Collab:Federal States/Collaborative States/Michisaukee

From OpenGeofiction

The state of Michisaukee is the first open collaborative state in the Federal States. Like other "blue" territories in OpenGeofiction, all mappers are welcome to edit in the state; however, unlike some other blue territories, there are some restrictions as to what can or cannot be mapped.

Rules & Guidelines*

Mapping Style
Mapping should be consistent with other FSA states, which is styled after the United States.
Type Permitted to Map Notes
Cities (Population 100,000+) No No new cities over 100,000 are permitted. For those interested in urban mapping, please map in Massodeya City or Darsons.
Cities (Population 50,000 to 99,999) Yes, with permission. Cities with a population between 50,000 and 99,999 may be permitted by the project coordinator if the location is considered realistic.
Towns, Villages, & Hamlets Yes Towns, Villages, & Hamlets are permitted without project coordinator approval. The location of towns with populations of 25,000 to 49,999 should be logical and realistic.
Transportation - Highways
The state highway numbers are currently being reviewed. For the time being, please refrain from adding "MC-##" tags. At this time, no new concurrencies are permitted.
Type Permitted to Map Notes
Motorways No Edits to existing motorways are limited to only adding detail.
Trunk Road Yes, with permission. Edits to existing trunk roads are liimited to only adding detail. Please contact the project coordinator for permission to upgrade or map a trunk road.
Primary Road Yes, with limitations. Primary roads are permitted without project coordinator approval. However, primary roads should be limited to major streets within cities or highways connecting cities or high traffic locations.
Secondary Road Yes Secondary roads are permitted without project coordinator approval.
Tertiary Road Yes Tertiary roads are permitted without project coordinator approval.
Minor/Residentail Roads Yes Minor and residential roads are permitted without project coordinator approval.
Transportation - Railroads
Please be advised the entire railroad network in Michisaukee is being reviewed to ensure routes are realistic and practical.
Type Permitted to Map Notes
Railways Yes, with limitations Edits to the existing railroads are limited to only adding detail. New railroads may be mapped without coordinator approval, however are subject to removal if not realistic or practical.
Minor Railway Lines Yes Spurs, sidings, crossovers, and double-tracking existing railroads is permitted without project coodinator approval.
Yards Yes, with limitations. Yards may be mapped without project coordinator approval. Yards should be located in logical locations.
Passenger Stations No. Edits to the Darsons passenger station are limited to only adding detail. The Massodeya City Station is a temporary building. All other passenger station locations are still be determined.
Transportation - Airports
Type Permitted to Map Notes
International Airports (Large) No. Massodeya City International Airport is the only large and international airport in Michisaukee. Edits to the airport are limited to only adding detail.
Regional Airports (Medium) Yes, with limitations. Regional aiports are/will be located in/near Darsons, Lunenburgh, St. Madison, and Kettawa. These airports can be mapped without project coordinator approval, but are subject to review on realism.
Local Airports (small) Yes, with limitations Local airports may be mapped without project coordinator approval. Local airports should be located in logical locations.
Natural - Water
The hydrology of Michisaukee is currently being reviewed for realism.
Existing Waterways No Edits to existing waterways are limited to only adding detail.
Smaller Rivers and Streams Yes Smaller rivers and streams are permitted without project coordinator approval.

*The project coordinator is tasked with maintaining the state with these standards and may edit or remove nonconforming mapping.


Unlike some other free-to-edit territories, Michisaukee is overseen by a small team of coordinators. The coordinators may delete and alter all mapping in the state in order to keep consistency. For example, a motorway in the shape of a pentagon would be deleted, whereas a motorway spurring off of FS-50 would be downgraded to a primary or secondary road. The coordinators will seek to collaborate with and advise/communicate with mappers in the state as needed.

Glauber currently oversees the Michisaukee project.

General Plans

The state has mountains in the east and north, which are reminiscent of Appalachia. These mountains decline into plains, which are covered in farms. Massodeya City is the beating heart of the state, a national center for rail, which extends out into the rest of the state. The density of the state is medium-low outside of Massodeya City, with the other major city being the capital Darsons. In terms of Hydrology the main river is the Massodeya River, which flows through the northern half of the state, and is fed by tributaries from the mountains. Other rivers in the south feed into the Molson River.

Important Data

The following table is meant to show population data for important areas of the state.

Town Population Location County Notes
Massodeya City City Proper=460k - 300k Metro=2.1m-2.8m Here Massodeya County Largest city in the state, should have an important rail industry and substantial suburbs. The crossroads of the Massodeya region.
Darsons (State Capital) City Proper=100-150 Metro: 200-300k Here Schobert County Although the current extent of residential developments should be preserved, there is extensive re-scaling needed.
St. Madison 80,000 Here Moreston County Large city
Lunenburgh 60,000 Here Rahronkas County Economic hub of northern Michisaukee
Kettawa 60,000 TBD Martin County Economic hub of southern Michisaukee

Massodeya City

Massodeya City is the largest city in Michisaukee and is historically an important rail hub. The Massodeya City metropolitan area encompasses four counties in Michisaukee (Massodeya County, Holliman County, Twisten County, & Sutton County), two counties in East Massodeya (Carlyle County & Rogers County - DO NOT EDIT IN CARLYLE COUNTY OR ROGERS COUNTY) and one in Gnaerey (Huntington County - DO NOT EDIT IN HUNTINGTON COUNTY).

Inspirations: Massodeya City is inspired by the following real word cities: St. Louis, MO, Louisville, KY, Columbus, OH, and Cincinatti, OH.

Transportation (Motorways):The motorway network in around Massodeya City has been mapped. The motorway tagging and routing should not be changed, but detailing is welcome.

Transportation (Highways & Streets): The coordinator is working on the major roads of the metropolitan area (trunk, primary, and secondary). Minor roads (tertiary, minor, residential) can be freely mapped and named. Within Massodeya City proper, northwest-southeast roads are generally named "____ Street", whereas northeast-southwest roads are generally named "_____ Avenue."

Transportation (Railroads):The rail network around Massodeya City is a work in progress. Proposed changes to the rail network in the urban core need to be submitted to the coordinator prior to mapping. Railway mapping in the suburban areas should be logical and realistic.

Transportation (Airport): Massodeya City International Airport has been mapped and is located east of Henryville in Twisten County. The airport is in need of further detailing. Smaller airfields may be mapped with coordinator approval.

Downtown Area: Downtown Massodeya City is approximately the area between Burban Street and Wraggs Street from Spencer Avenue to the Massodeya River. Downtown is the heart of the city and home to several skyscrapers and government institutions.

Sports: Massodeya City should be home to several major league teams including baseball, basketball, hockey, and soccer. The exception is gridiron football as the regional team is located in Darsons. Stadiums and arenas should be mapped in realistic areas such as downtown or near motorways.

County Name Population Communities Notes
Massodeya County 600,000~ Massodeya City, Lawrence, Cobb's Ferry, Elm Hill Massodeya County is the most urban county in the metropolitan area. The majority of the county will be part of Massodeya City with independent towns in the far north and far south.
Twisten County 200,000~ Henryville, Dalbey Springs, Brandon, Hackney Hill, Gallway, Liberty-Calversmith Twisten County is a suburban county east of Massodeya City. It is home to the Massodeya City International Airport. Suburban development should be in the northern and western parts of the county.
Holliman County 200,000~ Holliman, Caldwell Junction, Hawkins Grove Holliman County is a mix of urban and suburban. Southwestern Holliman County should be urban in nature. A transition from urban to suburban to exurban should be observed in the county as you move from west to east.
Sutton County 100,000~ Masontown, Sutton City Sutton County is a suburban county north of Massodeya City. Development should be concentrated in the southern half of the county, while the northern half of the county should be exurban and rural.
Huntington County ---- Gnaerey Yards Private State. DO NOT EDIT IN HUNTINGTON COUNTY.
Carlyle County & Rogers County ---- --- Reserved State. DO NOT EDIT IN CARLYLE COUNTY OR ROGERS COUNTY.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why aren't new motorways allowed?

We want to avoid the state becoming a mess of motorways, and without this rule blue territories often end up with a plethora of unrealistic motorways. We appreciate detailing of the existing motorways in Michisaukee, but not the creation of excess motorways.

Why can't I create a huge city?

While most mappers want to map large cities, it is not realistic for Michisaukee to have more than the two large cities. For those who would like to map in a large city, feel free to work in the Massodeya City metropolitan area or Darsons. If you feel you have a realistic and viable plan for a large city, contact the coordinator.

There's some bad mapping near me, am I allowed to delete it?

The coordinator will attempt to alter, move or delete mapping that does not conform to the rules, but if we've missed something and you want to deal with it, feel free to do so. However, please follow our etiquette for mapping in blue territories. In particular, do not delete mapping, especially if there is a mapper is still working in the area. In general, mapping should be improved and altered, not deleted.

How did you come up with the name "Michisaukee"?

The name Michisaukee is a (very) loose Ojibwe translation that, perhaps appropriately, means "open land". The name was chosen by popular vote of the FSA stateowners among 12 suggestions submitted. If you'd like more information about the vote, expand this section.

AR120-31 Naming Vote Information

Twelve names were suggested, many of which also had brief etymologies:

  • Elada, a Cherokee word meaning "low"
  • Odalu, a Cherokee word meaning "mountain"
  • Pulchra, a Latin word meaning "beautiful"
  • Deiterra, a Latin word meaning "God-given earth"
  • Galisoda, a Cherokee word meaning "house" or "home"
  • Eskamishee, a Native American word that translates to "plains"
  • Rahronkas, a Mohawk word meaning "listening land" (the spellings of "Rahonkas" and "Raronkas" were also suggested)
  • Wellensia
  • Memonosee
  • Pekinpapaga
  • Michisaukee, a loose Ojibwe translation of "open land"
  • Oshawaukee, a loose Ojibwe translation of "blue land"

An initial round of voting was opened with these twelve options using a ranked-choice voting model where each stateowner could select their first, second, and third choices; if no option won a majority of votes after the votes were closed, the option with the fewest first-place votes would be eliminated with those ballots re-allocated based on second-choice votes, and so on until one option had a majority of votes. However, after a week of voting and 23 votes received, no option was even on a majority of total ballots, so the top five choices -- all choices that had more than one first choice vote -- were sent on to a second round of voting.

First Round (n=23)
Name 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Total Ballots
Elada 3 1 3 7
Odalu 0 1 2 3
Pulchra 0 0 0 0
Deiterra 1 3 2 6
Galisoda 0 1 2 3
Eskamishee 1 3 3 7
Rahronkas 6 2 3 11
Wellensia 1 3 2 6
Memonosee 5 1 2 8
Pekinpapaga 1 0 1 2
Michisaukee 2 5 1 8
Oshawaukee 3 3 2 8

The second round of voting took place concurrently with the FSA draft railway framework, which generated more interest from additional FSA stateowners. (An OGF message was also sent to each FSA stateowner to notify them of the vote.) This second vote resulted in 35 ballots, three of which were invalidated: one ballot was removed due to a failed audit of the vote; one ballot was removed because it was cast by a non-stateowner; and one ballot was intentionally voided by selecting the same name for first, second, and third choices. The instant-runoff voting process resulted in a tie; the tie was broken by total ballots cast.

Second Round (n=32)
Name 1st Choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice Total Ballots
Elada 6 6 6 18
Rahronkas 13 4 2 19
Memonosee 2 5 9 16
Michisaukee 6 8 8 22
Oshawaukee 5 9 7 21
Instant Runoff (n=32)
Name 3rd Round 4th Round 5th Round Total Ballots
Elada 7 (+1) 7 (0) X (-7) -
Rahronkas 13 (0) 13 (0) 16 (+3) 19
Memonosee X (-2) - - -
Michisaukee 7 (+1) 12 (+5) 16 (+4) 22
Oshawaukee 5 (0) X (-5) - -

If you still have any questions, feel free to contact the coordinator at any time! We're happy to help.

Additional Resources

OSM Inspiration for Michisaukee:

Massodeya City: Louisville St Louis Columbus

Rural Areas: Rochester Grand Tower Cookeville Jackson (Tennessee) Scranton Mansfield

Mountains: Ozarks Appalachia

Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States Project Pages
Collaborative Projects States: Alormen Flag.jpg AlormenCospericaEustaciaUnknown Flag.png MichisaukeeNew CarnabyWM flag.png West Massodeya
Territories: Flag of Arecales.png ArecalesHuntington
Protectorates: PiscipulaFlag.png Piscipula
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Neighboring projects: Flag of Ardencia.svg ArdenciaBlu e Verde (Strisce).svg Astrasia2560px-FP-Deodeca.svg Deodeca