
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Tempache State of Tempache

Capital: San Pablo
Population: 6,796,240 (2020)
Motto: "Omnes Nos Can Operor Illud"
("We All Can Do It")

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Tempache is a state in the Far Northwest Region of the Federal States. Its capital is San Pablo. Its largest city is Los Reyes, and its largest metro is Los Reyes Metropolitan Area. With the exception of the coastal areas and Tesoro Metro area, the state is a mostly sparsely populated desert. It is bordered by Cosperica to the west, Costa Dorada to the east, and Atascadera and Alcortez to the south.



The central region of the state is home to the Aguero Desert, featuring the unique Aguero Cactus. The desert features hot and dry weather all year long, with warm winters and very hot summers, making Tesoro the hottest city in the FSA. The coastal regions are more temperate, and semi arid. The northeast region of the state features the Unnamed Desert, also hot and dry. Southern Tempache is cooler in its higher elevations.

Mountain Ranges


Political Divisions


Los Reyes has 14 counties. In alphabetical order, they are Aguero, Baker, Clark, Chapparral, Cosperica, Dennis, Kateri, Kronkyte, Manara, Papago, Santa Raquel, Stanford, Tesoro, and Yucca.


Largest cities in Tempache

Rank Name County Population Land area (miles squared)
1 Los Reyes Chapparral County 819,274 TBD
2 Asperic Beach Stanford County 269,719 TBD
3 Lucas Chapparral County 198,784 TBD
4 Woodridge Chapparral County 109,285 TBD
5 Tesoro Tesoro County 104.232 TBD
6 San Pablo Chapparral County 86,848 TBD
7 Hermosa Park Chapparral County 49,859 TBD
8 Dula Dennis County 46,785 TBD
9 Holliday Tesoro County 40,176 TBD
10 Cable Chapparral County 35,295 TBD
11 Prima Vera Chapparral County 37,377 TBD
12 Fairview Chapparral County 35,491 TBD
13 Costa Mesa Chapparral County 35,155 TBD
14 Santa Lena Papago County 31,904 TBD


Table of State and FS Routes

File:Tm shield standard.png
The standard Tempache state route marker
State route marker for freeways
File:Tm shield wide.png
State route marker for 3-digit roads
File:Tm shield secondary.png
State route marker used for secondary routes
Route Beginning End EB/SB Control WB/NB Control Route Description Overpass
11 TempacheShield-blank.png
Point Navalez Beach SR 742 (continues on as FS-91W) Asperic Beach, Point Navalez Los Reyes Being bypassed by FS-91W. SR 11
12 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 19 SR 11/Business FS-98 Cabo Corrientes, Asperic Beach Cabo Corrientes, Blackwater Bypass for SR 11 through Asperic Beach SR 12
13 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 11 AR120-87 Border
14 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 311 SR 16 Los Reyes Northern Bypass

Camp Frederick Hiighway

15 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 66 AR120-87 Border
16 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 66 AR120-87 Border
17 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 11 SR 19 Blackwater Santa Raquel
18 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 311 SR 16
19 TempacheShield-blank.png
FS-98/SR 91 SR120-87 Border Asperic Beach Blackwater
21 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 25 SR 22 Monosalia Santa Lena
22 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 66 SR 92 Tesoro Santa Lena
24 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 25/SR44 Cosperica Border Matheson Kronkyte River Highway
25 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 66 Business SR 88 Monosalia, Camelback, Alta Vista Camelback, Arcadia
26 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 44 SR 66 Cortland
27 TempacheShield-blank.png
Cosperica Border SR 26 Berrens Monosalia
28 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 25 SR 22 Part of the FS-99 Bypass Route
29 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 22 FS-90 Part of the FS-99 Bypass Route
33 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 66 SR 88 Tesoro San Pablo, Los Reyes Old Los Reyes-Tesoro Route

Bypassed by FS-91

34 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 44 SR 33 Cypress
44 TempacheShield-blank.png
FS-91/SR 55 FS-90 Yucca City, Woodridge, Los Reyes Woodridge, Yucca City, Camelback Bypassed by FS-90
48 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 44 SR 66 Yucca City Gila
50 TempacheShield-blank.png
FS-91 SR 51 Santos Santos
51 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 33 SR 55 Encanto
53 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 62 SR 69 Doreen Dalton
55 TempacheShield-blank.png
AR120-87 Border Alcortez Border Blackwater, Los Reyes, Dula, Agave, Tetemacos Dula, Los Reyes, Blackwater Connection to Dennison
59 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 44 SR 33 Grandview Road
60 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 311 AR120-87 Lucas Old Border
62 TempacheShield-blank.png
Dead-end in San Pablo

(future extension to SR 75)

SR 455 Dalton San Pablo
63 TempacheShield-blank.png
FS-91 Border with AR120-87 Cable Cable, Los Reyes Rush Ave

Southeast section bypassed by FS-90

64 TempacheShield-blank.png
FS-99/SR 44/SR66 SR 33 Annandale Fairview
65 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 66 SR 50 Sierra Vista, Featherwood, San Pablo, Santos San Pablo, Featherwood, Sierra Vista, Woodridge Northern section bypassed by FS-999
66 TempacheShield-blank.png
Cosperica Border AR120-87 Border Mahoning, Santa Lena, Cortland, Gila, Sunnyside, Woodridge, Los Reyes Woodridge, Sunnyside, Gila, Cortland, Santa Lena, Mahoning, Arcadia Bypassed by FS-99
67 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 33 SR 63 Byron Annandale
69 TempacheShield-blank.png
SR 60 SR 77 Cable, Byron, Doreen, Peyton, Santa Rita Santa Rita, Peyton, Doreen, Byron, Cable
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76 TempacheShield-blank.png
77 TempacheShield-blank.png
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81 TempacheShield-blank.png
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85 TempacheShield-blank.png
88 TempacheShield-blank.png
89 TempacheShield-blank.png
90Fsa shield blank.png
State border with Cosperica near Camel State border with AR120-87 near West Stateline Los Reyes, San Pablo, Los Reyes, LRV Airport, Riverside, Kingston Los Reyes, LRV Airport, San Pablo, Camelback, Sasepcro FS-90
91Fsa shield blank.png
State border with Atascadera near Bend TM 60 (Splits into FS-91E and FS-91W Los Reyes, San Pablo/Tesoro, San Pablo, Tesoro, Nublada Tesoro, Los Reyes, San Pablo, Los Reyes, Asperic Beach Future FS-91
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93 TempacheShield-blank.png
94 TempacheShield-blank.png
95 TempacheShield-blank.png
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98Fsa shield blank.png
Port of Asperic Beach State border with AR120-87 west of Asperic Beach TBD City in AR120-87 Asperic Beach Pending approval. FS-98
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State border with Cosperica near Acacia FS-790 in Los Reyes Los Reyes, Riverside Central Los Reyes, Esperanza Tempache Turnpike runs on FS-99 between Sunnyside and Acacia FS-99
TM 69 Signal Foothills Parkway
199Fsa shield blank.png
FS-99 SR 55 Fairview, Woodridge Hermosa Park Runs as a FS route between FS-90/91 and FS-99
FS-91W/TM 14 Los Reyes Frederick Airport N 180th Ave
FS-91 Tesoro Airport Tesoro Airport Connector
391Fsa shield blank.png
FS-90/91 FS-99 San Pablo, Fairview Central Los Reyes
TM 44 TM 33 Former proposal for FS-90 through the Los Reyes metro area
SR 88 FS-91 Tesoro Beltway (under construction)
FS-91 FS-91W Future Los Reyes Outer Loop. Currently exists between FS-91 and Hunter Peak Pkwy, TM 455 and Hunter Peak Pkwy, Part of SR 764, Part of 767, Between Riverside Highway and TM 60. The alignment between TM 60 and FS-91W is to be determined.
TM 11 TM 11 Asperic Beach Eastern Loop.
FS-91 TM 19 Douglas Trail
790Fsa shield blank.png
SR 311 FS-90 Airport, Mountain Home, Lucas, Costa Mesa Lucas, Mountain Home, Riverside, Airport, San Pablo Runs as a FS route between FS-91 and FS-90
FS-91/SR 55 FS-790 Airport Airport
999Fsa shield blank.png
FS-91 FS-91 San Pablo Woodridge FS-999

Table of Secondary Routes

Route Beginning End EB/SB Control WB/NB Control Route Description Overpass
TM 67 (Dell Rd) TM 69 (Sutton Pkwy) Lower Adobe Pkwy
TM 69 (Sutton Pkwy) East 200th Ave Signal Foothills Pkwy
TM 55 SR 722 (Lower Adobe Pkwy) Byron Pkwy
TM 55 Business SR 742 (Hunter Peak Pkwy) Benson Pkwy
TM 55 (turns into TM 62) Dead end past TM 69 Hunter Peak Pkwy
TM 69 East 200th Ave Adron Peak Pkwy
East 200th Ave FS-90 Oxford Pkwy
TM 88 West Herr Road (Las Alegres) Herr Road SR 872
S 8th Ave (Dula) TM 81 SR 938
Zyton-Legacy Road

State Route Numbering

The Tempache State Route system was established in 1934. The "SR xx" reference tag is used. Alternate routes or old routes are "SR xxA". Business Routes are "SR xx;BUS". Standard state routes use numbers 10-499.

State routes are coded by number for each region of the state. The route with the repeating number in each region (11, 22, 33, etc) is the primary route for the region.

SR 1x: Northeastern region, SR 11 runs along the coast and connects Los Reyes to the northern beach cities.

SR 2x: Northwestern region, SR 22 connects Santa Lena to Tesoro. The former alignment continued south into Atascadera towards Jundah. This portion has been bypassed by FS-91.

SR 3x: West Central region, SR 33 connects Los Reyes to Tesoro. In Tesoro, the route makes a western turn through Los Alegres. This route and has largely been bypassed by FS-91.

SR 4x: North central region, SR 44 connects the eastern Los Reyes Suburbs to Camelback, and then into Cosperica. This route has largely been bypassed by FS-90.

SR 5x: Southern Los Reyes region, SR 55 connects Blackwater to Dula through Los Reyes, and then continues south towards Dennison. This is the busiest state route. The portion north of Los Reyes is mostly being bypassed by FS-91.

SR 6x: Los Reyes area routes, SR 66 goes from Los Reyes northwest along the coast. This route has largely been bypassed by FS-99.

SR 7x: East central region, SR 77 connects Los Reyes with state parks in central Tempache.

SR 8x: Southeast region, SR 88 connects Dula to Tesoro, and carries a lot of truck traffic headed into Cosperica.

SR 9x: Southwest/Tesoro region, SR 95 (99 is not used as it is a FS route) runs along the southern portion of the state as the Southern Tempache Highway.

Secondary and Tertiary State Routes

Tempache Secondary State routes use numbers 600-899. These roads are not heavily traveled, but they are all lined and paved. They are mostly used to connect smaller towns to major roads. They are also used to mark former alignments of major routes.

Tempache Tertiary state routes use numbers 900+. These roads are technically part of the state highway system, but are usually maintained by local governments.

Other Transportation

Major Airports

  • Los Reyes Valdez International Airport (LRV)
  • Asperic Beach-Scottsboro-Stanford County International Airport (ASS)
  • Tesoro International Airport (TSO)
  • San Pablo Hershberger Airport (SPO)


Flag of the FSA.svg Political divisions of the Federal States
States Alcortez • Alormen Flag.jpg Alormen(c)Flag of Apawiland.png ApawilandAR120-17 Astrantia flag 1a.png AstrantiaAtascaderaClamashFlag.png Clamash • Cosperica(c)Flag of Des Plaines.png Des PlainesEast Massodeya • Eustacia(c) • Gnaerey • HydeIlluvia Flag V2.svg IlluviaFlag of Iroquesia.png IroquesiaFlag of Laine.png LaineLuciano Flag Makaska 01.png MakaskaMennowa Flag revised.svg MennowaUnknown Flag.png Michisaukee(c)Minnonigan Flag.png MinnoniganUnknown Flag.png New Carnaby(c)OakleyOgdalenflag.png OgdalenNew-flag-opelika.png Opelika4 FSA OrangeCoast.png Orange CoastFlag of Passamaqueets.png PassamaqueetsPassitania-flag.png PassitaniaPenquisset Flag.jpg PenquissetNew Riopoderos flag.png Riopoderos • Ruppacke • Seneppi • Flag of Sierra (front).png Sierra • Tauhon • Tempache flag.png TempacheFlagTennewa.png TennewaWausekaWM flag.png West Massodeya(c)Whitestoneflag.png WhitestoneWisecotaFlag.png WisecotaWY State flag.svg WychelleMinara-Flag.png Zakahigan
Capital District Huntington(c)
Overseas Territories Flag of Arecales.png Arecales(c)Hartford Islands • Nahuwa Atoll