Collab talk:Huaxia

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Discussion on the significant coastline and other geo-feature change of Haijiao Peninsula in Northeastern Huaxia

Haijiao proposal
  • 它们有着一个共同的特点,即均较为细长,而海角半岛比较宽、方;
  • 它们的海岸线及其曲折,并有众多潟湖、壁障岛,但从目前我们海岸附近已有的一些内容看,很难再新添加这些东西(尤其是符韵、镇海等已经被绘制或有了大致规划的区域);
  • 海角半岛不符合上述著名平原半岛的成因(没有火山、冰川或大河);
  • 华夏的大华岭山脉和北塔洲北部高砂、德华、家乡的山脉走向相似,且几乎在一条直线上,且这条直线在北面大部分地区贴近海岸,我有理由相信这里可能存在一条跨越大陆的断裂带;


Huaxia's northeastern Haijiao Province is currently regarded as a plain; however, it seems unlikely that the entire Haijiao Peninsula could be completely flat. I have researched similar flat peninsulas in the real world, including the Leizhou Peninsula (volcanic activity), the Jutland Peninsula (glacial activity), and the Florida Peninsula (sedimentary processes).
  • They all share a common characteristic: they are relatively narrow, while the Haijiao Peninsula is wider and more square-shaped.
  • Their coastlines are highly irregular, with many lagoons and barrier islands, but considering the existing content near our coasts, it would be difficult to add these features (especially in regions like Fuyun and Zhenhai, which have already been drawn or have rough planning).
  • The Haijiao Peninsula does not conform to the formation processes of these famous flat peninsulas (no volcanic, glacial, or large river influences).
  • The Dahuaxia Ridge and the northern Beita continental mountain ranges, such as Kauscha, Cinasia, and Kuehong, have a similar alignment, almost forming a straight line. This line in the northern region runs close to the coastline. I have reason to believe there might be a fault line crossing the continent in this area.

Based on the above reasons, I find it unlikely that such a flat terrain would exist.

  • 我会在半岛的西侧绘制一些小山,蓝色的区域是从我前几日随手拍摄的天空中扣去下的一部分,但其形状可以很好表示这种地形;
  • 图中绿线表示主要的山脊或山的主要走向,即这片小山区将会被视为前文所述断裂带上大华岭山脉向北的一些余脉;
  • 上述二点将会使海角半岛西侧存在支撑起这片区域,则东岸可以继续平整(但会略有起伏,和有一点零星的小山);
  • 基于前述三点,我希望变更海岸线,如图中黄线所示,西面的海岸大致沿着山走,但是会留出一些平原,东岸的海岸线也可以继续保持相对平整的状态,我打算按照参考东京正东方的区域;
  • 图中黄色阴影部分可以是一个海湾,但此点可选。


I propose the following idea, as shown in the accompanying illustration:
  • I would draw some small hills on the western side of the peninsula. The blue area is a portion of the sky I casually photographed a few days ago, but its shape nicely represents the terrain in question.
  • The green lines in the diagram represent the main ridges or mountain alignments, indicating that this small hilly area could be considered part of the northern remnants of the Dahuaxia Ridge along the fault line described earlier.
  • These two points suggest that the western side of the Haijiao Peninsula would have the necessary support for this region, while the eastern shore could remain relatively flat (though with slight undulations and some scattered small hills).
  • Based on the above points, I hope to modify the coastline as shown by the yellow line in the diagram. The western coast would generally follow the mountains but leave room for some plains, while the eastern coast would remain relatively flat, referencing the area directly east of Tokyo.
  • The yellow-shaded area in the diagram could serve as a bay, but this is optional.

Additionally, I am considering adding a few small islands or reefs along the northern coast of the peninsula, following the ridge lines. These islands would be mostly uninhabited.

在本页面以外的讨论 Discussion out of this page

北京时间2024年9月20日下午2时许我私聊了快乐的老鼠宝宝,其大致表示同意,但他亦认为这是在赤道地区,「山可能还是有点多了」;我和他讨论了是否有不大量添加山区的可能性,其表示可以「城市化」,「霓虹那种」「关东平原」,但因OGF上不应过度城市化,且即使是关东平原,其南部(千叶县南部)也有一定支撑,且城市化也无法改变地理结构,我不赞成此想法,并提出搁置。 At around 2 p.m. on September 20, 2024, I privately messaged Happy Mouse Baby, who roughly agreed but also remarked that this is an equatorial region, where "there might be too many mountains." I discussed the possibility of not adding too many mountainous areas with him, and he suggested "urbanization," "like Tokyo," or the "Kanto Plain." However, since OGF should not be over-urbanized and even the Kanto Plain has some support in its southern part (e.g., Chiba Prefecture), and urbanization cannot alter the underlying geography, I disagreed with this idea and suggested shelving it.

All contents above are by NM$l (talk) 09:17, 22 September 2024 (UTC)

讨论 Discussion

我认为,主要需要讨论的点为:①此更改是否必要;②如必要,此更改是否合理。 In my opinion, the main points that need to be discussed are: (1) whether this change is necessary; and (2) whether the change is reasonable, if necessary.
啥语言都行。 Any language (except your con-lang) is OK.

All contents above are by NM$l (talk) 09:35, 22 September 2024 (UTC)

自本讨论发布以来截止目前未在本页面收到回应,且华夏各成员表示无异议;经站内信邀请Wangi检查后已获同意,此项变更将在更细致地规划、绘制后上传至服务器。 Approved and will be mapped after a more detailed planning.

All contents above are by NM$l (talk) 15:45, 4 October 2024 (UTC)