
From OpenGeofiction
Flag of Kofuku Kofuku
Coat of Arms

Kofuku Landneuron (Darrsyan)
Capital: Bako-Huz
Population: 11 023 540 (2020)

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Kofuku (Officially Kofuku Federation or Kofuku Landneuron) is a very mountainous country located on the austral side of Antarephia. In the center of what is known as the Harda Archipelago.

Bako-Huz is the capital city and it is located in the northern part of the country. The total population is around 11 million inhabitants, with a population density of 41 hab/km² on it's 262 760 km² of land area.

It borders three countries by land: Kalisänjo, Sulro, San Juan de Castellán. And AN160 by a sea border. The main language spoken is Ingerish and the native language Darrsyan.

Kofuku relation
Kofuku Federation
Kofuku Landneuron
FlagCoat of arms
FlagCoat of arms

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"no official motto"
Official languagesIngerish and Darrsyan
 • Regional languagesOderens
 • ChancellorEnryk Martynjo of Ter
 • Total262760 km2
101452 sq mi
 • Estimate11023540
GDP (PPP)2022
 • Total561 billions
 • Per capita50920
HDI (2020)Increase 0.913
very high
TimezoneWUT + 4 h
CurrencyAntari (₳ or ANT)
Drives on theright
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The name Kofuku comes from Ancient Darrsyan: “Kuĥoku” that means “around us”. Through the centuries the letter “o” and the first “u” were switched, passing from Kuĥoku to Koĥuku. In 1210 the king of Darrsya named Kostadorr Krek was unable to pronounce the Ĥ letter and announced a language reform where all letters Ĥ should be replaced with F. This rule was later reverted but some words such as Kofuku stayed with the new F letter.

Open Book icon.svg
History of Kofuku
Prehistory & Antehom Age2000BC - 340AD
• Prehistory2000BC
• Greeko Kingdom (Amekumys)1000BC - 500BC
• Austrond Civilisation800BC - 300BC
• Darrsyan Empire305BC - 340AD
Medieval & Colonial Times340 - 1745
• Vinn ImmigrationXIII Century
• Bergensen Norskers RaidsXIV - XV Centuries
• Monolitzh Empire1421
• Colonial Period1745 - 1815
Post-ColonialAfter 1815
• Golden Era1815 - 1921
• Industrial Revolution
• Red Star (Communist Period)1921 - 1978
• Current TimesAfter 1978


Prehistory & Antehom Age 2000BC-340AD


The early remains of ancient Kofuku go back until the year 2000BC. The population was formed by tribes of hunters and gatherers. It is believed that these lands could hold humans many years before but there are no evidences of this.

In the 2000BC the main tribes such as the May-Kuru, the Asontes, or the Merynenses, were settled mainly on the fertile valleys and coasts.

Greeko Kingdom 1000BC-500BC

Approximately on the year 1000BC it is known that a branch of the May-Kuru tribe, called Mekunos, started taming animals and using them for the agricultural hard work. The Mekuno people formed the Greeko Kingdom with capital in Amekumys (Later called Anecumis) The Greeko Kingdom started growing their influence to the rest of the tribes and soon small kingdoms were formed all across the area of current Kofuku.

The Greeko Kingdom formed colonial cities across Kofuku. From 900BC to 600BC it also built a large network of roads connecting the main cities of Kofuku.

The rest of territory that wasn’t under Greeko Dominance was formed by city-states. Mainly administered by the inhabitants in a communitarian way. This is the idea that inspired the current system used in the administration of Kofuku municipalities.

Austrond Civilisation 800BC-300BC

At the same time in northern Kofuku we find the Austrond Civilisation. The ancestors of the Bergensen Norskers Civilisation. Those were aggressive city-states with constant conflicts. The main city of this civilisation was Nykilnø.

Around the year 500BC the concept of imperialism appears in Kofuku. Many empires emerged on the following years. The first one was the Narfysk Empire that occupied all the valley in which it emerged.

Darrsyan Empire 305BC-340AD

The most powerful empire was the Darrsyan Empire that emerged on Metrocolis at the year 305BC.

Emperor Sejve

The Emperor Sejve started the empire with a massive conquest campaign. After ten years he was able to unify the whole Kofuku under his empire. He died murdered on the year 294BC. After dying, his corpse was moved from Brendan to a hill by the Andel River (currently Andelimouth) where he currently rests in his mausoleum. Because of the leader’s death, the empire stopped expanding. The Darrsyan Empire continued existing until its colapse on the year 340AD.

The empire also managed to make infrastructure and commerce across its territory. The Antehom Age ends with the collapse of the Darrsyan Empire.

Medieval Times 340-1745

Vinn area immigration (XIII Century)

Bergensen Norskers

Monolitzh Empire

Maximum expansion of the Monolitzh Empire
  • 1420 The crown of Anecumis declares war to Serwak
  • 1421 Revolution against the crown of Anecumis. Monolitzh Kingdom is formed
  • Norok of Holvo turns the Monolitzh Kingdom into an empire and starts expansion campaigns in 1425
  • 1430 Monolitzh Empire conquers Metrocolis
  • 1437 The Monolitzh Empire reaches its maximum size
  • 1451 The First Harda War starts. Monolithz looses territories in Northern Harda

Colonial Period 1745-1815

Origins of the Colony

Colonial flag of Kofuku

Before the Empire of Ingrea turned Kofuku into a colony, the territory had suffered several years of very bad harvests. The population was in a famine and Ingrea took the chance of acquiring the control over Kofuku.

Diplomats of Ingrea promised to supply the country of food brought by their other colonies. The regions of the north accepted, and seeing that they kept the promise, the rest of regions also joined. In the 5th of March of 1745 the last region (Nordoska) agreed and a new Ingerish colony starts under the official name of “Royal Overseas Region of Kofuku”.

The Ingerish Empire wanted to rapidly integrate the culture and language. They were successful on integrating the language which is currently the most used in Kofuku. Still, the Kofuku culture did resisted. Although it also took parts of Ingerish and Ulethan culture.

Ingerish Immigration

San Juan de Castellán -1772- Nordhardia War

Castellán also formed part of the process of colonisation. Tárrases was a colony of Castellán already. Ingrea had more colonies around and managed to block the passing of castellanese boats through the Nordhardian Sea, the sea north of the Harda Archipelago.

Castellán, being surrounded, was forced to answer and started the Nordhardian War. In this war Ingrea lost the block to Castellán but managed to keep all their colonies under their rule. Castellán was able to only conquer a really small island on the Kofuken coast which they named San Juan de Castellán. Castellán didn’t used it as a colony but as one more piece of the mainland territory of the colonial power. The island was used as a resting point and supply port between Tarrases and the rest of the Castellanese empire.

Independence Revolution 1814-1815

Mark Yado, Leader of the Kofuken Revolution (Painting of 1845)

In 1813 the Ingerish Empire started a campaign of more strict governance in the colony. Increasing taxes, erasing all independent organisations, and banning the Darrsyan language. These restrictions created a wave of anger across the population. Enforcing them with a brutal use of violence by the government. The idea of revolution started growing popularity until 1814 when the revolution took place. Ingerish-loyal settlers were persecuted and the main governors hanged.

The revolution was trigged by the manifesto of Mark Yado, a son of Huaxia immigrants. He is considered along with Sejve Emperor as the founding fathers of Kofuku. Mark Yado created a committee in the main cities of the colony from where the revolution was managed.

The Ingerish Empire sent in 1815 10000 soldiers to the shores of Kofuku. In response, the Castellanese Empire aided the young nation by providing strong naval force. On the 20th of February the Ingerish ships arrived to the Firefly beach, just 4 kilometres east of Bako-Huz (at the time). The Castellanese fleet was hidden on the South Sunday natural port. As the enemy ships started unloading the soldiers and cannons, the Castellanese navy arrived to the site and started bombing the Ingerish ships from the sea. They were trapped and quickly defeated by sea. By having lost the navy, it was just a matter of time from the on-shore soldiers to surrender to the scarce Kofuken army.

Golden Era 1815-1921

Cathedral of Bako-Huz and the Huzmont on the background

This time era is commonly referred to as the Golden Age of Kofuku. On this time the previous colony was transformed in a short amount of time. Following the main Uletha powers, such as Kalm, Ingrea, Castellan, and Suria. The royal house of "The Vinnen" had the control of the nation, making it a kingdom until the year 1921. On this year, a communist revolution on the main cities of the nation forced the royal house to flee towards northern Harda.

This era left an architectural Gothic Revival legacy as well as a rapid increase of population following the arrival of the Industrial Revolution.

Red Star (Communist Period) 1921-1978

Around the 1910s, a new political and social ideology called "Narfism" started taking power over the kofuken worker's population. This ideology brought back the values of the pre-colonial times, against the curren uletha-based culture. The new values included the revive of the native Darrsyan language, the social life in communities, and a decentralised political system.

The Narfism ideology took advantage of the communism waves across Uletha to bring a revolution to Kofuku. In 1921 the kingdom was overthrown in peaceful ways by storming the palaces with revolutionary armies led by communist leaders. The royal family fled to northern Harda and the army proclaimed a new governance called the "Red Star". Each region proclaimed self-governance and allied with the other regions for a common army against external threats.

Under this period, most of Kofuken base-infrastructure was built, along with quickly surging industries. Most cities saw a quick growth in population, by the rural-to-cities migrations. Being Bako-Huz the capital of the old colony and kingdom, in 1930 the Darrsya Region government decided to develop Metrocolis as the new capital city for Kofuku. The city where the Darrsyan language and empire started. Considered as well as the funding city of Kofuku. It was planned following the Architectural Modernism and CIAM values (just as many other communist nations such as Suria or Banuvia). In 1978 Bako-Huz was again established as capital city.

In 1964 all these independent regions founded an alliance with other Antarephian nations for military and economical support. Giving birth to the Antarephian Coalition.

Current Times 1978-now

In the 1970s the nation saw a slow progress into a more centralised government. In which instead of independent regions with a common army, the country of Kofuku would again be stablished as a whole. Keeping federalism as the new in-between type of government. The "Unification Committee" was established by support of most regions. This Committee made arrangements with all regions until in 1978 the new federal type of government saw the light. Having the first national elections in 1979.


Embassies and International Relations

Country Embassy of the country in Kofuku Embassy of Kofuku in the country Consulate of the country in Kofuku Consulate of Kofuku in the country
Aden New Flag.png Aden 1 Black Street, Antykonet, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz 40 Kofuko Street, Kofuko, ElBalad AM-C1
Allandea 3 Rock Basilica Square, La Ronda & Forrs, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz 56 Calle Lachaquavúje, Embajadores, Catamia
Anrovia Philip J Bogue Drive, Anrovia City
Flag of Ardencia.svg Ardencia 1 Lehero Street, Antykonet, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz
Arténie drapeau.png Artenia 17 Bakozia Street, Old Bako, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz Ãtaréfi Sindã, 3ië-1 Baia Ãtènwã Ôfèfièli Trãwlè, Arténie-Ville
Bandera CAZ.png Azure Coast 6 Nanda Street, Opera, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz 3º Complejo Kofuku, Avenida República Norte, Tarjón
BNV flag.png Banuvia 33 Nyborn Street, Outbako 01023, Bako-Huz 75 Hridikova Street, Šarengrad
Bandiera na Barzona.png Barzona 24 Apronda Street, Zahino, Sentrum 01016, Bako-Huz Carrier Serra-Grana, nal Cuartel na Policia 2 cuadras sud, Col. Diana, Carante
Bromley Flag Update August 2021.png Bromley 13 Embassies Dome, Old Huz, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz
Castellán 10 Hailustres Street, La Ronda & Forrs, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz
Commonwealth of Central Archanta 19 Embassies Avenue, Old Huz, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz 132 Mbazwazan Parkway, Bambusho
Flag of the FSA.svg Federal States 11 Rhodes of Fer Way, La Ronda & Forrs, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz 42 Culin Alley, Huntington CD
FreedemianFlag.png Freedemia 6 Sandew Way, Ulethaby, Sentrum 01016, Bako-Huz 100 7th Avenue, Quentinsburgh
UL14b flag.png Geklinia-Dregolesia 12 Nyoĥedes Way, Old Huz, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz 27 Kofukenjska Street, Dobranka
GobrassanyaFlag01.png Gobrassanya 2 Arrowic Close, Downtown (Ward 16), Cobras City
Grisean-Thirranic Commonwealth 5 Embassies Avenue, La Ronda & Forrs, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz Ronda de Poseidón S/N, San Juan de Castellán 1 Castexana Avenue, Aragansa
Flag of Huaxia.svg Huaxia 36 Vepana Way, Huaxiatown, Kazkachay 01013, Bako-Huz
Ingrea 21 West Wing Square, Old Huz, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz
Izaland flag.png Izaland 11 Island Street, Old Andelimouth, Andelimouth 01012, Bako-Huz 2 Rosemane Shinlunka, Rose Tower, Churi Lan, Saindaul
Joriskjo 80 Camas Street, Alyna, Sentrum 01016, Bako-Huz South Katàiriskjo Square, Joratumo-Luusanjo
Flag of Kalisanjo.png Kalisänjo 9 Bakozia Street, La Ronda & Forrs, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz
Kalm 23 Roro Street, Antykonet, Antykonet 01012, Bako-Huz
Khaiwoon flag.png Khaiwoon 5 New Embassy Lane, Diplomatic Quarter, Khaiwoon
Khalkheti Diplomatic Quarter, Kvanetis
Kojo flag ddtuga.png Kojo https://opengeofiction.net/node/352716950 https://opengeofiction.net/relation/422419
Flag of Kwelede-peir.png Kwelede-peir https://opengeofiction.net/way/21082455 https://opengeofiction.net/way/24050674
Flag Lany.png Łany https://opengeofiction.net/way/24051351
Ellarca flag.png Larcetany https://opengeofiction.net/node/353174568
LayrFlag.svg Layr https://opengeofiction.net/way/24049970 https://opengeofiction.net/relation/264694 https://opengeofiction.net/relation/264715
Flag-le.png Leresso https://opengeofiction.net/node/209705796
Lutang https://opengeofiction.net/relation/386719
Mallyorianflag.png Mallyore https://opengeofiction.net/node/209705794
MauretiaFlag-new.svg Mauretia https://opengeofiction.net/way/26558098
Mazan Flag.png Mazan https://opengeofiction.net/relation/219166 https://opengeofiction.net/relation/230959
Nahele https://opengeofiction.net/way/21082413
Civil flag of Navenna.svg Navenna https://opengeofiction.net/node/243680778
Ohemian Imperial Flag Large.png Ohemia https://opengeofiction.net/way/22318020
FlagQennes.png Qennes https://opengeofiction.net/node/209705771 https://opengeofiction.net/node/210526444
Ruoguovvás https://opengeofiction.net/node/294032735
Flag-se.png Semanya https://opengeofiction.net/node/209705795
Sulro https://opengeofiction.net/way/21082922 https://opengeofiction.net/way/13620880
Suya Ahn https://opengeofiction.net/relation/137424
Taranrii https://opengeofiction.net/node/209705772
Tempeira Flag.png Tempeira https://opengeofiction.net/relation/218973
Ullanyé https://opengeofiction.net/way/21084490 https://opengeofiction.net/node/114125508
TA113d https://opengeofiction.net/relation/270392
Esthyra/Euoia https://opengeofiction.net/way/21099818


Government icon (black).svg
Government of Kofuku
Head of state
• ChancellorEnryk Martynjo of Ter
• Regional Representatives3 for each region (30 total)
• Upper houseNational Senate
• Lower housePeople's Palace
JudiciaryNational Supreme Court
FederationThe Federation is divided into 10 States which directly control the Federal Parliament
Major political parties
Banned in Kofuku

Government Data - The Noun Project.svg
Administrative divisions of Kofuku Federation

Regions of Kofuku


Flag Region Capital Kommunes Land area Km² Population Population density hab/Km²
Darrsya Metrocolis 14 403 2 363 560 164
Rayssak Bako-Huz Bako-Huz, Leysenkliflands, Sunlands, Bergensenlands, Kazatxoklands, Øyselands, Ørenlands, R1 6 827 1 830 400 268