big cities)
Polisiswa Commissariat Police Station
Jadwjoswa Caserne de pompiers Fire Station
Dôtrô Hôpital Hospital From RW Baoulé "Dôtrô" (= hospital).
Sikaswa Banque Bank
Klinikwdôtrô Clinique Clinic
Labo Laboratoire Laboratory
Atali Commerce Trade
∏awliswa Boulangerie Bakery
Juéliswa Poissonnerie Fishmonger
Justisiswa Tribunal Courthouse
Milisiswa Base militaire, caserne militaire Military base
Biswa Prison, Maison d'Arrêt Jail, Correction Center From RW Baoulé "bisua" (= jail)

Transportation Infrastructure

Akodjonian Transportation words
Akodjonian Traduction




Loto Voiture, Véhicule Car, Vehicle Derivative from Valonian "L'auto" (or Auto as in Automobile).
Lotoplasi Parking Lot (vehicles) Parking (véhicules)
∏ãngô Vélo Bike From RW Baoulé "Kpangor" which literally means "Bike".
Èlèplè Avion Airplane From RW Baoulé "Alapla", which is derived from Ingerish "Airplane".
Èlèplèswa Terminal aéroportuaire Airport terminal
Èlèplèfièlô Aéroport Airport From Akodjonian "èlèplè" (= airplane) and "fiélô" (= field), literally "airfield".
Èlèplègaraji Hangar d'avion Airplane hangar From Akodjonian "èlèplè" (= airplane) and "garaji" (= garage) which is a derivative from Valonian "garage".
Métro Métro Rapid Transit / Metro From Valonian "Métro" which is the short name of "Métropolitain" in "Chemin de fer Métropolitain" (= rapid transit system in Ingerish).
Métrogaraji Dépôt de métro Metro depot
Blalè Fer Iron From RW Baoulé "Blalè" (= iron).
Blalèwéi Chemin de fer Railroad / Railway Combination of words "Blalè" and "Wéi", literally "Iron way" or "Rail road" here in this context.
Blalèloto Train Train Combination of words "Blalè" and "Loto", literally "Iron vehicle".
Blalèswa Gare ferroviaire Train station
Batofièli Port Harbour, Port
Marwliswa Gare Maritime Maritime Terminal
Marina Marina Marina
Wéifali Viaduc Bridge From Akodjonian "Wéi" and a derivative from RW Baoulé "Fa" (= to take).
Tunèli Tunnel Tunnel Derived from Valonian and Ingerish "Tunnel".
Ibèfièlô Souterrain Underground


Akodjonian country names
Akodjonian name Valonian name Original name

(Native language name)

Ingrean name
Adwkèn Adhuken Adhuken Adhuken
Aérañi Aéragny Aerágnyyn Airannia
Alèbri Alébrie Alébrie Alebria
Alèndé Allende Allendea Allendea
Alora Alora Alora Alora
Alvoran Alvoran Alvorán Alvoran
Aragwan Araguan Araguan Araguan
Arkãtis Amãkõ (AA) États Fédéraux d'Archante (EFA) Federal States of Archanta (FSA) Federal States of Archanta (FSA)
Arkãt Mélili Archante Centrale Central Archanta Central Archanta
Astrazinwã Amãkõ Confédération Astrasienne Confédération Astrasienne Astrasian Confederation
Bai Aénémã Empire Baï 大百帝国 Bai Empire
Banwvia Banuvie Banuvia Banuvia
Bèldrio Beldrio Beldrio Beldrio
Démiran Aénémã Empire Demirhan Demirhanlı Devleti Demirhan Empire
Déodéka Déodéca Deodeca Deodeca
Garbiya Gharbiya Gharbiya
Gobrasani Gobrassanie Gobrassanya Gobrassanya
Gwai Guai Guai Guai
Ingri Ingrée Ingrea Ingrea
Izafwé Izalande Izaki Izaland
Jèklini-Drégolèzi Geklinie-Dregolesie Жеклінія-Дреголесія Geklinia-Dregolesia
Ʒéar Géare Geare Geare
Kabéli Cabélie Cabélie Cabelia
Kaiwn Khaïwoon Khaïwoon Khaiwoon
Kalm Kalm Kalm Kalm
Kãtéra Canterra Canterra Canterra
Kastèlan Castellan Castellan Castellan
Kôfwkw Kofuku Kofuku Kofuku
Komoni Commonie Commonia Commonia
Kotèl Kôtel Kotel Kotel
Kotéli Blw Côte Azur Costa Azul Azure Coast
Kwélédé-Pèr Terre Sincère Kwelede-Peir Kwelede-Peir
Larsétani Larcétanie Ellarça Larcetany
Luslãdi Luslandie Luslandia Luslandia
Lutãg Lutang Lutang Lutang
Mariz Marize Marize Marize
Mazan Mazan مظان Mazan
Méilan Mãdatifwé Mandat de l'AN de Meilan Meilan (Mandat de l'AN) Meilan AN Mandate
Nayini Nayinie Nayinie Nayinia
Novaki Novaquie Novakia Novakia
Paroy Paroy Paroy Paroy
Platina Platina Platina Platina
Plévi Plévie Plevia Plevia
Pôstè Inglèfwé Nouvelle Ingrée New Ingrea New Ingrea
Ridimia Fowndili (Fridimia) Reedemia Libre (Freedémie) Free Reedemia (Freedemia) Free Reedemia (Freedemia)
Së Lorã Wa Së Kristof Saint-Laurent et Saint-Christophe São Lourenço E São Cristóvão São Lourenço E São Cristóvão
Së Mar Saint-Marc San Marcos San Marcos
Sinazi Cinasie 德華民國 Cinasia
Tãpéra Tempeira Tempeira Tempeira
Tijéri Tigrisie Tigrisie Tigeria
Torola Torola Torola Torola
Valôni Valonne Valonne Valony

OGF Continents and bodies of water

Continents and bodies of water
Akodjonian name Original name

(Native language name, Ingrean)

Valonian name
Arkãt (Sèptè wa Midi) Archanta (North and South) Archante (Nord et Sud)
Ãtaréfi Antarephia Antaréphie
Éréva Ereva Ereva
Kartwmi Kartumia Cartoumie
Orano Orano Orano
Pélanézi Pelanesia Pélanésie
Taréfi Tarephia Taréphie
Ulèt Uletha Ulèthe
Vastianzwé Aspérinwã Asperic Ocean Océan Aspérique
Vastianzwé Éspérinwã Hesperic Ocean Océan Hespérique
Licèn Nzwéwéikã Strait of Lyc Détroit de Lyc

Akodjonian first names

Akodjonian first names are for the most part derived from RW Baoulé and Akan first names.

Some first names are masculine gendered, some others are feminine gendered; a little part of Akodjonian first names are neutral (i.e. masculine and feminine gendered).

Akodjonians were not familiar with the concept of first and last names until the colonization, therefore first names can also be in the last names.

Here below, a list of Akodjonian first (or last) names used on the map for Artenia (Akodjoman):

Akodjonian first (or last) names (Akojonwãis Dwmãis)
Akodjonian Valonian Pronunciation Origins Gender
Kwasi Kouassi /kwasi/ From the RW Akan name. M
Akisi Akissi /akisi/ From the RW Akan name. F
Kwadio Kouadio /kwadio/ From the RW Akan name. M
Kojo Kodjo /kod̠ʒo/ From the RW Akan name. M
Ajo Adjo /ad̠ʒo/ From the RW Akan name. F
Ajwa Adjoua /ad̠ʒua/ From the RW Akan name. F
Konã Konan /konã/ From the RW Akan name. M
Amlã Amlan /amlã/ From the RW Akan name. F
Aménã Amenan /amenã/ From the RW Akan name. F
Kwakw Kouakou /kuaku/ From the RW Akan name. M
Aw Ahou /au/ From the RW Akan name. F
Iao Yao /iao/ From the RW Akan name. M
Aia Aya /aia/ From the RW Akan name. F
Kofi Koffi /kofi/ From the RW Akan name. M
Afwé Affoué /afue/ From the RW Akan name. F
Kwamé Kouamé /kuame/ From the RW Akan name. M
Amoë Amoin /amoɛ̃/ From the RW Akan name. F
Odô Odoh /odɔ/ Totally invented for the Akodjo language. M
Tano Tanoh /tanɔ/ From the RW Baoulé name. M
Ndri N'dri /ndri/ From the RW Baoulé name. N
Ngésã N'guessan /ngesã/ From the RW Baoulé name. N
Amani Amani /amani/ From the RW Baoulé name. M
Idris Idriss /idris/ From the RW Arabic first name. M
Yôbwè Yobouët /iɔbuɛ/ From "yobouet" which means "Rock" N

Other words

Other Akodjonian words (concepts, etc.)
Akodjonian Valonian Ingrean Origins
Akodjonian Concept Words
-li; -lè; -liè Suffixe lié à un concept Concept suffix
-fwè Suffixe lié à une localisation Localisation suffix
Éné, -éné Chef, Roi/Reine Chief, King/Queen From RW Akan "hene" (= chief) like in "Asantehene" (= Ashanti's chief). Used as a suffix to a state to design a king, queen or a president for instance. Example: Arténiéné (Artenia Head of State)
Akojoéné Chef de l'état d'Akodjo (ancien état avant Arténie) Akodjo Head of State (Akodjo was the state before Artenia)
Arténiéné Président de la république (Arténie) Artenia Head of State
Vicièli Victoire Victory
Ãtèliè Ancienneté Seniority
Ãtè, Ãtènwã Ancien, Vieux Old
Pôstè, Pôstènwã Nouveau, Moderne New
Pôstèliè Modernité Modernity
Repôstèliè Renouveau Renewal
Istori Histoire History
Kaciliè Changement Change
Lafiliè Sommeil Sleep
Apãwndèn Santé Health
Abôdè Nature Nature
Trãsfôrmèliè Transformation Transformation
Futurliè Futur Future
Jrãliè Annulation Cancellation
Kãgaliè Esclavage, Captivité Slavery, Captivity
Kãga Esclave, Captif Slave
Fõwndiliè Liberté Freedom
Fõwndi Libre Free
Fõwndifwè Indépendance Independence
Kõliè Unité Unity
Kõfwè Union Union
Kwasafomã République Republic From RW Akan "kwasafoman" (= republic).
Akwra Communauté Community From RW Akan "Akuraa" (= community).
Justisiliè Justice Justice
Civilizaciõ Civilisation Civilisation From Franquese or Ingerish "Civilisation", written in Akodjo style.
Likè Objet Object
Kãtoli Art Art Derivative from RW Akan language "Kanto" (= art).
Akwaba Bienvenue Welcome
Akwali Entrée Entry
Nokwaré Vérité Truth
Ntôrôliè Mensonge Lie
Sika Monnaie Money
Sikaswa Banque Bank
Fitéli Sortie Exit
Fië Sale Dirty
Yéë Propre Clean
Kita Nettoyer to clean
Kitali Nettoyage Cleaning
Ëdustri Industrie Industry
Ëdustrinwã Industriel Industrial
Sãdwnwã Sableux Sandy
Justisiliè Justice Justice
Jumãliè Travail Work
Aliè Nourriture Food
Wlifièli Cimetière Cemetery
Jour Day
Afwèli Année Year
Akodjonian military words
Milisiéné Général (militaire) (Military) General
Akodjonian construction, buildings
Swa / -swa Bâtiment, Maison Building, House From RW Baoulé "Sua" (= house). -swa suffix used widely to describe numerous types of buildings in Artenia, like Èlèplèswa (= airport terminal), Blalèswa (= train station) or Swa Atalinwã (= commercial center).
Ministriswa Ministère Ministry "Ministry" word in Akodjonian style.
Jué Poisson Fish
Juéliswa / Jué Gwa Poissonnerie / Criée Fishmarket
Gwa Marché Market
Molli Môle Mole From Valonian "Môle".
Swatèndè Gratte-ciel Skyscraper
Gwaliè Trãwlè Quartier d'Affaires Central Business District (CBD)
Otèl Hôtel Hotel
Rizôrt Resort Resort
Mol Centre Commercial Mall, Shopping Center Derived from Ingerish "Mall".
Swa Atalinwã Centre Commercial Mall, Shopping Center From Akodjonian "Atali" (=business, trade).
Tãganëli Magasin Department Store
Anwã Porte Door, Gate
Galerifwè Galerie Gallery Word "Gallery" in Akodjonian style.
Muzéifwè Musée Museum
Kitaliswa Station d'épuration Sewerage Treatment Plant
Spôrtifwèswa Centre Sportif Sports Centre
Akodjonian Colors
Blw Bleu Blue
Kôkô Rouge Red
Kôkôlè Pourpre, Violet Purple
Bwn Vert Green
Akoãga Jaune Yellow
Blé Noir Black
Wfwè Blanc White
Akodjonian family members
Siè Père Father
Na Mère Mother
Baba Papa Daddy
Mãmi Maman Mommy
Akodjonian Professions
Marwlilo / Marwlila Marin Sailor Refer to the Akodjonian word "Marwli" (=sea).
Juélilo / Juélila Poissonnier / Poissonnière Fishmonger
∏ãwliswawlo / ∏ãwliswawla Boulanger / Boulangère Baker
Dôtrôlilo / Dôtrôlila Docteur, Médecin Doctor, Médical doctor
Prôfwlo / Prôfwla Professeur Teacher
Akodjonian Religion words
Flèliè Religion Religion
Flè Prier Pray
Flèninwã Religieux Religious
Akojoliènwã Pratiquant de la spiritualité traditionnelle d'Akodjo Akodjo Traditionnal Spirituality believer
Akojoliè Spiritialité Traditionnelle Akodjo Akodjo Traditionnal Spirituality
Ibrimnwã Ibryim Ibryim
Ibrimliè Ibryism Ibryism Stands for OGF Judaism in Akodjonian.
Klistw Christique Christic
Klistliè Christicisme Christicism Stands for OGF Christianism in Akodjonian.
Imaninwã Imanique Imani
Iman Iman Iman Stands for OGF Islam in Akodjonian.