Forum:Territory application/AN101 - République Arténienne
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![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
AN101∈⊾ - Arténie (officially République Arténienne)
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
The territories (Mainland - the big island, and "Island" at the west, the little one) are very flat when near the sea, mostly dominated by plains and coastal beaches and rocks; inland valleys are presents where the rivers flow and for the 2 islands, their core center are pine forests.
- Altitude of the plains: 0-50 m
- Altitude of Inland: 51-150m
- Altitude of pine forests at the center of Mainland and "Island": 151-300m
See here the sketch of the physical geography proposed:
The climate will be mediterranean with hot summers and mild winters.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
Arténie-Ville, the capital city, is located directly near the sea, on a flat earth band at the south of Mainland. It's the largest city of the country, with 1,500,000 inhabitants. It's home for more than 1/3 of the country's population and concentrates 80% of the country's economy. It's a huge city, densely populated, almost like the real-life city of Paris. It has its own regional métro network which serves the Région Capitale district (which includes only the capital and its neighbourhoods).
Bréville, Bergate-Ville and Torvilliers are minor cities: each one have about 100,000 inhabitants while the rest of the population live in small villages in the rural areas.
Arténie being a highly centralised state, it effects the main road and main rail networks: every main road begins at Arténie-Ville.
Mapping style of big cities will be a mix of colonial Franquese street grids, a historic core center (like the Médina in Tunis, I'm thinking about that) while the rural towns will be more like real life North and West African villages.
See here the location of the cities and the infrastructure of Arténie:
And here the administrative map of the country:
The administrative divisions will be as follow:
- Country (Etat)
- Districts (Régions)
- Cities (Villes ou Villages)
- Arrondissements (only for Arténie-Ville)
- Quartiers (for Arténie-Ville and minor cities)
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
La République Arténienne was founded by Artenians in 1700 (some indigenous people, they look like real-life west African people).
Contact with the Franquese in 1850 and colonised by them in 1860 for about 70 years, then a revolution started in 1930 and Arténie gains its independence in 1933. The people have kept "Arténie" as their name of the country and many elements of the Franquese culture were incorporated in their everyday life.
Intended culture will be a mix of Franquese and indigenous, but the language will be Franquese, with sort of real-life west African influences.
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
Urban mapping (example: Arténie-Ville on BG21):
Bellevue village, on BG21:
Bourgainvilliers village (in progress):
Aéroport International d'Arténie (in progress):
Arténie country, on BG island, whole view (in progress):
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
Sweetykid (talk) 03:51, 24 February 2023 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
Side note: if granted, I will let go of my territory possession on BG21 and move some of the stuffs there to the new territory. Sweetykid (talk) 11:26, 25 February 2023 (UTC)
Thank you, Sweetykid, for this detailed application. Here are a few comments/questions regarding its content and implications:
- Physical geography
- I think your draft and description fit the location. Some similar RW locations can be found around Valdivia, Chile or Mendocino County, California.
- Human geography
- AN136d has a rather small area of 5,793.74 km2, about the same size of Ain Département or, to take a more populated area, Antwerp and East Flanders Provinces combined. Though I don't see any objection for having a metropolis with 2.5 millions inhabitants, I'm not sure such a small independent territory can sustain 3 other cities with 500k inhabitants + additional minor cities. If we were to assume the highland pine forests are mostly uninhabited, the 2/3 of the land area left would lead to have a density of 1,950 inhabitant/km2. A Close RW example is the Metropolitan City of Milan. See how the urban area is sprawling out of the old centre and cover almost the entire administration subdivision.
- Mapping style: given the elements you gave for history and culture, the 70-year long colonisation would have likely produced colonial-style urban planning instead of "typical" Western European one.
- History & culture
- Antarephia is mostly intended for territories with no or limited Ulethan influence. If having French with West African cultural influence is central for your future territory, I would suggest you consider either:
- A territory in Tarephia
- One of those available territories in NE Antarephia, if moving to Antarephia is important to you. For example, AN101 has a land area slightly larger than AN136d and it's Mainland accounting for almost all its land mass, makes it quite similar in terms of planning. If you choose this area, I would recommend you take a look at Wiki articles of neighbouring countries such as Freedemia or Paroy.
- Antarephia is mostly intended for territories with no or limited Ulethan influence. If having French with West African cultural influence is central for your future territory, I would suggest you consider either:
Cheers, --Aiki (talk) 21:19, 2 March 2023 (UTC)
Hi Aiki,
Thank you for your insights about my application, I appreciate it.
Human geography
I didn't know about the size area of AN136d, I was thinking that it was like Qatar or another country like that but I was mistaken. It's much much smaller in fact; given the information you give me...that changes a lot ! I have to reduce the capital city population to 1 million, 2 "major cities" instead of 3 will remain, it would become minor cities of 100,000 inhabitants maximum, black dots would become tiny villages or hamlets, there will be less villages and for the overall country population, to be more realistic, it will be about 1,5 million people in there. What do you think about it ?
History and culture
I like the Antarephia concept because of the no similarity with the real world, that's why I've applied for a territory here. Having French with West African influence isn't that important for me; it was a rough idea; I can overhaul the history part from 1700 until now but I'm not really good about conlangs (all I can do best is create an alphabet from scratch) though I consider it. I can keep the following structure in my mappings if it fits well: the capital city will have a historic core center, which will be near the sea and this town will expand in circles, like Arténie-Ville on my current mapping.
Mapping style
I see what you mean by post-colonial planning, is it like some real-life West African cities ? My current mapping isn't like that, but more of Western European style actually; I prefer mapping that way for my future territory if possible, otherwise colonial-style mapping won't bother me, (if I take the example of Abidjan in Ivory Coast, I could map like this city, with a central core with street grids, some neighbourhoods with slums and other with middle-class apartments).
Side note: I see AN101 territory and it's quite interesting...I haven't been looking there but if I knew it earlier, I would have applied for it :D.
Cheers Sweetykid (talk) 00:12, 3 March 2023 (UTC)
- Hi, you may still apply to AN101 instead, if you're interested. It is available.
- There have already been some Franquese elements in the Lycene Region: Geare, Paroy, Cabélie, Brocéliande, Tigrisie
- Back to AN136d, 1.5-2.5m inhabitants seems to be a good range if you don't want it to be to crowded, given the forested highlands.
- For the French colonial mapping style, it all depends when your cities developed. You may get inspiration from North African Cities (e.g.Tunis, Algiers, Oran (all 19th Century) or early 20th Century Casablanca), West Africa (again 19th Century: St Louis, Dakar or as you said: Abidjan with the Plateau area) for a 20th flavour).
- If you're much more comfortable with French for mapping, I would suggest you look for something on the Strait of Lyc than in less Ulethan-influenced regions. If you look at those North African cities I mentioned, you'll see that the colonial urban planning mainly developed outside the historic casbah/medina. Though it doesn't mean your centres have to be similar, you can have a historic native centre, with or without Franquese additions and more recent urban plans around them.
- I hope it helps. --Aiki (talk) 14:41, 4 March 2023 (UTC)
Hi Aiki,
It helps a lot having your insights.
I can use French or English for mapping, no preference here.
As for my territory application, after reading the Opengeofiction wiki pages about countries like Paroy and Freedemia, you're right, I think that AN101 will fit better than AN136d for my project.
I already have sketches ready for this AN101 territory: you will see some changes (especially for the cities and villages part where namings will be a mix of Franquese and real-life Baoulé languages (a language from real-life Ivory Coast)) and my megapolis will be less populated (1,5 million people) ; I will finally apply for this territory instead of AN136d.
Sweetykid (talk) 19:02, 4 March 2023 (UTC)
(Edit about the estimated population size of my future megapolis)Sweetykid (talk) 20:00, 4 March 2023 (UTC)
- Alright. In the meantime, I've moved the page so that it reflects the new object of the application, for future reference's sake.--Aiki (talk) 23:10, 4 March 2023 (UTC)
Here is the new proposal, for AN101:
- Natural mapping:
- Administrative map:
- Main road and railway networks:
History and culture
It will be a mix of indigenous west African and Franquese culture.
Mapping style
Historical native core center (like the médina/casbah), colonial development outside the core center (colonial grids at Arténie-Ville, Bréville, Torvilliers and Bergate-Ville; like the Plateau district at Abidjan) and a mix of poor and wealthy neighbourhoods in the cities. In the rural areas, there will be agricultural lands, a little place in the village center and houses in a concentric grid or a hazardous grid.
Cheers Sweetykid (talk) 00:24, 5 March 2023 (UTC)
- Thank you for the draft, you application is approved. Here are some potentially useful elements:
- AN101 land area relation
- AN101 Mainland
- AN101 westernmost island
- Location of AN101 on OSM layer: ≈ Maputo, Brisbane for the southern hemisphere or south tip of Florida peninsula, Rio Grande estuary for the northern hemisphere (these are eastern continental coast as in the case of AN101).
- In line with OSM guidelines, countries' name (name:) is the common default name in the local languages (in most cases, without the "Republic of"). If you wish to add the official name, you may use the dedicated tag (official_name:).
- BG21∈⊾ has been withdrawn.
Happy mapping! --Aiki (talk) 14:05, 5 March 2023 (UTC)
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Territory application approved |
--Aiki (talk) 14:05, 5 March 2023 (UTC) | |
As you develop your territory, be sure to keep it realistic. Here are some resources you may find useful for starting out: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and OpenGeofiction:Site policies |