
From OpenGeofiction
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My Territories and Projects
Collaborative projects

Hello there fellow OGF mapper! You have found my user page! Congratulations!

My name is Conor, but I go by Geoc3ladus (pronounced Gee-oh-sell-a-dus), or Geo for short. I enjoy fictional mapping a lot, and it has helped me a lot in understanding geography and human geography a lot!

If you would like to get in contact with me for any OGF or wiki-related reason, you can go to my talk page. If you would like to communicate with me another way, let me know!

Where I map

Color Territory Status
Collaborative Owner
Former Territory

Below is a list of territories of where I have mapped:

Territory Description Status
Flag of Alebria.png Alebria A small mediterranean country taking influence from eastern France, Wallonia, and NE Italy. Owner
Flag Gharbiya Country.png Gharbiya A collaborative state that takes influence from several north African and southwest

Asian countries. If you are interested, go to Gharbiya's collab page.

Collaborative Co-Owner
IA ProvinceFlag.png Ingerish Asperia A province in 2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca that takes influence from the Pacific NW of North America and Oceania Contributor
FlagKastichetshan.png Kastichetshan A province in Deodeca that takes influence from British Columbia, Australia, and New Zealand Owner
Nayina A small country in south Tarephia that takes inspiration from several South American countries Former Owner
Flag of Plevia.svg Plevia A country in West Uletha that takes inspiration from Italy and some other Mediterranean countries.

If you are interested, go to Plevia's collab page.

New Riopoderos flag.png Riopoderos A state within the Federal States that takes inspiration from Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, and Nebraska Owner
FQ Bixelkoven proposal3.png Valony A country in the North Mesembric sea, mainly based on France. Contributor