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East Ulethan Organization of Independent Associates NATIVE NAME (NATIVE LANGUAGE) Capital: CAPITAL |
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The East Ulethan Organization of Independent Associates (better known by its acronym EUOIA ['juoja]) is an intergovernmental political, economic, and military alliance between TBD independent nations in East Uletha. The EUOIA grew from an idea of intergovernmental cooperation to a complex umbrella organisation that manages and promotes many different tiers of involvement. Not every member state is involved in or party to each aspect of the organization.
Preliminary work and the Treaty of Reeghyt (1932–1944)
During the 1920s and early 1930s more and more conflicts about fishery came up between the states in the Eastern Darcodian Sea. In 1934, Mergania and Wyster finally signed a fisheries agreement in Reeghyt, nowadays known as the "Treaty of Reeghyt". It regulates international fishing in the region, but also to some extent border control, jurisdiction and trade rules between the participating nations.
Treaty of xxxxx (1944–1977)
- In the 1930s and 1940s the advantages of the first treaty became more and more obvious.
- thus, more countries wanted to join
- besides the members of the Treaty of Reeghyt, also tbd, tbd, tbd, Eshein, Reeland, Viljanni signed and ratified the treaty in October 1944
- significant extension of previous treaty
- later on, also Helvetiania (1948), tbd (19xx), tbd (19xx), tbd (20xx) joined
xxxxx Treaty (1977–2008)
tbd ...
Treaty of xxxxx (2008–present)
tbd ...
Historically significant summits
Meetings of heads of state or government of EUOIA member states are calles summits. They started in 1944 as two-annual meetings (April/May and October/November) and usually last between 2 and 3 days (Friday afternoon till Sunday evening). Important meetings in the past:
- xx. October 1944 in tbd, Template:Tbd --- signement of XXXX
- tbd
- tbd
- tbd
- tbd
Member states
There are tbd members of the East Ulethan Organisation of Independent Associates. The EUOIA covers a total area of more than 3 million square kilometers across the eastern portion of the Ulethan continent. The profile of each country varies from smaller countries like tbd to larger ones, such as tbd. Every country in the organisation has at least one stretch of coastline, and some of the countries are situated almost entirely on an island. The climate varies from colder continental climate in the north to semi-arid and subtropical regions in the south. All of the countries feature some urbanisation, but the population and density of each member state varies across the spectrum. Viljanni, for example, is among the most densely populated. Although census numbers do not exist for every country, the population within the member states exceeds tbd million. The largest city is tbd, tbd; tbd is the most populated country.
On a political level, each country is different. Most of the member states are republics of some type. Eshein, tbd and Wyster are monarchies. Other varying systems exist, like Belphenia's theocratic guilds (---------- must be checked ----------). With a few exceptions, most of the countries rank as high or very high on the human development index.
The EUOIA is based on a significant number of agreements and treaties. A treaty is a binding agreement between EUOIA member countries and sets out EUOIA objectives, rules for EUOIA institutions, how decisions are made and the relationship between the EUOIA and its member countries. Actions of the EUOIA itself have to be based on treaties and have to been approved voluntarily and democratically by all invovled EUOIA member countries. Treaties are amended to make the EUOIA more efficient and transparent, to prepare for new member countries and to introduce new areas of cooperation. Each treaty has to be signed at least by three member nations to come into action.
Besides the Treaty of XXXXX, which have to be ratified and signed by every member and regulates the basic principles and rules of the organization, specialied agreements exist under the umbrella of the organization. Under the treaties, EUOIA institutions can adopt legislation, which the member countries then implement.
Founding agreements
First international regulation of fishing in the region. Also regulates border control, jurisdiction and trade rules.
- fising in territories of other members under their regulations possible
- trade of fishery products by respecting the national regulations
Place of signature: | Reeghyt, Template:Wyster |
Date: | September 5, 1934 |
Effective: | |
Short history: |
Ratified by: | Mergania, Wyster |
Extension of the Treaty of Reeghyt
- respecting the democratic values of EUOIA and is committed to promoting them
- stable institutions which guarantee democracy, the rule of law, human rights and respect for and protection of minorities
- a functioning market economy with the ability to compete in the EUOIA
- the ability to take on and implement effectively the obligations of membership
- acceptance of borders (naval and on land) between member states
- no military aggression against other members
- free access to the sea for all other members (if not provided by AN regulations, so far unclear)
Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | October xx, 1944 |
Effective: | October xx, 1944 |
Short history: | xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Ratified by: | tbd, tbd, Eshein, Reeland, Viljanni, Helvetiania (1948), tbd (19xx), tbd (19xx), tbd (20xx) |
not included so far:
- visa-free travel for citizens of member states (border controls still active)
- acceptance of economic zones and interests of each member state, participation within national laws possible
- agreement on treaties and memberships
- common representation abroad by EUOIA offices/embassies if no member representation available
- free market access for companies/institutions of all member states under national regulations
- participation in two summits per year
Public safety & international security
Regulates external border protection and coordinates national coast guards
- common organization of coast guard
- common rules and laws (some additional national laws might still exist)
- coast guards are also allowed to execute power in other members territiories (after simplified consultation)
- judiciary is still national
Place of signature: | Viljanni, ![]() |
Date: | September 15, 1941 |
Effective: | January 1, 1942 |
Short history: | Agreement first between Mergania and Viljanni to allow the Mergan coast guard to patrol at Viljannis coast. |
Ratified by: | Mergania, Viljanni, x (January xx, 19xx), x (January xx, 20xx), x (January xx, 20xx), x (January xx, 20xx), x (January xx, 20xx), x (January xx, 20xx) |
Established open borders
- no more details so far
Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | May xx, 19xx |
Effective: | May xx, 19xx |
Short history: | xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Ratified by: | Mergania, x, x, x (January xx, 19xx), x (January xx, 20xx) |
Establishes a nuclear-weapon-free zone in East Uletha
Ratified by: | Mergania, x, x, x |
Economy & Finance
Preparation of the Eastern Common Market (Ecomar)
- no more details so far
Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | May xx, 19xx |
Effective: | May xx, 19xx |
Short history: | xxxxxxxxxxxx |
Ratified by: | Mergania, x, x |
Start of the Eastern Common Market (Ecomar)
- free trade agreement between members
- common representation of economic interests abroad
- coordinated regional and global trading strategy
- coordination of raw material import and prices
Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | December 12, 1984 |
Effective: | July 1, 1985 |
Short history: | After the preparation of Ecomar several nations finally signed the start of the common market. |
Ratified by: | Mergania, x, x |
Infrastructure & Communications
Normalization of means of transport
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Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | xxx xx, 19xx |
Effective: | xxxx xx, 19xx |
Short history: |
Ratified by: | tbd, x, x |
Health, technology & research
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Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | xxx xx, 19xx |
Effective: | xxxx xx, 19xx |
Short history: |
Ratified by: | tbd, x, x |
Culture, education & social issues
The Global Education Act enables the free and easy exchange of students.[1] It sets up school exchanges and student exchange programs.
- exchange with other countries outside the organization under the same conditions
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Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | October 27, 1968 |
Effective: | xxxx xx, 19xx |
Short history: |
Ratified by: | tbd, tbd, tbd, Mergania, tbd, Viljanni, tbd (2005) |
Climate & natural resources
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Place of signature: | tbd, Template:Tbd |
Date: | xxx xx, 19xx |
Effective: | xxxx xx, 19xx |
Short history: |
Ratified by: | tbd, x, x |
Common legal system and justice
Foreign relations
The EUOIA has a system of common representation available to all member states in select countries. These facilities are staffed by EUOIA citizens, and the ambassador is sent by one of the participating states. The common representation allows for a cost-saving measure, given that many EUOIA members are smaller countries. Not all countries participate in the common representation system. Even among EUOIA members that do participate, individual countries may elect send their own, separate diplomatic delegation.
Some of the common representations abroad are:
- EUOIAn embassy in Whangiora, Template:Aorangëa
- EUOIAn embassy in Motul, Template:Balam-Utz
- EUOIAn embassy∈⊾ in Iola,
- EUOIAn embassy in Dunwic,
- EUOIAn embassy in Corrostance,
- EUOIAn liaison office in Vang Ngat,
East Ulethan Economic Community (EUEC)
Possible standards for "island nations":
- Mergan proposal:
- electricity main network 380 kV, 50 Hz
- railway 1435 mm gauge, 25 kV, 50 Hz
Societas Ulethan
A Societas Ulethan (SU) is a public company registered in accordance with the corporate law of the East Ulethan Economic Community (EUEC), introduced in 1992. Such a company may more easily transfer to companies in other member states. However, national law continues to supplement the basic rules in the regulation on formation and mergers. SUs usually use a .su top-level-domain. One of the prominent examples of a SU is the Aerotheon Group located in several EUOIA member states.
See also
- Antarephian Coalition
- Assembly of Nations
- Association of South Ulethan Nations
- Egalian Union
- Tarephia Cooperation Council
- ↑ "Impact of the Global Education Act". Social Affairs Online. 11 October 2009.