Forum:Territory application/TA305 – Munetie
- Please fill in the information below to make a territory request.
![]() | Territory ID and proposed name |
The Territory ID (from OpenGeofiction:Territories, e.g. AR123a) and proposed name of the country |
TA305 - Republic of Munetia (French: Republique d’ Munetie)
![]() | Physical geography |
An overview of climate, topography and landscape of the country. It is advised to also create a sketch, you can add a link to this (hosted on imgur or similar) |
The climate is hot semi-arid (BSh) in the South Coast and humid in the north (Dfa) according to Koppen. Topo is snow capped mountains in the north, and plains in the south.
![]() | Human geography |
A brief description of the territory demographics, economic development, land occupation, infrastructure and mapping style |
The demographics is 82% Munetes, 8% Native Tarephians 5% Budrians, 4% other races. Munetia has the one of the largest Freedemian community off Freedemia. HDI is 0.892, seems one of the most safest country in Tarephia. Gini is 31. Land occupation is farms, cities and resorts in a hot sea. Infrastructure is: A controlled-access highway or expressway is A (e.g. A11), national highway is N (example N32), state highways are marked with state codes (example GA 88), railway gauge is 1435 mm. And mapping style is Freedemian.
Currency of Munetia is the Mune μ
1 FS dollars = 17.28 μ
Munetia is part of the Tarephia Cooperation Council
Munetia joined the TCC in 1984, making it one of the founding members of the TCC.
The capital of Munetia is Anjouieville in the state of Garnier with the population of 3 million people (like in LA)
Munetia has 19.4 million people
Munetia drives on the right, in 1951 they changed from left to right 3 months before communism is ruled in Munetia.
![]() | History & culture |
A brief description of the intended culture and language |
Munetia has the one of the best cultures in Tarephia. The name Munetia is named after Moona, the daughter of King Sawwaka I
2000 BC: People settle Munetia for the first time
422: King Sawwaka establishes Muna in the territory of current Munetia and north Paroy
711: Paroy unites with Muna
799: The first independence movement in the world was founded in Munetia in Far North Paroy
830: Current Munetia converts to Christism
1022: Munetia gains independence to Parua
1088: The Twenty-One Year War with Paroy started
1109: The Twenty-One Year War ended and the capital of Munetia was founded
1300: The Paroy Famine was started by Munetes
1302: The Paroy Famine ended by Paroyans
1522: Munetia converts to republic as the First Munetian Republic
1611: Munetia was designated as a Franquese colony
1722: Munetia united with Paroy again
1899: Second Munetian Republic gained independence
1943: During the Great War, Munetia converts to communism and the official name was renamed to Republic of Munetia
1951: Munetia decommunized and converted to democracy
1971: Munetia and Paroy became allies with each other
1984: Munetia is one of the founding members of the TCC
1992: The protests organized by the Republicans of Munetia became the most deadliest protest in Munetian history with over 211 deaths
2009: The Midnight Attacks which suspect is a Republican of Munetia happened in November 4, 4:19 AM in Salmens, Isle of Palms
2012: The terrorist attacks by the Republicans of Munetia in Gartrie, a ski resort in the north of the country and the capital of Gartrie state
2021: President Gary Ferrande is elected the Current President (Munetia Greens)
![]() | Past mapping |
To support your request provide links to areas of OGF mapping which showcase your mapping skill. Mapping relevant to the requested theme & geography is especially useful | |
The {{coord}} template can optionally be used to link to the OGF map - it results in a nice formatted link. Or you can paste in a URL. |
Mecyna (owned by semi-active mapper The Cute Chick)
Michisaukee (part of Federal States of Archanta)
Sainte Agnes (part of Astrasian Confederacy, split from Ardencia)
Xorda, unfinished BG territory (BG)
Recently formed blue territory in Uletha (OGF:Japan)
![]() | Username & date |
Sign and date the application by typing four tildes like this: ~~~~ |
TheSeamonster (talk) 17:01, 15 April 2023 (UTC)
![]() | Discussion |
Discussion for clarification & decision |
discuss whenever you want!!!!!!
All things considered, this is definitely an improvement over your past applications. My biggest notes:
- The HDI seems a bit high. Realistically I think the number would probably be in the high 0.800s (Freedemia's is 0.878)- something high enough to show development but also recognizing that its not going to be super rich or over the top powerful.
- The safest in Tarephia part is kind of a superlative that makes some assumptions. That can easily be solved by saying something like "one of the safest", though.
- Freedemian isn't really a race or ethnic group. There's Budrians, effectively natives of the eastern side of the peninsula Freedemia sits on, but I'd just group them under "Native Tarephian". What you have seems more like a nationality list- of which I'd probably reduce the % of Freedemians to ~5% or lower. But I'm fine with there being a sizeable Freedemian community overall.
- The Lycene is a pretty cooperative region. I appreciate you working to include the history of countries around where you want to move! However, it is generally best to talk with people and get their approval/make sure you're on the same page before writing. PortCal owns Paroy and could probably help work through the timeline to make sure it matches his.
- I think the TCC didn't exist until 1984, so you might want to tweak the year Munetia joined to 84 and just make them a founding member.
- It seems like your mapping has been improving some- but I do think it might be good to get a bit more practice in before trying to claim a country like this where it's important to the region, and to be able to have clearer examples of specific work you did in applying.
--Ernestpkirby (talk) 02:38, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
Hi Ernest! I approve that I made changes in my application
I changed the HDI from Switzerland-ish HDI to 0.891
The year (1984, not the George Orwell novel) I changed to make ONE OF THE FOUNDING MEMBERS of the TCC (The acronym of the Tarephia Cooperation Council seems confusing as the semi-active user The Cute Chick)
Changed the racial demographics.
PortCal is cool though.
Also, after one of the Tarephia admins approves this territory. I will make an article about my approved country. Also, after the wiki article I will request Luciano for topo mapping, period.
I will use JOSM after the territory approves
Thanks Ernest for fixing mistakes.
TheSeamonster (talk) 03:02, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
Hey there. Just a suggestion, but it may help the admins a bit more if you gave links to specific examples of your past mapping in the "Past mapping" section rather than just simply giving links to the territories you mapped in. In addition, similar to what Ernest suggested, I would suggest that you tone it down with the superlatives (e.g "has the best culture in Tarephia," or "the largest Freedemian community off Freedemia," etc...) --PaintedBlue (talk) 21:43, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
Hey! It seems you have taken Paroy into account in your history. That on itself is a great thing, as the region we are in is very collaborative. That said, I also see some events that you mention in your timeline that impact Paroy’s history severely and conflicts with it’s own established history, like the war, the famine and the unifications. It’s great that you have your own vision for the Munetian history, but as Ernest said, it would be better to reach out and discuss (or even mention) those events outside of your borders since they have an impact on your neighbours too. Would be great if we could work out our timelines together and discuss some events.
Furthermore, I think Ernest and PaintedBlue summed up the other feedback pretty well.
—PortCal (talk) 21:56, 17 April 2023 (UTC)
Mercé! (Munetian Franquese for thanks) PortCal and Benji for improvements
--TheSeamonster (talk) 00:57, 18 April 2023 (UTC)
I would suggest lowering the planned population for Munetie. 45 million people is relatively high and would put Munetie in the top 20% of nations by population if it were a real-world nation. Also, for perspective, the state of California is twice as large as TA305 and has a population of 40 million people. Chazeltine (talk) 13:53, 18 April 2023 (UTC)
Hi; While your application is various details that are good; and some that are, to say the least, interesting, there's also a certain expectation in terms of collaboration from requesting a territory in this region. Putting down requests which make wild assumptions and assertations about future neighbours' territories and histories is not a good start (though your interactions here, taking the critiques from other mappers, is a good continuation.) Statements like "Munetia has the one of the best cultures in Tarephia" are also not exactly... informative. Combining that with your recent history of blocks; and the empty state of BG16, my recommendation is to shelve this application for the time being, taking the time to build a showcase of the type of mapping you want to include in Munetie in BG16, (re)building a reputation as an excellent member of the community, and working together with future neighbours to align ideas with them, before reapplying. Additionally, please consider using the Past Mapping section to showcase mapping you've done, rather than place links to territories you've mapped in; unless you claim to have mapped these territories in whole (which I'm fairly sure you haven't). I recommend using your BG territory most of all, since that way I can be certain that linked mapping is in fact your own; which is a bit dubious in the case of collaborative/blue territories. And while I'm here, minor nitpick: you mention the capital of Gouane state, but appears there's no Gouane state on the map you provided. Taka (talk) 17:23, 18 April 2023 (UTC)
So… Taka, I am so sorry and I fixed this, but I feel free to reopen when my territory renames to Munétie in BG16 and renaming Xorda City to Anjouieville and changing language to Frend for some reason, Ha!
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Territory application closed |
Keep in mind that while this territory application is closed, you can feel free to re-open it when you feel you might be ready given the suggestions in my previous message. | |
The following resources can be useful in building up mapping experience: Help:Portal, Help:Making realistic countries, Help:Making realistic cities and also OpenGeofiction:Site policies |